It was added on 2 November 2003.
With respect to the Halloween drop. Unfortunately it seems a lot of people were upset they didn't manage to get a Scythe.
In particular the fact that we all live in England means unfortunately people in Western US are asleep whilst we are in the office, and able to login to the game to drop items.
This is supposed to be a bit of fun. Something to enjoy, not something to get upset about! Therefore I'm going to try to cheer you by doing a more US friendly drop of Scythes this evening. I'm not going to stay up all night to do it, because I have to sleep, but instead I'll do 4 drops at specific times.
I will be dropping Scythes at:
Sunday 4pm (Eastern US Time)
Sunday 5pm (Eastern US Time)
Sunday 6pm (Eastern US Time)
Sunday 7pm (Eastern US Time)
and then I'll be going to sleep! :-)
No doubt some people will complain that I am doing this too. It's impossible to keep everybody simultaneously happy all the time, but I'll do my best.