It was added on 25 September 2015.
Warning: Display title "Double XP Weekend | Now Live!" overrides earlier display title "Double XP Weekend - Now Live!". Double XP Weekend has begun!
From now until 12:00 UTC (game time) on Monday 28th September, XP gains from the majority of training methods are doubled for RuneScape members! Free players don't miss out, either, with +20% XP.
Please note that Double XP Weekend does not give any boosts to Ironman accounts.
Chalking up some levels always feels great, and there's nothing better than getting stuck in alongside the whole RuneScape community for a big, noisy weekend filled with level-up fireworks.
Get involved and have a great time. Be sure to use your Treasure Hunter Keys, too: Time to Train's in full swing, and it's jam-packed with XP boosting goodies.
Have fun – see you in-game! Any questions? Take a look at the FAQ.
The RuneScape Team