It was added on 28 March 2011.
We now move into our final week of the Clan Celebration Month, our focus turning from combat and Activity clans to a more general recruitment and training week. It’s the year of clans, as announced last week, so get prepared!
The aim of this week is to help those players thinking about joining a clan, creating a clan or new clan leaders and their quest to lead the best quest RuneScape has ever seen. There is something for everyone, even if you’ve led a clan for a number of years – you can help, give advice or simply show support for the new blood in the community. We’ll be holding a number of different initiatives to get the week going, such as:
- Clan Leader Workshops – Ever wanted help or advice on the difficult issues leading your clan? Unsure about certain things or looking for the tips and tricks from those who have been there? Check out our Clan Leader Workshops run by our experienced clan leaders.
- “My best memory of being in a clan was...” – Celebrating everyone’s experiences in their clan. Whether it be a crowning achievement or just karaoke on voice chat, let us know and we’ll put the best up on the thread and our social networking sites.
- Clan Q&As – We’ll be holding a few Q&A sessions with both the J-Mods behind the Celebration Month and the clan leaders to talk about their clans and experiences.
Not to be forgotten is our Closing Party on Sunday 3rd April where we’ll be having a massive parade, cabbage bombing and a massive drop party sponsored by RuneScape Skillers. Just like the clan community, we don’t do anything by halves. To find out all of the times of our events and more information on the closing party, head to our events thread.
Mod Timbo & Mod Kathy
Community Management