It was added on 21 March 2011.
As we move on to our third week of the Clan Celebration Month, our the focus within the community turns from questing and help clans to combat and activity clans!
The aim of this week is to introduce you to a wide variety of combat, activity and combat-orientated community clans. They range from the fearsome player-killing clans who roam the Wilderness, to boss hunting clans taking on mighty monsters, to slaying groups to Soul Wars groups. If you enjoy a bit of combat, melee, magic or ranged, then there will be a clan here for you. We have a number of events that will allow you to experience what it would be like to be in one some of these clans:
- Group Slaying – a number of our experienced Slayer groups such as 'The Slayer’s Guild' will be on hand to do a bit of friendly slaying.
- 'Test your strength!' – we want to see your max hits in the free for all Clan Wars Arena! The top max hits will make it into our Hall of Fame.
- Activities Weekend – we’ll be taking a look at all of the engaging Activities that RuneScape offers, such as Soul Wars, Pest Control and Stealing Creation.
To find out when all of this is happening, be sure to check out the Clan Celebration Month events thread. We also have the results from the Bonus XP Challenges, so be sure to see where you rank!
On offer this week too is our next Clan Submissions Blog which goes into detail about some of our own experiences with RuneScape clans, what it means to be part of the clan community and an interview! We’re always looking to make the blog bigger and better so make sure you let us know what you think on this thread.
Mod Timbo and Mod Kathy
Community Management