It was added on 16 December 2008.
The festive season is upon us, and to celebrate we’re presenting you with the result of your Guaranteed Content Christmas poll, in the form of this years’ Christmas event. We’ve also got an appropriately wintery quest for you in Myths of the White Lands. We hope you have lots of fun, and enjoy your Christmas adventures!
Merry Christmas!
A number of slippery ice patches have been spotted in Gielinor, and there is growing concern that someone, or something, is trying to ruin everybody’s Christmas. With so much ice around, the safety of the inhabitants of RuneScape is at stake, and as if that wasn’t enough, disappointed children have been reporting a lack of presents in their stockings! According to imp emissaries from the Land of Snow, the problem originated in their homeland…those of you who remember the result of your Guaranteed Content Christmas poll may have an idea of what lies at the centre of the mystery!
Meanwhile, in Lumbridge, Explorer Jack has heard tales from a chatty snow imp of mythical riches in the Land of Snow. Of course, he leaves the adventuring to younger explorers these days, but he could be talked into rewarding someone willing to fetch these riches for him. In Myths of the White Lands, you will discover what lies at the heart of snow imp lore, and the creatures that accompany it. You will need ingenuity, skill and quick reflexes to succeed in this particularly puzzling quest, which more experienced players may find contains a few extra rewards.
Myths of the White Lands will be available to all players for two weeks, after which it will be available only to members. The Christmas event will be available to all players for two weeks only.
This is the first quest (and event) I have written, and it’s exciting to finally have something I made released. I really hope that you like them both, and that you have at least as much fun playing them as I had writing them. Merry Christmas, everybody!
Mod Maylea
RuneScape Content Developer
Where to start the Christmas event
Speak to one of the snow imps north of Lumbridge, Rimmington or Falador Where to start Myths of the White Lands Talk to Explorer Jack in Lumbridge |
In other news...
We've made several changes and additions to the QuickChat system. There are now extra options and phrases for various activities, from boss fights to minigames, some general chit-chat, and much more!
To help you keep track of your membership and manage your subscription, we've added a feature called Credit Card Expiry Notification. From now on, if your credit card is about to expire while you have active membership, we'll notify you with an advance reminder. Additionally, those of you on a lower subscription price will be given useful information regarding the grace period, so you don’t accidentally let your subscription lapse!
The necklace of minigames and ring of duelling have undergone a bit of fine-tuning, which should make your life a little easier. These items now take less time to use, which will speed up your everyday adventuring.
The Balance Elemental has become wise to your tricks, and will now fight as originally intended, varying his attack styles with your prayers. Make sure you're fully prepared before you attempt to engage this foe.
Because of the large selection of items Diango can look after, there's now a quick right-click option for retrieving your lost holiday items. You can speak to him in the Draynor marketplace.