It was added on 17 July 2015.
Mod Luna's back to talk about July's finest RuneLabs offerings, and to get some of our JMods' ideas for questions to answer in a medium-sized quest.
Head over to RuneLabs to submit your ideas or support your favourites, and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with our official RuneScape videos.
Podcast – A Trip to Mazcab
Mod Deg and Mod Avatar join Mod Matthe on an auditory jaunt to Mazcab, as this week's podcast focuses on the new world and all the awesome things you can do there – exploring Nemi Forest, becoming a champion for the surviving goebies, and – of course – embarking on ten-player Raids.
Listen now on YouTube, or head over to PodBean or iTunes to grab the podcast.
Players' Gallery
Having recently announced the winners of the Nature's Takeover competition, Mod Neena's just kicked off the 53rd Players' Gallery competition: The Goebie Planet.
If you're not familiar with the Players' Gallery, it's a regular art competition where we ask the RuneScape community's talented artists to submit work based on a theme, for prizes such as signed concept art, Bonds and RuneCoins.
For inspiration, details of how to enter, or just a chat with some like-minded art lovers, head over to the Players' Gallery forum thread.
Developer Q&A Recap
Mods Pi, Avatar, Kelpie and Stu answer your questions in this week's recap video.
Covering Raids feedback, general questions and a cheeky Runecrafting-related tease, there's plenty here to pique your interest if you missed the stream earlier this week.
Have Fun!
There's a lot to take in this weekend as you blaze a trail in Mazcab. Enjoy, and we'll see you on Monday for the next RuneScape update!
The RuneScape Team