It was added on 17 October 2005.
Arianwyn waits patiently for your return with information on the increased Mourner activity in West Ardougne, and as the pieces finally fall into place, the magnitude of the situation becomes all too clear. An ancient lock has fallen apart, and it is up to you to make sure that the secrets it protects remain just that, a secret.
Huge rewards wait for those of you who feel up to the challenge, but progress will be tough. The temple has stood for generations and will not be easily conquered. Players are advised that this is without doubt the most difficult of all the puzzles in the game, and we expect that only a few will be able to complete it in the first few days of release. We hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed creating it.
Remember, in this quest, victory is for those who are up to the challenge, not for those who seek others to solve the mystery for them without trying first!
Use all your wits and guile in Mourning's Ends Pt II[help].