It was added on 3 April 2012.
As soon as this year’s Easter update was confirmed, the arguments began - Will it be the Evil Chicken or the Chocatrice who reigns supreme this Easter? The debate escalated pretty quickly and as a result, two J-Mods have bet their dignity on the outcome.
Mod Sabre is a big fan of the Evil Chicken and is sure that, come the end of Easter, the Chocatrice will be the NPC with the most egg on its face. Meanwhile, Paul M strongly believes that, after years of poultry-based abuse, the Evil Chicken has it coming, and ultimately the Chocatrice will be crowned King of Easter. Who wins? You decide!
Whatever happens, one thing is sure: one of these J-mods will face the humiliating forfeit of spending a full 24hrs in Mod Sammy’s bunny suit. Fortunately, thanks to the magic of video, it won’t just be shop assistants, fellow J-mods and, inevitably, the local traffic police who get to witness this tragic sight of a grown man in a smelly 3rd hand rabbit suit - we’ll film it all for your viewing pleasure too!
Voting takes place the old-fashioned way: by hunting down Easter eggs, pointing your Eggsterminator and food-processing chicks in the name of your chosen candidate. The NPC with the most support wins. Simple.
On Monday April 16, we’ll do the maths and bring you the results as we check support all across RuneScape. Meanwhile, both J-Mods will be campaigning for your support and have created Campaign HQ threads to try and tempt you to their camp. Mod Sabre’s poultry effort is here, while Paul M’s steamroller of a campaign starts here!
Mod Jane
Chocatrice Campaign Manager