RuneScape Wiki

These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 24 July 2012.

The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature.


  • Using an emote from Solomon's General Store, whilst the Prayer renewal potion effect is running, will no longer cause the player to temporarily go invisible.
  • The Enhanced Potion Making animation now works on Overload potions.
  • The Shock eye staff is now compatible with the Staff of Light.
  • Headbutt Mining now works in the Living Rock Caverns.
  • All of Solomon's skill animations now work inside Daemonheim.
  • The area containing the Sophanem obelisk no longer goes bright white with bloom enabled.
  • The loading bar sprite will no longer drop down slightly when loading RuneScape.
  • Braindeath Island now has a minimap icon for the dungeon on the island.
  • Using certain emotes when lighting bonfires will no longer cause the animation to break.
  • The Herald of Varrock now holds his cane correctly.

Quests & Tasks:

  • The Horror from the Deep bridge now shows which side of the bridge players have or haven't fixed.
  • The Prayer of Attorney task now correctly states that 70 Prayer is required to complete the task.

Skills & Minigames:

  • The Squeal of Fortune will no longer occasionally open on the "claim reward" screen instead of the spin screen, with an unclaimable 200m coins prize.
  • The Castle Wars halos (Saradomin halo, Guthix halo and Zamorak halo) now work correctly with the Augury and Rigour prayers.
  • The Divine spirit shield ability and Lava crystal (invulnerability) now work correctly together.
  • A coordinate treasure trail in the Bandit Camp has been moved slightly to not point to the middle of a wall.


  • The Advanced Barbarian Assault course no longer removes the costumes from Solomon's General Store.
  • The "Clear all" button on the Customisation Interface now works as expected.
  • A filterable message has been added to the Polypore staff to warn players when there is only 50 charges remaining.
  • The chat window can once again be resized in resizeable mode.
  • It is now possible to use the Rapid Restore and Rapid Renewal prayers at the same time.
  • The message when trying to add a Milestone cape to a Cape Rack with too many Skillcapes on the rack now states that the limit also affects Milestone, Classic, Max and Completionist capes.
  • Blocking has been added to a rather large hedge in the Tree Gnome Village maze.
  • Some blocking has been removed near the ritual area used in Ritual of the Mahjarrat, near a Bloodwood tree.
  • Some unnecessary chat has been removed from the Dungeoneering Smuggler.
  • It is now possible to once again purchase the "Enable Aquanites" reward from the Slayer rewards interface with less than 100 points.
  • The ranged attack bonus on Mercenary's gloves has been updated to reflect the increase in stats in the Dungeoneering rewards store.
  • The Skill Advance Guide will now consistently open up when a player levels up.

Fish Flingers Improvements:

  • The Fishing Outfit is now stored in the Armour Case of a Player-Owned House.
  • Players are now awarded a token for:
    • Each big fish that is caught (up to 3),
    • 1 token per every 2 big fish assists (up to 6),
    • and 1 token per every 2 perfect tackle combos discovered (up to 6).
  • Big fish now do not spawn if there is already a big fish nearby in the water, and the range in which players are notified about nearby big fish has been reduced.
  • Players can now assist other players in catching their big fish as many times as they like (but are still only rewarded for the first 6 assists).
  • The "You notice a large fish swimming" message has been removed.
  • If players re-cast or clear their line when they have hooked a big fish, they will now have zero chance of catching a big fish for the next minute.
  • The majority of game messages in Fish Flingers can now be filtered.
  • The "Competition ends in 1 minute" message from Fish Flingers no longer occurs if players have left the competition.
  • The various hints and tips that appear above a player's head now only appear for their first 5 competitions. Red depletion level messages will also no longer be displayed in the chatbox after this point.
  • The Fisherman is now prevented from giving hints before the 4 minute mark that could be hints for the previous competition.
  • The maximum claim limit on the Fisherman has been increased from 5 Fish Flingers tickets to 10 tickets.
  • The history panel in Fish Flingers will now remember whether it was left open or closed.
  • The Ratings button is now visible during the countdown before a competition, next to the countdown timer. Clicking this button displays the breeds of fish and their habitats, so that players can view in advance which habitats have multiple combos, make preparatory notes, and plan their strategy.
  • Players now have a random chance to receive Fish Flingers tickets while fishing on the surface at regular fishing spots.
  • The "Efficient Fisher" medal (Achieve an average rating of at least 80%) has been replaced with the "Whopper" medal (Catch 3 big fish).
  • The "Heavy Catch" medal (At least 80% of fish caught were the heaviest species) has been replaced with the "Team Player" medal (Assist in catching at least 6 big fish).
  • The scores shown in the score board have been completely reworked.
  • "Awards" are also now known as "Best results", since players aren't actually awarded anything.
  • Fixed a bug where players were not getting rewarded the XP for perfect tackle discoveries.
  • The 28-point cap on the amount of XP per competition has been removed.
  • The rows on the Results and Details tabs and the competition history, have been reordered to be consistent.
  • A tooltip has been added to the number of tokens area on the score board, that lists additional methods of acquiring tokens.
  • The Fisherman's dialogue that refers to how scores are calculated has been updated.
  • After getting the scoreboard, players now receive a message on how many tickets they have.
  • Players that haven't yet unlocked the tackle box can ask the waiting area Fisherman for a copy of their competition history.
  • Familiars will no longer appear on the island, and timers will be paused while players are playing Fish Flingers.
  • Players can now claim more than one Fisherman's Outfit.
  • A graphical error with the champion's tackle box button in the Fish Flingers reward shop has been fixed.
  • Players can now use items in their inventory on the tackle box to deposit them.
  • Tackle boxes now have a Withdraw op, which will withdraw all stored raw fish.
  • Players can now store fishing urns in the tackle box. The urns must be fired, runed and empty.
  • The standard and slim hooks have been swapped, so that standard is in the top-left corner of the bait box interface.