It was added on 15 November 2012.
With the launch the Evolution of Combat, every one of you signed up to the Members' Loyalty Programme will enjoy a fortnight-long sale at Xuan's Loyalty Shop. You'll enjoy a hefty 25% loyalty point discount on all auras, and a massive 50% off everything else, including costumes, titles, emotes re-colours for popular items, and more!
If you're a member, you're immediately eligible to sign up for the Members' Loyalty Programme. All you need to do is speak to Xuan[help] in-game - found in Varrock market square and north-east Burthorpe. Once you've done so, you'll get a helping of loyalty points to spend in the store for each month that you're a member, which increases the longer you've been a member. You'll also be kept informed of updates to the Loyalty Shop, including future special offers.
Combat-oriented Loyalty Programme auras are being overhauled for the Evolution of Combat, and will be all the more amazing once it launches - not to mention easier than ever to get your hands on, with the 25% discount. Here are a few of the best to whet your appetite:
- Inspiration: This will add extra adrenaline with every hit - great for opening up those ultimate abilities all the quicker, particularly with a fast-striking weapon.
- Invigorate: This aura will retain a chunk of the adrenaline you'd usually use when firing off an ultimate ability, so you'll be ready to break another out all the sooner.
- Vampyrism: This fang-tastic favourite really comes into its own with the Evolution of Combat. It returns life points equivalent to 5% of the damage you deal, and the new EoC abilities mean that a skilled player can push DPS - and the healing from this aura - to lofty new heights.
These are just some of the awesome auras available from the Loyalty Shop. Take a look here[help] for full details.
On top of this, everything else in the shop is a mere 50% of the cost it would normally be. There's never been a better time to grab a flamin' fabulous 'blazing gaze' effect that'll burn your face into your enemies' minds, or a ferocious Werewolf Transformation emote. These, and a wide range of other rewards, are all available to those signed up for the Members' Loyalty Programme.
Whether you're just signing up now, or have been saving up your loyalty points for a spending spree, don't miss out on the Evolution of Combat Loyalty Shop Sale when it starts in just five days' time!
The RuneScape Team
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