It was added on 6 June 2006.
Just a small update this week... we didn't want to interfere with your construction!
This week we are releasing various improvements for the Pest Control mini-game, as well as increasing the range of rewards available to you.
If you take a look, you'll find much more information available in the waiting areas, as well as some nice new interfaces during the game itself. These will tell you useful statistics like the health of the Void Knight, the status of the portals and the amount of damage you have inflicted.
We've also made changes to the rewards. You'll still get 1 point for successfully completing a round of the mini-game, but you can now use those points to buy herb, seed or mineral packs, a new Guthixian Mace with spell casting abilities and an armour set to allow you to blend in with the other Void Knights! There is also the chance to save up 100 points and spend them all in one go, earning you 10% extra XP in your chosen stat. Take a look at the Knowledge Base for more information, including equipment stats.
We have also added some gold and silver mining spots to the TzHaar Area.