It was added on 20 May 2011.
From Sunday 22nd to Monday 23rd May the RuneScape Community team are celebrating World Turtle Day, a day to acknowledge our reptilian buddies.
The purpose of World Turtle Day (23rd May) is to bring attention to and increase knowledge of and respect for turtles and tortoises and encourage human action to help them survive and thrive.
To celebrate World Turtle Day we’ve got a little bit of something for all members. For the combat-focused we’ll be helping the turtles win their age old feud with the Gnome Battle Tortoises by defeating as many of them as we can.
For the social types we’ve got a Summoning challenge: to cover Varrock square in as many summoned tortoises as possible!
Finally, for those who like their skills and activities, we’ll be liberating sea turtles from fishermen’s nets in some bouts of the Fishing Trawler activity!
If events aren’t your thing then you may be interested to know that we’ve got loads of turtle-related joy on our Facebook Page, including your chance to help name a sponsored turtle!
So, come out of your shell and head on over to our World Turtle Day forum thread and get ready for the weekend!
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