RuneScape Wiki

These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 18 December 2017.

The following fixes and tweaks have now been implemented. If you believe a change has not been documented, either in the patch notes or the news posts for this week's update, please detail the change so that it may be added.

As always, be sure to submit a bug report should you encounter a gameplay bug or graphical glitch in-game.

  • The click radius has been reduced on a large amount of items that transmogrify the player, such as the Ring of Stone.
Skills, D&Ds and Minigames
  • Ironmen can now access the Premier Club Vault with their own drop table.
  • It is no longer possible to save more charms than are used when crafting Summoning pouches.
  • A second line of text has been added for Ship components within the Ship Overview screen to allow for longer named items.
  • Gold Premier Club members now have access to both the two-handed Hellion Blade and the off-hand Hellion Blade override.
  • Extra blocking has been added to Quercus to prevent players from hiding in his rocks.
Last Week's Hotfixes
  • 12/12, 12:00 UTC: A trigger was cleared that was stopping players from moving during path three of Araxxor when the darkness is cleared.