RuneScape Wiki

These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 9 February 2011.

The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature ('Submit a Bug Report' under the 'Help' drop-down menu of the website).


  • Azro at the Varrock Museum no longer spins his specimen brush at extreme angles.
  • A player's cloak will no longer clip through a player's legs when crafting at a workbench.
  • Wolves have been given a turn-on-the-spot animation.
  • Cockroach wings no longer cause the cockroach's body to become invisible.
  • The abyssal parasite's defend animation no longer stretches unusually.
  • The Dungeoneering skillcape will now play the melee emote when wielding mauls.
  • The slayer master minimap icon has been reverted to the gold skull icon.
  • Opening a gate in Draynor no longer causes the gate to split in half.
  • The teleporting using fairy rings animation has been updated.
  • The map in the Runecrafting Guild has been updated to include Daemonheim.
  • Summer's hair during Summer's End no longer stretches.


  • The jumping agility animation has had its sound improved.

Quests and Tasks

  • Some additional user information has been added to progressing and completing Tasks.
  • Dream Mentor is now correctly filtered out of the quest list when a player has a combat level lower than 85.

Activities and Distractions

  • It is no longer possible to try to stake a number of items greater than what can be held in a player's inventory.
  • The countdown at the beginning of a duel is now far more synchronised.


  • Using a right-click option on the western Lunar Isle bank booth will now force the player to walk to that bank booth.
  • Wizard Cromperty will no longer wander outside of his house.
  • Party hats and Christmas crackers will now change in price by up to 5% per day, dependent on demand.