RuneScape Wiki

These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 14 January 2013.


  • An animation has been implemented for adding feathers to bolts and arrows.
  • God Statues interface buttons highlight on mouse over.
  • Equipping a greegree whilst being punched by a monkey guard will no longer disfigure the player.
  • Fixed a stretching issue with Eduard's head in Canifis.
  • The Oracle's neck no longer stretches.
  • Bloom has been removed from the beer glasses during cutscenes in The Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf.
  • Stealing Creation harpoons will no longer look like swords while sheathed.
  • Fixed a minor stretching issue on the rune kiteshield (t).
  • The animation for flying carpets has been tweaked.
  • Fixed a small section of wall kit at Varrock castle.
  • Red and black snelms no longer cause players heads to stretch.
  • Fixed an issue with Lord Daquarius' appearance.
  • The Falador archer guards now draw back their bows correctly.
  • The mithril shield no longer stretches when performing emotes.
  • Made a slight change to the appearance of the zaryte bow while worn sheathed on back to correct differences with the held version.
  • Falador shield emotes can no longer be performed while the shield is sheathed.
  • A D&D map icon has been removed near the Wizards Tower.

Quests, Challenges & Achievements:

  • The Rag and Bone Man wishlist will no longer tell the player that they have received 2 extra Squeal of Fortune spins.
  • All dagganoths encountered during Blood Runs Deep have been updated in line with EoC.
  • Made a tweak to In Aid of the Myreque to allow a certain player to continue the quest after getting stuck due to a server crash.
  • Players can now progress through What's Mine is Yours if they mine more than one rock in the Dwarven Mines.
  • F2P players who lost membership while a pet cat was following them, should no longer have issues getting Ozan to follow them during Stolen Hearts.
  • Players can now complete the achievement Let Fate Decide if they're at a certain point in the tutorial and they already have the baby troll.
  • The task 'Plenty - Potion-Entiary' will now work correction inside the Range Guild.
  • The fountain and the furnace have been made easier to target with spells during Enakhra's Lament.
  • Kolodian is again attackable once he changes form.
  • Char has had an overhaul for Evolution of Combat.

Skills & Minigames:

  • We've fixed a typo in the God Statues chat.
  • Players can now close the God Statue building interface while in Open GL, minimum settings, resizable mode.
  • The Hybrid Armour rewards interface will no longer appear twice for some players.
  • Players hairstyles are no longer altered when entering and leaving a Fremennik Saga.
  • The hint arrow in Impetuous Impulses no longer persists when leaving the game.
  • Hybrid gear will now show stats on the worn equipment interface once a minigame has started.
  • Your allies will no longer continue fighting during the end cutscene of the Three's Company saga.
  • Fixed an issue with the Dungeoneering token rewards for some Fremennik Sagas appearing twice.
  • Walking into certain places during Troll Invasion - Defend the Gatehouse no longer breaks the D&D.
  • Using emotes from the action bar now correctly counts for circus performance.
  • It is no longer possible to bypass upgrading your wand at the Mage Training Arena.
  • The Mobilising Armies resource locators now function correctly.
  • NPCs throughout Temple Trekking no longer regenerate health when out of combat.
  • The factory outfit Herblore bonus now works correctly with weapon poison potions.
  • Trap, snake and scarab damage in Pyramid Plunder has been increased.


  • The Barbarian Notes will now only drop when they have not already been copied into the "My notes" journal.
  • Lootshare now works correctly when a single player deals all of the damage against an NPC with lootshare enabled.
  • Bork and the Jade Vine now award combat XP.
  • The rock-throwing trolls on Trollheim's northern slope are now aggressive again.
  • Players can no longer kick/punch enemies from a distance.
  • The flameburst defender now has matching stats to its bound version.
  • The ranging scrimshaw has now correct bonus listed in Captain's log.
  • Using abilities on Vyrewatch now works as intended.
  • We have updated all arrows and bolts to have level requirements.
  • The feedback message when using an Omni-talisman on an altar in F2P has been updated to reflect the item being a members' object.
  • Corrected several minor typos in Player Owned Ports.
  • Mighty banshees now deal an appropriate amount of damage.
  • Updated fire giant combat levels in line with the Evolution of Combat.
  • Corrected the kill counter in Ancient Prison area of God Wars to give only one count for each kill.
  • The door to the Ancient Prison can now be opened after 40 Zarosian kills instead of 41.
  • Fixed an issue with making sanfew serums with the new Make-X interface.
  • Added a warning to the Ardougne teleport lever about losing all your items in the Wilderness.
  • The Kal'Ger the Warmonger music track will now unlock correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Living rock strikers to only hit for 1 damage.
  • Players can once again use High Alchemy with the greater runic staff.
  • Elite black armour now states the correct stats in the GE.
  • If you die to the Queen Black Dragon, your gravestone will now only appear outside the summoning portal, within Grotworm Lair.
  • Fixed an issue where Desert strykewyrms and cannons were not behaving as expected.
  • Players can now box in their PoH with boxing gloves.
  • Ships no longer complete the "No Voyage Selected" mission.
  • Bob in Lumbridge will now correctly repair Barrows items that are slightly degraded.
  • The Royal Crossbow and Crystal Shield now degrade as expected.
  • Crows no longer fly through the walls in Draynor.
  • Random Event emotes no longer refer to being unlockable whilst locked, as random events have been disabled.
  • Several "longbow" references have been updated to "shieldbow".
  • Corrected an issue where players in co-op slayer tasks against Strykewyrms could no longer fight back against the wyrm when the task was completed mid-fight.
  • Players no longer get logged out in certain circumstances when closing popups in the lobby.
  • Meg's reward lamps are no longer affected by XP boosting mechanics.
  • The warning that appears when sending a 4-trait captain on a trait finding mission has been updated to explain why this is a bad idea, rather than defaulting to a message about sending out a mission with a low chance of success.
  • Fixed an issue when selecting Call Pet whilst having a Clan Avatar out.
  • Players trying to 'Join' a friend in Runescape Classic will no longer disconnect, but instead be told this isn't possible.
  • The Fortune of the Sea effect now deactivates as intended, allowing further effects to be correctly activated.
  • The Ports Shipyard interface will now return player to the correct floor if they were not on ground level.
  • The Shipwright building no longer gives the tier 4 shipwright bonus to ships with a tier 1 or 2 shipwright building.
  • Fixed some issues with The Assassin random event at Player-owned Ports.
  • The 'mission successful' Voyage Completion interface now shows the correct NPC crewman unlock.
  • Having a full crew, right clicking a crew for hire and selecting 'recruit' will no longer use up a reroll.
  • The Make-X interface now updates correctly when Smithing whilst wielding Varrock armour.
  • Players will no longer make more summoning scrolls than intended.
  • The Social Slayer ability to heal your Slayer partner now works as intended.
  • Members weapons and armour now display their stats on tooltips while on free worlds.
  • The Queen Black Dragon's dragon breath now charges Ranged and Magic dragonfire shields correctly.
  • Giant rock crabs found in Waterbirth Island dungeons have had their combat level reduced down to 136.
  • POH Dragons have been restatted and now function correctly.
  • Mutated jadinkos are no longer aggressive.
  • Slayer creatures that require a finishing blow have had their health adjusted, so you can perform the finishing blow at <15% of its health.