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These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 17 July 2017.

The following fixes and tweaks have now been implemented. If you believe a change has not been documented, either in the patch notes or the news posts for this week’s update, please detail the change so that it may be added.

As always, be sure to submit a bug report should you encounter a gameplay bug or graphical glitch in-game.

  • The sign of the porter buff icon will now display when logging in, if the item is equipped.
Skills, D&Ds & Minigames
  • A rare issue where players weren't able to complete a Shifting Tomb due to an issue with a sarcophagus has been fixed.
Quests, Challenges and Achievements
  • Players can now use the Wilderness artefact (to enter the KBD lair from within the Lava Maze) to start a bossing instance. This change now means that Ironmen accounts can now complete the achievement 'I'm the King of the Wild!'.
  • The phylactery drop rate from the Magister has been made slightly lower, but the individual scripture drop rates have been adjusted to give a minimum of 5 and a larger average.
  • Surge and Escape no longer appear to be disabled.
  • Weapons which provide their own ammo will now correctly highlight abilities as being available to use.
  • Magic skilling spells will no longer be greyed out when wielding a ranged weapon.
  • The Berserker auras now work correctly alongside the overload timer.
  • Individual ushabti that contain a soul can now have the soul emptied via a 'Release' option.
  • A warning message is now displayed when going below 100 ammo in a Tirannwn quiver.
  • Players now receive a warning message if a player has less than 500 runes in a rune pouch or less than 100 ammo in a Tirannwn quiver when starting a bossing instance.
  • Messages that mentioned 'less than 500 runes' or 'less than 60 minutes of charge' have been tweaked to now say 'fewer than'.
  • Blocking has been added to a rocky outcrop near salawa ahks.
  • Blocking has been added to house walls in the Imperial District of Menaphos.
  • Noted drops in the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon will no longer drop to the floor if there is an existing stack in the chest but no free spaces.
  • 'Nardah' is now correctly spelled on the first page in the book 'From Nardah, With Love'
  • Players can now vote on an active poll after clicking on the 'Skip' button.
  • Camel warriors now die correctly when dropping a camel staff.
Last week's hotfixes
  • 10/07, 13:35 UTC: Drop chances for the rarer insects in the Menaphos Collections Journal have been improved to be fairer to all players.
Ninja Fixes
  • Specific quick prayer presets can now be assigned to a direct left-click option or a last used left-click option through the Preset Settings cog in the Quick Interface menu.
  • It is now possible to rename quick prayer presets after they have been created.
  • Clan Avatars are now allowed into the Runecrafting Guild area.
  • A toggle has been added to the God Statue interface to skip the completion cutscene.
  • A toggle has been added to the Interface Options that disables shortcut keys closing windows.
  • Clue scroll rewards will now move to a player's bank if they have a full backpack.
  • More options have been added to various items such as teleport jewellery and capes when worn.
  • The click zone has been enlarged on the fishing spots at the Prifddinas waterfall.
  • Crystal tool siphons and equipment siphons are now stackable.
  • Ice strykewyrms will no longer target-switch to a familiar if they lose sight of the player.
  • A level up message has been added for when a player reaches the levels required to unlock Invention.
  • The purple Clan Wars portal and staked duels have been added to the high-risk area entry bank PIN toggle.