It was added on 20 August 2018.
What time is it? Summertime!
This past weekend brought the long awaited Minigames Weekend for all of you completionists out there; now that you're stocked up on Castle Wars tickets and with the Summer Weekends concluded, we have a plentiful batch of fixes from the elusive Ninja Team to cheer you up!
How many ninjas does it take to change a light orb in Dorgesh-Kaan?
... Wait a minute, where did that light orb come from?
Anyway, here's some highlights of what you can expect this week:
- The Ancient elven ritual shard has been added to Solak's drop table, with a drop rate of 1/1000. We've also added a few news broadcasts for items from the Lost Grove.
- Summoning will now visibly display as 990 and the Summoning stat will not be drained when using Summoning Pouches.
- Teleporting with chests and through doors in Elite Dungeons no longer require you to be out of combat.
- Dungeoneers will no longer have to wait for skeletons to finish dying before progressing when facing the Divine Skinweaver boss in the Abandoned Floors.
- And of course, the most important patch of the week: The Thieving Skillcape Perk now correctly notes triangle sandwiches. So go stock up on your sandwiches and find a nice spot to have a picnic!
To read all the patches in full detail, click here.
Just north of the Combat Academy in Lumbridge you'll find the self-proclaimed King of Fashion Capes - Joey. Apparently he's the reigning champion of the "Gielinor Cape Designs of the Year Award" for the past four years, but we're not sure if we believe him!
From now until 23:59 UTC on the 2nd September, you will be able to find "Tokens of Might" and "Tokens of Talent" along your journeys. You can earn "Tokens of Might" from gaining experience in your Combat stats, while "Tokens of Talent" are gained from skilling.
All you need to do is hand in 5000 of the currency to unlock the respective "Cloak of Might" and "Cloak of Talent" - when you've handed in 5000 of each token, you will be able to unlock the elusive "Cloak of Proficiency."
If you fancy speeding things up, or you are focusing on something specific, you can spend RuneCoins buying Token Packages from Joey. Giving you a helping hand to get the awesome looking Capes!
We can't wait to see you wear them in game!
With this week, we wave goodbye to the infamous Botany Bay.
After accusing thousands of Clockwork Menaces, the claws of justice have crushed so many bots it was causing irreversible damage to the foundations of the Island - causing it to sink down to the bottom of the ocean; However, before as it was sinking the Botfinder General, decided he had passed enough judgement and decided to retire - while firing all of his Trial Announcers over a nice cup of tea. Pfft, what a charmer!
NOTE: With the removal of Botany Bay, we are still tirelessly removing active bot users. Infact, the (real) reason for its removal is the fact that we have been banning bots much faster than before; this means that they haven't been sent to Botany Bay, as by the time they should be teleported there - they have already been banned! In the past twelve months alone we have removed 6.5 Million botted accounts across both games. While we have been dealing with bots quicker, it was making Botany Bay look empty - which goes against the desired affect. In a recent poll of polls, "decluttering the game world" was voted highly - and this is one step closer to us achieving that.
As Summer is hitting hard and finding a fresh spot is now a matter of survival, we’ve teamed up with Twitch Prime to offer you the perfect opportunity: free membership and exclusive loot!
Until 19th September, Twitch Prime members can redeem a fully packed “Umbral pack“ with a 1-month FREE RuneScape membership and all these items:
- Exclusive Umbral Flame Blade cosmetic weapon override
- Exclusive Umbral Armour cosmetic armour overrides
- Exclusive Umbral Crassian companion pet
- 2 Umbral Chests (guaranteed super-rare prize)
- 15 Treasure Hunter Keys
- 200 RuneCoins
This limited-time offer can be redeemed by new RuneScape players as well as existing members (i.e. the free month stacks up at the end of your recurring membership if you already have one).
What are you waiting for? Hit that link and claim your free loot. And don’t forget that every new Twitch Prime membership comes with a 30-day free trial.
One of the perks of Twitch Prime is also a free subscription to a Twitch streamer every month. So, why not support one of our brilliant content creators? Check who's live now and show your support for them. You can find all the details on how to subscribe to a Twitch channel here.
Do you watch our live streams? It’s a great opportunity to grab a LootScape Loot Chest and get yourself some awesome in-game goodies by watching our live streams every week.
Just connect your RuneScape account to your Twitch account and tune into one of our RuneScape live streams to get some free stuff.
Tune in to our next August streams to receive one random Elite skilling outfit piece! If you receive an already owned one, it’ll be switched for a random drop of either a gp bag or bonus item. And now that The Dragonkin Laboratory is open, we’ve also included a chance to get the DG outfit!
Ironmen aren’t forgotten, they will receive the Deep Sea Fishing emote.
Exciting isn’t it?! So don’t wait up, connect your RS account to your Twitch account and find out more about it here. Once that’s done, have fun and watch the stream for a guaranteed drop!
Each week, we host developers QAs, exclusive in-game first looks and more. And it’s all live on our Twitch channel, join us!
Missed a stream? Don’t worry, we keep them all on our YouTube channel. So be sure to Subscribe to it!
Time to equip your Farmer's hats, this Tuesday our JMods are on the sofas for a full update on the latest developments of the upcoming Player-Owned Farm content – followed by an exclusive gameplay session.
Watch live on Twitch – be sure not to miss it!
LootScape will be enabled, a random unowned Elite skilling outfit piece will be a guaranteed drop.
Join our resident PvM expert with another mass this Sunday, live on Twitch!
LootScape will be enabled, a random unowned Elite skilling outfit piece will be a guaranteed drop.
The Pink Skirts Event team is comprised of PMods hosting community events on a weekly basis. For more information about the Pink Skirts Team, check out this thread. For more details on the events check out this thread. Here’s what’s on the agenda for this week:
Town Square Q&A: Europe
Nex Mass
Shifting Tombs
Kree’arra mass
Vindicta mass
Thursday 23rd August
Gregorovic Mass
Gregorovic Mass
Town Square Q&A: USA
Nex mass
Town Square Q&A: Australia
Gregorovic mass
Kalphite King mass
Town Square Q&A: Europe Kalphite Queen mass Giant mole mass
The RuneScape team