These official Patch Notes are copied verbatim from this forum thread of the RuneScape forums. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
These Patch Notes were announced on 9 November 2009.
These Patch Notes were announced on 9 November 2009.
The following small fixes and adjustments have now been made to the game. If you spot any further bugs in-game, please use the Bug Report feature ('Submit a Bug Report' under the 'Help' drop-down menu of the website).
- Synchronised rake animations and adjusted how players hold it.
- Reworked the model for the camel mask.
- Updated Varrock Museum workmen models.
- Prevented the toy kite from floating while playing Vinesweeper.
- Resolved the differences between Dharok’s axe’s inventory icon and wielded model.
- The evil tree can no longer cause items to float above its roots.
- Added map bordering to certain underground areas.
- Fixed a render issue with an Agility shortcut in Taverley Dungeon.
- Adjusted some wall around the Grand Exchange area.
- Removed an issue where players would become invisible if stood on a certain spot.
- Fixed various roof issues in Goblin Village.
- Tweaked the timings of the animation to Zanaris from Lumbridge Swamp.
- A plaque on a wall in Edgeville couldn't be seen properly.
- Added highlighting to the Trollheim Teleport icon.
- Updated various mogre animations.
- Fixed an issue with the spirit tree chathead.
- Resolved a problem with the death animation of bandits.
- Fixed the chimney smoke animation.
- Improved the walls and minimap looks for the dungeon area under Lumbridge.
- Replaced several broken textures in Standard Detail mode.
- Corrected some tree models that appeared to have a line across the bottom part of their trunks.
- Corrected some mapping around the Clan Wars arena.
- Players are now animated when planting spirit trees.
- Improved the animations for the Al-Kharid/Lumbridge Agility shortcut.
- Resized the camouflage helmet to better fit players’ heads.
- Fixed a see-through wall between Draynor and Port Sarim.
- Added some missing animations to menaphite thugs.
- Improved some walls in the Living Rock Caverns.
- Removed a gap between a jaw and head model in Ictharin's Little Helper[sic].
- Adjusted the animations when using the ectophial as a monkey.
- Altered the render order of some of the scenery in the Great Orb Project waiting area.
- Corrected the model for the cannon’s Grand Exchange set when dropped on the floor.
- A lit torch now has a flame when in your inventory.
- Made the water look better in the Living Rock Caverns.
- Tweaked various inventory graphics for noted longbows.
- Stopped clipping of the white sword and scimitar on their inventory icons.
- Jimmy's chathead should now be consistently drunk.
- Added the daze effect when you're ‘baguetted’ by the sandwich lady.
- Adjusted some wall in Falador to match its surroundings.
- Prevented the icebergs to the north from being see-through.
- Various bridges now look better on the minimap.
- Fixed god capes rendering oddly when in the Oo'glog spa pools.
- Resolved a selection of ground issues around Karamja.
- Fixed a graphical problem with the cutscene and ship deck in the Rocking Out quest.
- Corrected a remove roof issue with the pirate ship north of Port Phasmatys.
- Improved various projectile animations and prevented them from disappearing with a low camera angle.
- Fixed a wall beam render issue in Falador.
- Players’ shadows should no longer look odd on the Gnome Agility Course’s rope swing.
- Corrected the remove roof feature for the Toad and Chicken Inn.
- Adjusted NPC firing animations for the Dorgeshuun crossbow.
- Changed the Easter 2009 emote to look better while Prayer icons are active.
- Extracted a fence that went through a tree.
- Improved the flag animations in Varrock Museum.
- Greatly sped up the death animation of pyrefiends.
- Improved and tweened the animations of the children in Varrock Museum.
- Added an animation for pressing the case buttons in Varrock Museum.
- Adjusted some floating rocks above the elemental workshop area.
- A large amount of NPC pirate models have been updated.
- A mapping problem in Falador is now water under the bridge.
- Updated the water in some random events.
- Removed other various white spots of water around the world.
- Ogres dying and fences were causing render order issues.
- Removed a few pillars that weren't holding anything up.
- You can no longer see through the river on Lunar Isle.
- Fixed Sigli's chathead model.
- Corrected the graphics for several log balances.
- The stairs in Varrock’s west bank no longer descend into a grey/white void.
- Stopped the tree gates in Lletya from jumping when players are passing through them.
- Adjusted fogging and brightness in some catacombs.
- Corrected some roofing on the Void Knights' Outpost.
- Fixed a rope that was missing a section.
- Reworked various zombie and skeleton combat animations.
- Re-added animations to an Underground Pass Agility pipe.
- Adjusted the height of Juliet's balcony.
- Reworked a bit of mapping near Ardougne where the ground was overly spiky.
- Corrected some roofing on Ape Atoll.
- The penguin Spin emote no longer has a Crafting cursor.
- Tweened a selection of animal impression animations in Varrock Museum.
- Fixed a few problems with the minimap in Taverley Dungeon.
- Realigned a piece of wooden fence.
- Fixed a texturing problem with maple tree stumps.
- Fixed some combinations of hairstyles and hats that were causing render issues.
- Fixed a long standing issue where ice warriors would lose the transparency of their models in combat.
- Updated a considerable number of water areas around the world.
- Improved the music track 'Soundscape'.
- Added music back to the Observatory’s dungeon area.
- Added a few sound effects to the Wolf Whistle quest.
- Corrected the unlock message for the music track 'Expedition'.
- Improved the catapult sounds in Castle Wars.
- Added some new music to the upper floors of Lumbridge Castle.
- Corrected some mapping where a piece of platform was floating.
- Stopped a crate glowing due to a lantern next to it.
- Fixed various graphical issues in several dungeon map squares (mostly lava- and flame-related).
- Added Zanik's mark back to the NPC model to match the chathead again.
- Fixed a problem with a river bank next to a wall.
- Resolved a few problems with walls that have gaps and holes in.
- Corrected the minimap look of a stile that had an odd red line associated with it.
- Resolved an animation problem with the cleaner in Varrock.
- The Slayer ring will now display the correct chathead relating to your Slayer Master.
- Corrected a problem with the fire cape when using fairy rings.
- Fixed various graphical and mapping issues around Baxtorian Falls.
- Altered some mapping to fix the floor and walls in the Falador Mole Lair.
- Corrected a few emote problems with Eek the spider.
- Flattened the pier flooring in Port Sarim.
- Steam from the pools in Oo'glog shouldn't make players slightly transparent any more.
- Added a missing carpet to Nardah and adjusted some of the flying animations.
- Corrected some of the sea near the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.
- Tweened the animations of Varrock Museum’s guards.
- Fixed a problem with some of the walls in Dorgesh-Kaan.
- Added some variety to bird flapping sounds.
- Updated the music track 'Attention'.
- Corrected the sounds associated with Torag's hammers.
- Updated the unlock hints for a handful of music tracks in the Wilderness.
- Corrected the sounds for lit and unlit torches.
- Added a stove sound to appropriate locations.
- Added fireplace sounds to the fireplace in Lumbridge Castle.
- The track 'Newby Melody' has been changed slightly.
- Added a variety of sound effects to the preparation of food products.
- Modified the timing and sounds when hammering planks in the Cabin Fever quest.
- Added sound effects for opening various lockers and depositing plunder in the Cabin Fever quest.
- Added sound effects for when failing to get into mine carts.
- A metal gate no longer sounds like a wooden door.
- Added sounds to the catapult on the Barbarian Agility Course.
- Added various ambient sounds around Lumbridge.
- Added a missing eat sound for tangled toads' legs.
- Adjusted some of the core audio sounds that are used in various songs.
- Corrected the sound and animation timings for the church bell in Lumbridge.
- Updated the Hallowe'en 2008 music unlock information.
- A check in the Rum Deal quest now checks your actual level rather than current level for a stat.
- Removed a hole in the floor in the Legacy of Seergaze quest.
- Included a little more info to the latter part of the Myths of the White Lands caverns.
- Fixed the flames in the Smoking Kills dungeon.
- Corrected the Legacy of Seergaze quest complete message.
- The Roving Elves quest should correctly cross out the requirements when you meet them.
- Updated some of the code in the King's Ransom quest.
- Added a bit more info to the Dragon Slayer quest journal.
- Rewrote some of the logic in Monkey Madness.
- Improved the looks of the mirror rotation interface in Mourning's Ends Part II.
- Adjusted the models for the siege game type in Mobilising Armies.
- Some Sorceress's Garden messages have been added to the spam filter.
- Removed a bottleneck at the Blast Furnace by removing the door and making appropriate changes to the anvil.
- Players will no longer be swimming if they're removed from the Fishing Trawler under certain circumstances.
- Corrected a problem when using the Clan Wars viewing orbs, which were viewing the wrong locations.
- The Mobilising Armies quest kit is no longer destroyed upon death.
- Fixed some drawers in Taverley that couldn't be closed.
- Swapping tea around with a full inventory no longer causes cups to be dropped.
- Ensured a Fishing spot near West Ardougne can actually be fished from.
- Prevented thrones from occasionally disappearing in your POH.
- Prayer icons should now be correctly removed if you run out of Prayer points in a random event.
- You can now chisel limestone in larger quantities without repetitive clicking.
- Modified the elemental mind helm to resolve a few problems.
- The Death Altar portal in the Abyss is now a little more informative if you don't have the requirements.
- En'shore'd that a Fishing spot is no longer partly on land.
- Adjusted an interface that was having text problems in various languages.
- Added a few Summoning-related messages to the spam filter.
- Added the Teleblock spell name to Quick Chat.
- Slayer Masters are now referred to by the location they reside in.
- Removed a duplicate "Nothing interesting happens." message when Firemaking.
- Clue scrolls have been updated to reflect the recent name change of the Spin emote to Twirl.
- Improved the timing of Ancient Magicks teleports.
- Rewrote pestle and mortar grinding code.
- Made wheat locations a bit easier to click on.
- The penguin is now correctly sitting on the block of ice in Varrock Museum.
- Made tool leprechauns’ references to buckets consistent.
- Fixed various spelling errors and grammatical issues.
- Ensured players aren't crouched after hiding in a crate.
- The demon butler will reappear even if you are busy doing other things.
- Updated the POH guidebook to reflect recent additions.
- Adjusted the text of Grim's book to fit the interface.
- A hole for a cellar door can no longer be walked on.
- Ensured poison is properly cured during a cutscene and the green glow on the status globe is turned off.
- Adjusted the behaviour of wily cats when placed in a menagerie.
- Removed some unnecessary blocking from Waterbirth Island.
- Added messages to the spam filter when trying to gather phoenix feathers.
- Run energy should now continue to be restored when charging various orbs.
- Reduced the number or right-click options on the barriers around the Grand Exchange NPCs.
- The dwarf hand cannon correctly states that it's a members’ item in the skill guide.
- Penguins will no longer appear to talk with cat chatheads on occasion.
- Removed some excessive blocking from Lumbridge’s basement areas.
- Improved the code that attempts to rejoin you to a Clan Chat channel on login.
- The ‘Items Kept on Death’ interface will now give a bit of extra info about gravestones if applicable.
- Removed a members-only message from an Agility shortcut in Falador.
- Updated some of the code for the Hunter skill.
- Put the tanning icon back on the map correctly in Canifis.
- Removed a duplicate shortcut icon from the map.
- Improved some of the code affecting the bank and switching tabs while searching for items.
- You will now be returned to your POH if you were in it when you received a random event.
- Roddeck will no longer advise you to 'smelt' rune essence.
- Optimised the code for player notes.
- Rewrote the code controlling the Summoning pouch/scroll creation interfaces.
- When fighting the knights as part of King's Ransom, it should now properly remember your progress should you logout.
- Improved the various error messages when trying to create an account.
- Updated the code checks for clockwork toys.
- Removed a Summoning option on the spirit Tz-Kih that doesn't exist.
- Improved the logic dealing with cats changing to their fully grown state.
- Adjusted the ‘delivery cost’ (the mark-up for players who buy these items from shops and sell them on the Grand Exchange) of mithril seeds, bone bolts and white boots.
- Improved the code involving the rat pits and certain cat checks.
- Rewrote some of code for the Werewolf Agility Course and fixed a stepping-stone bug at the same time.
- Fixed a piece of code in the God Wars Dungeon where a stat-reducing attack didn't reduce the correct amount.
- After killing Bork your Prayer icons should be correctly updated.
- You can now re-acquire a pendant of Lucien from the NPC in Lucien’s house (the one west of the Grand Exchange) after completing the Temple of Ikov quest.
- ‘Accept’ Aid now affects the ability for trading while in the Stealing Creation minigame.
- Resolved an issue with the rune payment interface for the banker at Ourania Altar.
- Rewrote some of the skillcape trimming code to better handle all scenarios.
- Fighting with kick selected and Eek in your hands will no longer play a punch animation.
- Removed the follower restrictions on magic carpet, canoe and balloon journeys.
- Sped up the interaction when passing through the Al-Kharid toll gates from Lumbridge.
- Corrected the action names found on ledges that referred to doors.
- Added tooltips and reworked Varrock Museum’s interfaces.
- Free players are now given a bit of text when trying to enter the desert.
- Sawdust is now correctly set as a members’ item.
- Fixed a minor problem when trying to deposit certain items into a full bank.
- Explorer Jack's chat now has a chat option to end the conversation.
- Yanni now recognises different genders in chat.
- Adjusted the stock of various dyes and changed the shop they're sold in accordingly.
- Crawling hands can now drop purple gloves on occasion.
- We’ve also added various gloves (in small amounts) to a shop in Canifis.
- Certain items will now have a bit more freedom on the Grand Exchange, including anti-poison, pizza bases and thin snails.
- You can now bless as many silver sickles as you like without having to drop them on the floor.
- Increased the shop stock for pots of flour.
- Ensure hit splats always show on players when attacked by wizards near the Wizards' Tower, even if it's a 0.
- Players are now given more information if the client can't switch to High Detail mode.
- Butlers can no longer be trapped upstairs in rooms that no longer exist.
- You can now log into a Bounty or Bounty+1 world if you are in a random event, providing the location you were taken from originally is a valid location on these worlds.
- Fixed a few problems with the Barbarian Agility Course and slightly streamlined the high-level part of it.
- A stepping stone Agility shortcut has been placed in Shilo Village requiring 74 Agility.
- Rewrote a fair chunk of code dealing with Keldagrim’s mini tasks.