It was added on 17 June 2016.
Warning: Display title "BTS | Telos – upcoming new boss" overrides earlier display title "BTS - Telos – upcoming new boss".
The mods of The Watch have been hard at work crafting a boss battle of considerable magnitude. Join Mod Ollie and Mod Ramen and find out all about Telos in this week's behind the scenes video!
In this week's podcast, the Lore corner regulars discuss Sliske, Mod Rowley goes through his favourite RuneScape music, and the Player Support team take us behind the scenes to show us what they do and who the Leads and Curators are - enjoy!
Listen now on YouTube, PodBean or iTunes.
Our mods recently gathered to give us an early look at the upcoming Mining & Smithing rework. Check it out, if you missed it.
Have a nice weekend!
The RuneScape Team