It was added on 9 February 2011.
An adventure starts with an old letter found in a disorderly storeroom… Who would have thought one letter could lead to a mountainous trek to Lletya in the company of a gnome adventurer, via a path that no human or elf (and only one gnome) has ever trodden before? And that’s only the start: you’ll be decrypting Yewnock’s most ingenious, and most puzzling, calibration device to date, and you’ll get a unique and revealing insight into Arposandra life. All of this awaits those who choose to investigate the fate of...The Prisoner of Glouphrie!
Level 86+ farmers will also be pleased to know that the new spirit tree patch mentioned in Behind the Scenes - February does also come with the ability to plant up to two of these trees.
During the quest, you’ll meet members of King Bolren’s family tree, and they, along with every other gnome in RuneScape, have had a visit from the Makeover Mage to give them a much-improved new look. Be sure to check out your favourite gnome NPCs at the Tree Gnome Village and Battlefield[help] (in particular those riding on terrorbirds and battle tortoises), the Tree Gnome Stronghold[help], the glider pilots, and even members of 10th Squad on Ape Atoll[help].
Mod Maylea RuneScape Content Developer
Where to start Prisoner of Glouphrie[help]:
Talk to Golrie in his cave below Tree Gnome Village. Requirements to start Prisoner of Glouphrie:
61 Runecrafting |
In other news...
Profanity Filter
We’ve added a new feature to the old chat filter, now renamed as the profanity filter[help]. Its default function is still to be turned on to filter out all the words (and URLs) on our blacklist, but we’ve added the option for you to turn the filter off. We recognise that RuneScape has a maturing player base and, as such, wish to give you the freedom to choose for yourselves, while also still keeping the filter for those players who do not wish to see swear words and the like.
This is, of course, not a cue to be disrespectful of or towards your fellow players, as all RuneScape rules[help] still apply. If you find swearing offensive, please do leave the profanity filter on. Equally, please do not try to circumvent the filter. Also, even turned off, we will still be filtering out URLs (though we have plans to add a whitelist of 'safe' sites), and any chat that contains your password will still be completely blocked.
Game World Changes
We have switched four worlds (worlds 21, 32, 40 and 85) from free-to-play to members-only, to deal with the increased demand for member worlds since the Wilderness was reinstated. World 85 is also a LootShare world.