It was added on 9 August 2010.
Ladies and gentlemen, knights and dames, we are proud to announce the 1st International Castle Wars Tournament! Sixteen communities from all over the world are invited to take part in this epic tournament, which kicks off this Saturday 14th August. There will be 32 battles, but only one team will reign supreme.
If you belong to one of the following communities, stand for your country and fight for its glory: Danish; Dutch; Finnish; French; German; Norwegian; Polish, Portuguese/Brazilian-speaking countries; Spanish; Swedish; or, being officially represented for the first time, Lithuanian.
If English is your main language, you can join the Australian, British/Irish, USA or Canadian community. And, if your own country is not represented by any of those mentioned above, you are more than welcome to join the Global Stars, a team that gathers together the best knights from the rest of the world.
The tournament is based on Castle Wars[help] and the rules could not be simpler: the team that captures the most flags wins! For more details on how the tournament will work, read the respective forums below:
- Dutch
- English
- Finnish
- French (FR forum)
- German (DE forum)
- Polish
- Portuguese/Brazilian (PT/BR forum)
- Scandinavian
- Spanish
Mod Karolina
Community Management
RuneScape Wiki note: The links no longer work.