It was added on 7 March 2011.
The latest in the series of Clan Update Development Blogs is here, ready for your reading pleasure and full of tantalising info nuggets on what’s going into the forthcoming update. Whether you’re a clan leader, clan-curious or just plain interested to know what goes into creating a RuneScape update, this blog is for you.
A recent clan Dev Blog focused on clan logos. Around that time, we launched the Clan Logo Competition and asked you to send us your ideas. The best entries we received would then be turned from concept to reality by RuneScape artists from our Graphics team.
As ever, the creativity and ideas we saw in the competition were outstanding and thanks to the sheer volume of entries, the Clan Logo Competition was one of the most popular and hardest to judge competitions we’ve run to date. Our graphical gurus spent hours trying to pick just five concepts to turn into fully fledged logos, but eventually they all agreed and so without further ado, it’s time to announce the winners!
A massive congratulations go to Zylathar, Swat_Master0, Flamenight99, Germs22 and Montanacolor for some wonderful concept ideas. They each receive signed and framed prints of their concepts along with a goody bag filled with great RuneScape stuff. Here are those winning concepts:
Tomorrow we’ll bring you news of even more excitement in the clan world as Timbo and Kat announce four weeks of celebrations, tournaments and competitions. With the help of Runescape’s clan community, they’ll introduce clans to newcomers, guide tomorrow’s clan leaders to success and each weekend, hold events celebrating the huge variety of clans that make up RuneScape’s clan community. More on that tomorrow!
RuneScape Community Management