It was added on 23 October 2017.
Warning: Display title "Patch Week | PvM & Skilling" overrides earlier display title "Patch Week - PvM & Skilling".
It's the age-old conundrum that's been wracking minds throughout Gielinor: would you rather battle one queen black dragon-sized duck or 100 duck-sized queen black dragons?
If you picked the latter (and subsequently guessed that this was all one big metaphor) then you're in luck: it's patch week. Here are some of our highlights:
- The spider minions in the Araxxi fight will now die at the end of her death animation.
- The right-click options on Barrows brothers spawned by other players have been removed.
- The click radius on the Gravity Field in the Vorago boss fight has been increased.
- The Max Guild boss portal has been updated to show all options on one page.
- A 'Set arrival' option has been added to various bosses for the Max Guild boss portal.
- A 'Don't ask me again' option has been added when prompted about the 100k coin charge for re-tuning the Max Guild boss portal.
- Surge and Escape are now usable during the global cooldown period, similar to Bladed Dive outside of PvP areas.
- The Fishing spots inside the Menaphos VIP area have been moved closer together and will now only spawn on the west side of the pool.
- A Fish Flingers fisherman has arrived in the Menaphos VIP area.
- The Fish Flingers fisherman in Piscatoris has moved to the north-eastern shoreline.
- The RuneMetrics interface is now visible during Kegger, Racing, Table dancing and Zapper minigames at the NovtumberFest event.
- The boost and activate options on the action bar for equipped skill capes have been swapped around.
- Member skill challenges up to level 5 can now be progressed by free players.
- A right-click option has been added to select the destination on various fairy rings throughout the game world without having to first visit Zanaris.
- A 'Check Progress' option has been added to Menaphos soul obelisks.
- The skill name has been added to Strange rocks and Golden rocks.
- Fully recharged scrimshaws will now stack in the bank with brand new ones.
- The farmer's wander range away from the bank chest in the Meilyr district of Prifddinas has been adjusted.
- The Varrock teleport will now teleport players slightly closer to the Staff shop (depending on Varrock task completion settings).
- The Lumbridge teleport will teleport players closer to the Combat Academy.
- The following items will now always show a lootbeam: Ghost hunter equipment, Ancient emblems, Perfect chitin, Camel journals, Magister journals, Adamant dragon journals and Attuned crystal seeds.
Read the full list of this week's updates on the patch notes forum thread.
Do you watch our live streams? No? Why not? This month we bring you LootScape, an all-new way for you to get yourself some awesome in-game goodies by watching our live streams every month.
Just connect your RuneScape account to your Twitch account and tune into one of our Tuesday or Friday live streams to get some free stuff!
First up in our goodie bags for all of you is the amazing Twitching Orb pet. Claim it in any of our Tuesday or Friday streams throughout October, or this week during the epic Dimension of the Damned finale.
You can connect your RS account to your Twitch account and find out more about it here.
Here's a tongue twister for you: how much fish could a fish flinger fling if a fish flinger could fling fish?
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1,000 bold adventures. Thousands of zombies just waiting to be slain. Epic prizes await the victor in this free-for-all finale. Who will triumph?
Top up your PvM tactics with your weekly dose of monster-killing with Mod Lee!