These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 7 March 2016.
These Patch Notes were announced on 7 March 2016.
The following fixes and tweaks have now been implemented. If you believe a change has not been documented, either in the patch notes or the news posts for this week’s update, please detail the change so that it may be added.
As always, be sure to submit a bug report should you encounter a gameplay bug or graphical glitch in-game.
- Players who have unlocked the 15-year anniversary emote can now perform the 2006 emote.
- Corrected the 2005 version of the 15-year emote to show the year correctly with low detail settings.
- Several demons have been updated to use new models.
- Fixed a flickering issue with some hangers in Varrock's clothing store.
- Fixed some skin tone issues on the female Masquerade top.
- The fishing platform in the underwater Tutorial Island area is now visible in minimum detail.
- The underwater disguise kit no longer breaks certain animations.
- The underside of the archway leading in to Al Kharid is no longer transparent.
- Grass no longer appears on a trapdoor inside the building in McGrubor's wood.
- Raised the starfish on Mudskipper Point to stop it from clipping into the ground.
- Items dropped on the steps east of Crwys in Prifddinas will no longer appear to disappear into the floor.
- The Crwys bank chest is no longer facing the wrong way.
- Removed a tile of blocking from near the Troll Stronghold entrance.
- The bank noticeboard in Catherby no longer clashes with the wall it is mounted on.
- The bloodwood tree in Prifddinas no longer has a misaligned blood dripping animation.
- Altered a blue crystal in the Cadarn area of Prifddinas to no longer intersect with some buildings.
- Arrav in the palace in the quest Defender of Varrock had lost his head. He has now reclaimed it.
- Fixed some flickering issues in Char's cave.
- The penguin rock and pop outfits no longer graphically disappear when starting the penguin agility course.
- Removed some force-walk tiles east of the Body Altar.
- Added a tile of blocking to the Falador clan camp.
- Removed some force-walk tiles from the farm south of Falador.
- Akrisae's war mace can no longer be graphically overridden by one handed weapons.
- Some pillars around Castle Drakan no longer float off the ground.
- The Tuska teleport animation has been tweaked so that it no longer flashes as much.
- A height mapping issue in the watermill cellar has been fixed during Death to the Dorgeshuun.
- Drezel no longer stretches when casting a spell during the Nature Spirit quest.
- The traveling curtain model has moved on from the Daemonheim peninsula.
Skills, D&Ds & Minigames
- Augmented godswords now have the correct cursor on their Check command.
- An extra warning has been added to the polypore staff when augmenting to a state where it loses all of its charges and can't cast polypore strike.
- The Clearheaded perk will no longer stop Anticipation appearing on your opposition's target interface in PvP.
- Corrected an issue with the Descent of Darkness special attack dealing too little damage from augmented Darkbows.
- Item levels and perks will show correctly on augmented items in the pet banking interface.
- Players must now claim their Treasure Trail rewards by closing the interface before they can open another Treasure Trail casket.
- Portable forges will no longer drop items to the floor when a bar is saved.
- The Lucky Clover necklace now activates correctly when cleansing crystals or training on serenity posts.
- The Superheat Form message when smelting ores has been added to the spam filter.
- Players are no longer given Crystal Shapeshifter social slayer tasks without having completed The Light Within.
- Removed some blocking in the Wizards’ Tower which was interfering with the completion of clue certain scrolls.
- Defeating Blink during dungeoneering will now consistently complete the dungeoneering floor.
- Using the home teleport spell no longer resets the Spellbook Swap effect.
- The barbarian agility elite clue has been moved slightly so it no longer appears underneath a sinkhole entrance.
- Lokar no longer speaks about Pauline and Livid Farm before the player has learned about them.
- The boon of brilliant energy can now correctly be created using brilliant energy.
- Miscellania approval rating will no longer be initialised to 25% after the player has visited Miscellania once.
- The tooltip for total virtual level now correctly states that 120 is the normal max virtual level.
Quests, Challenges and Achievements
- Corrected an issue with the RuneMetrics health overlay that was stopping some players from using the fixed device.
- Fixed an incorrect spelling of "Fanatics" in Nomad's Elegy.
- Fixed a grammatical error on the options when interacting with Death's hourglass during Nomad's Elegy.
- Fixed a typo in the interrogation sequence for Nomad's Elegy.
- Updated some of Lord Iowerth and Lady Ithell's dialogue for players that have completed The Light Within.
- The "Light Transit" Tirranwn task now mentions the correct NPC to speak to.
- The Superheat form curse can no longer be used to complete the task “It All Adze Up”.
- Fixed the scroll bar on the goblin interface shown after drinking a goblin transformation potion.
- Updated a section of While Guthix Sleeps to account for players who manage to enter Movario's base too early.
- Fixed a misspelling of Ardougne in Arianwyn's chat during Within the Light.
- Music and sound effects now play correctly during a Ritual of the Mahjarrat cutscene.
- Players can now store and reclaim the following books from a Player-owned House bookshelf:
- Ancient Tarddian Journal
- Weathered Tarddian Journal
- Dusty Tarddian Journal
- Goebies now occasionally fall over.
- Main-hand and off-hand Gravite knives now calculate their ranged strength correctly.
- Players will now receive duplicate achto armour if they have completed all achto sets. The drop chance increase from owning the piece of raids armour applies to all duplicate pieces.
- The phoenix necklace cooldown is now 1 minute instead of 30 seconds.
- Growler no longer causes players to retaliate when already in combat with another enemy.
- The bank on the Tuska crash site will now heal the player.
- Renamed the training dummy pack to mention that it only contains combat dummies.
- Players can now use magic notepaper on uncut gems, key halves, potions, talismans, crossbow limbs and battlestaves to switch them into banknotes.
- Players can now keepsake the customs officer’s uniform.
- The offhand lucky armadyl crossbow can now be keepsaked.
- The WildyWyrm will now always attack players.
- The drop chances of the unique weapon components have been drastically improved for the WildyWyrm.
- “The Distracted" title will now check if it can be unlocked upon killing the phoenix instead of upon leaving the cave via the exit.
- Players can no longer attempt to cast alchemy or superheat on NPCs.
- The RuneMetrics health warning overlay will now display under certain other effects, such as the Spirit Realm.
- The visual effects for the light form and dark form curses now clear correctly when switching prayer books.
- Players can no longer access the orb of oculus camera features when transformed via an enchanted or magical egg.
- Corrected a spelling error with Nails Newton.
- The time stop attack from celestial dragons will no longer occur if they have died.
- Fixed a typo with the staff of enchantment.
- Shortened the examine text for the scrimshaw of corruption.
- The scrimshaw of corruption no longer has an effect with lootshare enabled.
- Constitution and defence abilities will now damage combat training dummies.
- Removed an incorrect reference to 70 Ranged as a requirement on the examine of the lucky armadyl chainskirt.
- Dungeoneering keys can now be looted from the loot interface with a full inventory.
- A counter in a Rimmington house now has correct capitalisation.
- Audible clicks have been removed from the music track "Boulder and Brighter".
- The name of the spell and the generated prism of salvation now have matching names.
- The storm shards ability is now consistently cleared when an NPC dies, such as the Prifddinas elves.
- Added full stop to description of the Gorajo hoardstalker in Prifddinas.
- Players will now be given a warning about their pet when attempting to enter the Mage Training Arena from the basement.
- Clicking on a locked title in the Titles interface once again gives a message in the chatbox detailing how to unlock it.
- An extra Continue option has been removed from various chat interfaces.
- Failing to cast a spell by not having the required items no longer produces a duplicated message.
- Replaced an instance of green salamander on the sign of the porter item checklist with swamp lizard.
- Ironmen can no longer enter a non-instanced version of Nex.
- Fixed some typos with the Meilyr clan potion shop.
- Removed the Enchant option from Eluned and other crystal singers, which was giving a much higher coin cost than using the crystal items or seeds on the NPC. Using a crystal item on the relevant NPCs will open the options as usual.
- Using noted uncharged crystal teleport seeds on a crystal singer now works as intended.
- Added missing full stops to Winston's description.
- The following NPCs have had their combat stats rebalanced:
- Waterfiends (ancient cavern and elite variants)
- Ganodermic runt (both variants)
- Fungal rodents (both variants)
- Grifolapine (weakened variant)
- Grifolaroo (weakened variant)
- Zogres and Skogres
- Slash Bash
- Huge Spider (Player-owned House)
- Guards (Falador bow/crossbow variants)
- Death Spawn
- Tormented Demon (quest only variant)
- Giant bat (level 44 variant) and Death Wing
- Horned Graahks, Saber-tooth Kyatts, Spined Larupias (hunter creatures)
Ninja Fixes
- A filtered message will now display when picking up clan orts showing how many have been collected for the day.
- The warning on the frozen doorway to Nex can now be toggled in the Doomsayer settings.
- There is now a "yes and don't ask me again" option when paying farmers to remove and protect a tree patch.
- Players will now be offered a free teleport within the Runespan to a yellow wizard if he teleports away as the player teleports to him with the infinity ethereal outfit.