It was added on 23 February 2011.
We recently celebrated Clanentine's week and after perusing the 'lonely hearts' ads for some time we have now selected the winners of the ad competition!
The idea behind the competition was to help players who were looking for a clan to join, or clans who were seeking new members. They were asked to create ‘lonely hearts’ style adverts to seek that perfect clan match whether a slayer, skiller, hybrid, pure, tank, clan, or whatever else fitted the bill! The entries had to be creative, fun and original – the key things that would help them find their perfect match!
So, without further ado, the winners are:
- 1st Place: Soulskryr
- 2nd Place: Dr Nick 51
- 3rd Place: Lo u i s e
Here's Soulskryr's winning entry in all its glory:
“If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain... Wait... let me try that again. If you're a pirate that loves killin' and skillin' then come get shanghai'd by the Corsairs of Sangeunesti. We be the lootiest, bootiest crew that ever floated your boat. You'll be blown away by the adventure seeking, quest lovin' roster of maties. So shiver your timbers and shake a leg to Mos le Harmless, our port o' call and look us up fer an adventure you'll never ferget... no matter how hard you try.”
To read all of the winning entries, go here.
Mod Kathy and Mod Timbo
Clan Support