These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 6 October 2010.
These Patch Notes were announced on 6 October 2010.
The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature ('Submit a Bug Report' under the 'Help' drop-down menu of the website).
- Fixed some height mapping issues near Trollweiss Mountain.
- Commander Connad's chat head should now match his actual head.
- Fixed Drezel's collar from rendering over his chin.
- Adjusted various floor locations to prevent any clipping.
- Made the evil twin crane animations smoother.
- Fixed an issue when wearing the Christmas top with ghostly robes.
- Textured terror dogs to look the same during animations as they do when stationary.
- Corrected a minimap path issue near Oo'glog.
- Ensured the second exit to the eagle's nest is present in all graphics modes.
- Pyramid Plunder seals should no longer appear blank.
- Fixed a stretching issue with banners and the full Slayer helm.
- Corrected the tutorial knight's hair colour between model and chat head.
- Fixed problems with the cape of legends and granite body.
- Fixed a graphical issue with some of the fences on Lunar Isle.
- Improved the inventory icon for water talismans.
- Stop musicians from appearing inside a wall on the minimap.
- Fixed some of the localised fonts characters.
- Resolved an issue with items not showing correctly in the Grand Exchange collection box window.
- Stopped frying pans from clipping with aprons.
- Improved the rocktail inventory icon.
- Ensured the scoped magic longbow has a string during its firing animation.
- Fixed the flooring on a balcony in the Ratcatchers quest.
- Stopped skillcape animations from continuing while teleporting.
- Fixed some stretching when holding the Orb of Oculus.
- Added arms to the female vyrewatch top.
- Fixed height mapping near Mort'ton.
- Corrected the animations of the children in Dorgesh-Kaan.
- Mawnis's beard no longer glitches.
- Adjusted the height mapping for the path to Burthorpe.
- Fixed the underworld near Mudskipper Point.
- Adjust the roof corners in Canifis.
- Adjusted the banker model in the Fist of Guthix minigame.
- Ancient gates now use the same model when opened.
- Fixed the lizard skull helmet model, which looked odd during emotes.
- Fixed Barnabus Hurma's chathead.
- Adjusted the lighting near the lighthouse.
- Stopped your head wobbling when wearing certain Barbarian Assault items.
- Added remove roof to certain areas of Keldagrim that needed it.
- Fixed a problem with baby red dragon animations.
- Stopped certain children's hands from stretching when stood still.
- Updated the Soul Wars obelisk interface icon on the overlay.
- Fixed a render problem with an Agility shortcut pipe at the Werewolf Agility Course.
- Eradicated various graphical bugs in player owned houses, particularly clipping, the costume room, chapel and study.
- Adjusted the flag models and animations on Jatizso.
- Increased the size of onyx bolt tips on the floor slightly.
- Ground decor on penguin island is now actually on the floor rather than floating slightly.
- Made the posters in the ranging shop visible.
- Fayeth now holds her watering can correctly.
- Updated the Armadyl symbol in Uzer.
- Corrected the graphics of gissel and edicap mushrooms.
- Fixed some texturing in the monastery.
- Remodelled some of Baxtorian Falls to look better in HD.
- Corrected the looks of the Ectofuntus and Oo'glog’s pools.
- Added wall edging to various underground map squares.
- Fixed the ground in deep areas of the Wilderness.
- Removed some rocks floating over a ladder.
- Fixed the minimap graphics for a bridge.
- Adjusted various items when dropped and also some of their inventory icons.
- Updated Jennica's portal to not flicker.
- Improved cobwebs and how they render.
- Fixed a remove roof issue on the Gnome Agility Course’s high-level wall run.
- Resolved a label issue with certain clothing and magic carpets.
- Godwars wall kit now better matches due to changes to the area’s lighting.
- Improved the chat head version of the crab helmet.
- Fixed the ship windows in Port Sarim.
- Reduced the height of wall torches underground in Fist of Guthix.
- Added a staircase icon to the minimap in Al Kharid.
- You'll now face Elvarg properly during the cutscene.
- Adjusted textures during the Gnomeball scoring cutscene.
- Updated some of the older animations in Elemental Workshop I and II.
- Fixed the White Knight Castle doorframe.
- The Lumbridge Guide should no longer slide around when looking at a player.
- Fixed the underworld in several places such as Rellekka.
- Removed some torches that were close to a thatched roof.
- Vyrewatch boots should now appear properly on male characters.
- Wildercress hoods should no longer interfere with your face.
- Removed various graphics issues from the windmill in Lumbridge.
- Replaced a missing section on the Bandos godsword.
- Fixed a rug at the Void Knights’ Outpost.
- Removed some spurious lava from the frozen parts of the Wilderness.
- Fixed the graphics for the top of the rune essence mine in Safe Mode.
- Chandeliers in Varrock’s west bank no longer go through the roof.
- Fixed various animation issues with the NPCs in Varrock Museum.
- Adjusted the muddy area for the jade vine farming patch.
- Corrected some wall kit in Dorgesh-Kaan.
- Tweened the open and closing coffin animations.
- Fixed a problem with walls not appearing on the minimap in some circumstances.
- Removed an old fairy model still being used.
- Fixed a bit of gangplank on Brimhaven docks.
- Adjusted some of the sawmill animations for chopping up logs into planks.
- Optimised the models for a large selection of human clothing.
- Updated the Castle Wars armour model in your POH.
- Improved the looks of the furnace in Edgeville.
- Fixed a couple of items to look better when taking photo booth pictures.
- Fixed a crack in the rune essence rock.
- Removed a frog sound effect from an emote.
- Fixed some opening and closing door code in While Guthix Sleeps.
- Adjusted the unlock info for the 'Gaol' music track.
- Correctly unlock the ‘Void Knight's Theme’ track in code.
- Added various bow sounds to the animations.
- Removed the slightly annoying metal 'ting' sound when stabbing with swords.
- Adjusted the timing in the song 'Emperor'.
- Added sounds to the cocktail shaker.
- No longer play the death sound twice in the Duel Arena and fixed the start sound effects.
Quests/Achievement Diaries
- The magic watering can reward from Fairy Tale III now works in the Grim Tales quest.
- Players can now speak to Azzanadra to get another heat orb to re-enter the frozen fortress.
- Olivia in Draynor will properly recognise the vial of stench and not recognise you!
- Cleared up a bit of confusion during Underground Pass.
- A shooting star spot will no longer crash on a cactus.
- Swapped two of the bait colour hints for Fish Flingers.
- Added the clear option to calquat tree patches.
- Corrected a message to work with all types of cockatrice.
- Various typos and grammar issues have been resolved.
- Adjusted the inventory check when purchasing teletabs in the Runecrafting Guild.
- The fletching potion has been added to the Quick Chat Herblore mixing list.
- Clarified the clockwork suit destroy message after completing various penguin quests.
- Added an op to the door leading to the cauldron in the Black Knights’ Fortress.
- Adjusted the squirrel emote code from the Easter 2010 reward.
- Removed some unnecessary attack options from NPCs on Miscellania.
- Corrected the level-up message for a Dungeoneering floor.
- King Vargas should now always address you correctly.
- Clarified the 75 points task from Lapalok.
- You'll now jump over the Wilderness wall in all circumstances.
- Adjusted the message for defeating Bork in the Adventurer's Log.
- The staff of light’s effects now work in all scenarios.
- Improved the scrolling and general feel for the hairdresser interface in Falador.
- Corrected the skill advance guide for Dungeoneering.
- Equipment stats window should now stay open when equipping a TzHaar fire cape.
- The enigmatic hoardstalker now checks your base Summoning level rather than current.
- Corrected the interface used by the book received from town criers.
- Reworked some of the older code in In Search of the Myreque.
- Swapped the pillars of light examine info in Dungeoneering.
- Swapped the barbarian training level-up messages for swordfish.
- Made the names consistent of the god dragonhide bodies from Treasure Trails.
- Xenia is now better at checking your inventory for space.
- You can no longer walk on water in areas of Falador Park.
- Strykewyrms added to the advisor/objectives system.
- Fixed a problem with the POH menagerie if your membership expired.
- Adjusted the Corporeal Beast’s Adventurer's Log entry.
- Reduced the amount of confirm text on the Pyramid Plunder exit.
- Adjusted the advice for dust devils Slayer tasks.
- Resolved an unreachable fishing spot.
- Fixed a problem if your membership expires while stood in the Cooking Guild.
- Removed some older message box code.
- Prevent Quick Chat from interfering with the tutorial during login.
- Reduced spamming at the Grand Exchange.