RuneScape Wiki

These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 6 December 2011.

The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature.


  • The Mage Arena water pool now looks like it has water inside of it.
  • The elite void knight robes no longer causes hip displacement when wielded with a 2-handed sword.
  • Side-part long female hairstyles no longer intersect with the lord marshall cap.

Quests & Tasks:

  • Clicking out of the cutscene in My Arm's Big Adventure no longer leaves a player inside the cutscene.

Skills & Minigames:

  • The dominion marker's duration when placed has been increased from 2 minutes to 15 minutes. A warning will appear when this is about to happen.
  • The aura graphical effect is now removed when weapons are unequipped with the Slippery Fingers handicap in Dominion Tower.
  • The Life Saver handicap in Dominion Tower now saves players a little more reliably when taking a lot of damage.
  • Dagannoth Mother (v1) can no longer be hit with fire spells when she is green in Dominion Tower.
  • Autocast is deselected more reliably when starting certain fights in Dominion Tower.
  • Auras running out in Tears of Guthix no longer causes the player to run.


  • The cabbage skillguide icon for the Polypore dungeon on the Dungeoneering skill guide has been updated to be an image of a ganodermic beast.
  • Curses will now affect the correct player after attacking one player, then attacking another who doesn't retaliate.
  • The vecna skull's time remaining message now uses correct grammar when the timer reaches 1 minute remaining.
  • A spelling mistake in the Ramokee Skinweaver's chat has been fixed.
  • The Dungeoneering section of the Smithing skillguide now lists the correct amount of arrow heads per bar.



  • Deflect Magic no longer hits incredibly high when wearing Veracs equipment.
  • A typo has been fixed when a clan runs out of resources when Smithing.
  • The Halloween '11 music track is now unlocked on login.
  • The tooltip on the Slayer rewards interface for "Never assign X again" has been shortened.
  • While on a free world, tooltips for members' only skills on the skills interface are now readable.
  • A certain area near a rock wall in the desert no longer teleports the player to the other side of the wall.
  • Player display names on Quick Chat worlds now appear in the correct position.