These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 18 April 2017.
These Patch Notes were announced on 18 April 2017.
The following fixes and tweaks have now been implemented. If you believe a change has not been documented, either in the patch notes or the news posts for this week’s update, please detail the change so that it may be added.
As always, be sure to submit a bug report should you encounter a gameplay bug or graphical glitch in-game.
Skills, D&Ds & Minigames
- Fixed an issue that caused players to automatically continue mining after a rock has been depleted.
- The uncut onyx and onyx ring skill guide entries are now consistent with their actual requirements; Onyx rings now require 72 Crafting to make, in line with the level to cut the gem.
Quests, Challenges and Achievements
- Added a quest accept screen to Jungle Potion.
- Jungle Potion no longer requires the Druidic Ritual quest to be completed, only level 3 Herblore.
- Jungle Potion's Herblore XP reward has been converted to an XP lamp.
- Added blue box highlighting and tidied up the quest journal, dialogue and interactions of Jungle Potion.
- Nex's Ice prison attack no longer deals damage after death.
- Joining a new Nex: Angel of Death instance as the boss dies no longer awards loot.
- Nex: Angel of Death reavers will no longer damage those outside the arena if not dealt with.
- A typo on the buff bar filtering interface has been fixed.
- Buff bar filtering has been inverted on the interface; by default all icons now show up when the checkboxes are unticked, ticking the relevant category's checkbox will hide the relevant icons.
- Activating berserk blood essence will now display a cooldown buff icon.
- Nex: Angel of Death curses will now be filtered by the buff bar's prayer category instead of the overhead prayer category.
- Clan Avatar buff icons are now filtered by the skilling buff bar category instead of the boosts category.
- All interface presets now correctly save the position of the debuff bar.
- The tracker used on the 'Defence decrease' buff icon when hitting monsters has been capped to 10.
- Players will no longer see the Debilitiate buff icon if it happens to miss an enemy.
- Players will now see a Debilitate debuff icon after being hit in PvP with it.
- When using Torment, Turmoil or Anguish and draining the enemy, players will now see only one icon on the monster information bar instead of three for each curse, saving space for more combat icons to fill the gaps.
- The buff icon timer for dreadnips now counts down correctly.
Last week's hotfixes
- 10/04, 19:30 UTC: Fixed an issue with performing melee weapon special attacks for no adrenaline cost.
- 12/04, 01:25 UTC: Corrected a check that was giving some players no reward when using autoredeem XP on the first prize won on the Rainbow's End promotion.
- 12/04, 15:00 UTC: Returned the prizes lost due to the above bug, and added messaging telling eligible players about the reward placed in their bank.
Last week's coldfix (12/04, 13:00 UTC)
- Content changes:
- Re-added the minimise/maximise button onto the action bar in EoC mode.
- Fixed the size of the revolution highlight on the action bar.
- The Prifddinas holiday portal will now direct players to the Easter event.
- The Wise perk’s status icon now displays an accurate percentage.
- The Reflect icon once again displays a timer.
- The login message for Lunar Spheres will now only appear if a player has been logged out for over 5 minutes.
- NXT client changes:
- Fixed a crash primarily during cache download but also randomly.
- Fixed cache download randomly stopping or losing connection.
- Fixed crash in disk cache.
- Restored standard OSX full screen button.
- Removed broken in game full screen option on OSX.
- Fixed the BOOPY! Noise when typing certain keys in OSX.
- Entering caves and instances will no longer remove terrain blending options.
- Added the ability to start NXT from the client executable, fixes issues when having two taskbar icons.
- Fixed an issue with indefinite loading, black screen on log in and scenery not loading.