It was added on 14 June 2010.
The free players who have joined our forums since we reduced the posting requirements (to total level 1000 or 5 million XP) have added a great deal of flavour to the community. As such, we want to further increase the number of free players who can post on the forums, so we’ve reduced the requirement once more to allow anyone with a total level of at least 500 to post in all shared forums, as well as in the Everyone Community group!
The forums offer a wealth of information and, in our experience, they’re one of the best places to get your RuneScape questions answered. They’re also the ideal place to find engaging debates, let us know what you think about the game, send us suggestions for new content, find like-minded players for multiplayer activities, or even just to buy and sell rare items.
You can get to the official RuneScape forums by clicking the ‘Forums’ link from the ‘Community’ tab across the top of our main site. If you are a first-time forum user, it’s a good idea to have a read of the ‘Code of Conduct’ – the link is right at the top of the forums and is a useful guide on how to post, among other things. More details on how to use the forums can be found on the Knowledge Base here[help].
See you on the forums!
Mod Kelvin
Head of Community Management
RuneScape Wiki note: The links no longer work.