It was added on 28 June 2011.
Once you sign up to the programme, you will be awarded Loyalty Points for every month that you subscribe. There are some great discounts available for a limited time after the programme’s release, so sign up now to get your hands on some new items immediately!
The number of points received per month will increase, depending on how many consecutive months of membership you have had without a break. Further details of how this will work can be found in the Loyalty Programme FAQ.
The points can be exchanged with the intrepid merchant Xuan, who has set up shop at Burthorpe to sell his fine wares.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the high number of people trying to join the programme at the moment you may experience problems when trying to sign-up. If this happens to you please be patient and try again later. This is caused by the sheer volume of registrations taking place at the same time. We would also like to reassure you that the discounted items are going to continue to be available for the time being.
The first of the new rewards are the auras, which can be equipped in an all-new equipment slot to provide a variety of effects: some are powerful; some are practical; some are simply preposterous. Ever had a fierce beast backed into a corner and wanted to guarantee that elusive killing blow? How about ensuring sure footing on agility obstacles? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to be able to turn your cannonballs into squid and unleash a cephalopod onslaught from your dwarf cannon. All of these, and more, can be achieved by equipping the necessary aura. The cooldown periods of these auras continue to elapse while you’re logged out, so you can rely on your favourite aura being available at the most opportune time. They look pretty cool, too!
Other rewards include new costumes; a range of exotic outfits brought to you from faraway lands. There are new emotes to be learned: everything from a robust, hearty handshake to scorching, flaming breath. Members will also be able to purchase the option to re-colour their Robin Hood hat and pet rock in a variety of hues. Finally, an entirely new option to purchase in-game titles will be available. These appear in chat and when your character is clicked on in-game. Whether you’re a Crusader, an Overlord or even a Duderino, there’s a title for every situation.
These new items are untradeable, but should you lose any item previously acquired from Xuan’s store, you can obtain a replacement by simply speaking to its resourceful proprietor.
For full details on how to start enjoying the Loyalty Programme, visit the Loyalty Programme Page right away!
Remember: for a limited time following the release, the following discounts will be available. Sign up right away to take full advantage of these!
All auras, with the exception of Jack of Trades, are 400 LP.
- Catfight – 100 LP
- Talk to the hand – 400 LP
- Shake hands – 400 LP
- High five - 400 LP
- Dervish – 100 LP
- Eastern – 400 LP
- Saxon – 400 LP
- Samba - 400 LP
- Pet rock – 100 LP
- Robin Hood hat – 400 LP
- Sir/Dame – 100 LP
- Lord/Lady – 400 LP
- Duderino/Dudette – 400 LP
- Lionheart - 400 LP
Mod Nancy & Mod Chris L---- RuneScape Wiki note: The links no longer work.