This official news post is copied verbatim from the RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
It was added on 26 September 2005.
It was added on 26 September 2005.
Following our initial free-world update of 22nd February this year (Lumbridge and Draynor), this week the area of Port Sarim and Rimmington has also been enhanced. Feel free to wander down to the new-look Docks, where you'll also find a new and improved jail. If you want some combat action then Melzar's Maze has also had a lick of paint, as has the Crafting Guild and Make-over Mage's house. Adventurers should also be on the look-out for some new Elemental Magi that are wandering outside the Falador city walls.
The Graphics team is currently working on the next phase of this improvement to the Free Area, which will include an overhaul to Draynor Manor, Falador and the Barbarian Outpost.