RuneScape Wiki

These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 4 March 2013.


  • The old Massacre animation has been 'massacred' and given a new beastly animation.
  • Cosmetic overrides for the woodcutting animations will now be used when chopping trees in fruit tree patches.
  • An issue with the fire cape on female avatars has been fixed.
  • Farmer's mouths no longer stretch.
  • Elemental body boots no longer clip when worn with monk robe bottoms.
  • A clipping issue with the musketeer's hat has been fixed.
  • Cyrisus now wears the new style dragon helm.
  • A Monkey minder chat head has been updated to show the correct skin colour.
  • You can no longer perform the Sleuth emote when your magnifying glass is sheathed.
  • It's no longer possible to perform the Lightning Staff emote when the staff is sheathed.
  • The afflicted in Morytania now have the correct colour skin.
  • Dark beasts’ magic attacks now display hit splats at the correct point in the animation.
  • The dragon square shield no longer stretches when performing certain actions.
  • The glassblowing pipe crafting animation is now correctly aligned for female characters.
  • The highlight outline on the rune platebody has been adjusted.
  • The rune full helm (t) will now look correct on male characters.
  • Masked earmuffs now renders correctly on male characters.
  • The adamant kiteshield and boots from the Mage Training Arena have been graphically updated.
  • The carnival headdress will now display a colour change on the player immediately.
  • Imiago in Shilo village will no longer have patches of light coloured skin.
  • The Ardougne fountain has been given a newer water animation.
  • Urn Collector Ernie's lips will no longer stretch.
  • Players will now hold staves securely in their hands while playing the high-alchemy animation.
  • Vigroy in Shilo Village will no longer have odd coloured skin patches.
  • Jimmy's skin texture had become a bit blotchy, so his makeup has been reapplied.
  • An issue with the star on the Entrana altar has been fixed.
  • The bellows in Lumbridge no longer clip with the surrounding scenery.
  • Warrior women are now holding their swords correctly.
  • The clan cape colours should now render correctly on both genders.
  • The buckles on the pirate boots have been fixed so that they no longer stretch when smelting at a furnace.
  • Some labelling issues with Osman have been fixed which were causing him to stretch and bend wildly.
  • Players with bloom on in the Shadow Dungeon will no longer experience an extremely bright white screen.
  • Mayor Hobb's neck should no longer stretch.
  • The fox mask no longer shows the back of a players head as bald.
  • Polar kebbits no longer appear brown when caught.
  • Ranis Drakan's chathead is no longer distorted when he is laughing.
  • A stretching issue with the fungal visor and its degraded forms has been fixed.
  • Skeleton Fremennik have had their torsos reattached to their legs.
  • Honour guard attacks no longer show their axes and shields intersecting.
  • The male Trader crewmember model has been fixed.
  • Reese in the Lumbridge Catacombs no longer stretches wildly.
  • An issue with Eluned's appearance has been fixed.
  • Carn's face no longer stretches at the conclusion of the Three's Company saga.
  • An issue with Kay's head stretching at the conclusion of the Vengeance saga has been fixed.
  • An issue with stretching on some models in the Nadir saga has been fixed.
  • The Arctic bears in the Three's Company Fremennik saga have been reminded how to walk.
  • An issue with the Sock/Buskin masks not updating properly when flipped has been corrected.
  • The female Circus shirt has been fixed.
  • Tentacle has had her shell bikini recoloured to appear more visible.
  • A bug where the bare hand fishing animation would play during the Depth Charge cosmetic override animation.
  • The skin colour on the female feline outfit legs has been corrected.
  • The underside of the feline tail now changes colour in line with your hair.
  • The dragon crossbow can now be used with crossbow cosmetic overrides.
  • A tree has been removed that was blocking players' views in a Druidic Ritual cutscene.
  • Two tiles in the Slayer Tower now work correctly with “remove roof” on.
  • Closing the shipyard interface no longer causes the minimap to display the top floor of the buildings in the port.
  • The Black Marketeer event map icon will no longer appear twice after using the stairs in the bar.
  • The Saradomin's hiss amulet no longer stretches when players perform emotes.
  • Players can no longer see the an untidy edge in the Brimhaven Dungeon.
  • The glowing eyes from the harmony aura should now be aligned correctly.
  • Equipped weapons no longer disappear when the harmony aura is activated.
  • The animation no longer clips when fletching magic shieldbows.
  • All three Monks of Zamorak now have a casting animation and shoot fireballs.

Quests, Challenges & Achievements:

  • Char has had an overhaul for Evolution of Combat.
  • Ned's chat in Dragon Slayer has been tweaked to inform players when they have discovered the secret passageway.
  • The penguin greeting emotes have been added to the quest journal for Cold War.
  • Corrected the quest requirements of Spirits of the Elid.
  • The Fishing Contest quest journal now has narrative text greyed out.
  • The level recommendation for killing the Queen Black Dragon has been updated.
  • The task system has been updated to remove references to the old Rune Mysteries quest.
  • Studded chaps are now recognized as a valid item for the Studded Leather Armour daily challenge.

Skills & Minigames:

  • The Sunfreet Dominion Tower battle has been rebalanced.
  • Some more quickchat options have been added to the Runespan minigame.
  • Pyramid Plunder room 7 no longer has a random empty tile that was blocked.
  • The rules for the special Dominion Tower match "You'll Never Defeat Me" have been adjusted.
  • Castle Wars flags no longer appear on character models once the flag has been scored.


  • The damage boost the Ferocious ring provides has been reworked.
  • The "poisonous" indicator on the combat interface now works correctly after logging out and in again.
  • The bananas found in Daemonheim now no longer heal only 20 life points.
  • Iron gauntlets have had their Defence requirement fixed to level 10.
  • Corrected the levels required shown in mouseovers for black and mithril boots.
  • The Dungeoneering Skill Advance Guide now correctly lists the extra requirements for gravite equipment.
  • Stat inconsistencies between the Saradomin sword and the lucky Saradomin sword have been corrected.
  • An issue with generic weapons causing damage to Turoths and Kurasks who should otherwise be immune has been fixed.
  • Third-age druidic robes, cloak and wreath now all apply prayer bonuses when worn.
  • Ghast familiars are now able to hit their opponents.


  • Players can choose to have an uncoloured version of the upgraded Balmung.
  • Players can now craft hard leather boots and gloves.
  • Right-click additions have been added to the following: collecting sand off of Bert, starting a delivery from Aluft Gianne Jr, and entering Keldragrim via the Dwarven ferryman.
  • The Teleport option on farmed Spirit Trees has been moved higher up the list of options.
  • You are now able to check the charge of your camulet while it's equipped.
  • We've upped the amount of ecto-tokens the Ghost disciple holds to 2,555.
  • The Nex banker now has a collect option.
  • Added a collect option to the Player Owned Port bank.
  • Farming leprechauns can now swap clean erzille herbs for the noted variant.
  • Bound Dungeoneering armour added as cosmetic overrides using the dragon keepsake box have been prevented from being removed when the player leaves a dungeon.
  • The Slayer shop rewards interface no longer has the tooltips sticking in place.
  • "Gatestone Teleport" spell within Dungeoneering will no longer remain lit while no gatestone is present.
  • The items to make a small map are now listed correctly in the Skill Advance Guide.
  • You can no longer purchase a Shantay Pass from Rasolo.
  • The "talk" option has been removed from the glider gnome Captain Errdo after completing The Grand Tree.
  • Corrected a voice acted line of dialogue for the Partner during a Player Owned Ports cutscene.
  • Creating Illuminated god books is now using the correct amount of prayer points per step.
  • References to longbows when crafting magic logs into shieldbows have been removed.
  • Several grammatical errors in Irwin Feaselbaum's dialogue have been fixed.
  • A no longer necessary square of walk restriction has been removed from outside the TzHaar Fight Pit.
  • Players are now prevented from moving off of the stool while playing the Wizards’ Tower organ.
  • A minor typo in the malleus daemoniorum book has been corrected.
  • You can no longer light a stack of multiple logs in Dungeoneering.
  • Several places that used to mention "certs" or "certificates" have been updated to "banknote".
  • Quickly switching items in the Runespan rewards store will no longer display a different item, when attempting to select 'purchase'.
  • The message 'Your money pouch is inaccessible in Daemonheim' will now only appear once.
  • The spelling of "Barbecue" is now consistent in clan citadels.
  • Iron no longer appears in the Smithing Skill Advance Guide twice.
  • Ice spells now consume blood runes when cast on Chimp Ices.
  • The reference to old combat levels on the Wilderness kills noticeboard has been removed.
  • You will now try and catch a butterfly with your hands if you have your butterfly net sheathed.
  • The Make-X interface for death runes and law runes in Dungeoneering has been adjusted.
  • Players can no longer open the Equipment Stats tab when transformed as a goblin.
  • An issue with Ignatius Vulcan's haphazard fire lighting has been fixed.
  • A typo with the purple Christmas kennel flea has been fixed.
  • Evil Bob's dialogue now refers to him by name correctly.
  • An area in the Slayer Tower where you could not stand to collect loot has been fixed.
  • Players can no longer walk inside the rock to the South East of the Slayer Tower.
  • Some typos in Player Owned Ports upgrade interface have been fixed.
  • The voyages interface in Player Owned Ports will no longer incorrectly show mouse hover tooltips when on the wrong tab.
  • A minor display issue on the Ports Voyages interface has been fixed.
  • Fletching potions are now listed as giving a boost in Fletching, not Agility.
  • The production progress interface now updates correctly when fletching blisterwood polearms.
  • The production progress interface now correctly shows crafting when spinning black wool.
  • A small typo has been fixed in the stalker notes book 4.
  • The demon horn necklace at the rewards trader will now correctly show the amount of prayer points it restores.
  • A reference to the enchanted Excalibur's old special attack has been removed.
  • The Attack Skill Advance Guide now clarifies that the requirements for Daemonheim weapons don't apply to mauls.
  • The Achievement Diary reward no longer states the wrong properties of the enchanted Excalibur.