This live chat was held on 15 August 2013.
Thursday August 15, 2013
Mod Phoenix: Hello everyone and welcome to yet another Live Chat!
Vince Marsland: Hello everyone and welcome to our latest chat with the brain-trust behind the Death of Chivalry!
Vince Marsland: Please note that there is a pre-filter on comments which will lead to a delay on them going live
Comment From PURGE ALL
In the canonical version of the quest, who has the Staff? Saradomin or Sir Owen?
Comment From Nightgunner
Could the wand be used to bring back [insert dead Runescape character here]?
Comment From Nightgunner
Linza is the only hero that hasn't really been featured yet, aside from a cameo in Deadliest Catch. When will she get her day in the limelight? Will it be a Knight's Sword rework?
Mod Stu: Response to Nightgunner:
My first reply! Hope this works. :) In theory, yes. If wielded by someone who is truly virtuous. There's the rub.
Mod Osborne: Heya! Sure, Linza will feature in future story content. The signature heroes will creep into quests over the next year, but Linza won't be the first!
Comment From Joseph R Chown
I would first like to say that this was one of the best quests that I did, even for a novice level quest.
Comment From Rubic
Comment From Aeroxmaster
Some voice-overs are a lot quieter than others. Any way of getting them at similar volumes? And when one voice-over needs to be quieter than another, can’t this be taken into account when setting the minimum volume that voice-overs play at for specific speaker volumes?
Comment From Jasmine Fellah
Comment From Wahisietel
Dawn/Lensig is such a great villian. I love her voice, and the track that plays when you fight her (Fighting for Light Part II) is amazing.
Comment From Guest
Hello, all. =)
Comment From A Seven X Rs
I loved the new quest too Joseph :)
Comment From Guest
Hello, so in regards to the new quest line, at the end of the series (or even in the midst) do you guy's ever plan on expanding the Runescape world? Like expanding the shore lines or making new islands?
Mod Giara: The wonderful thing about the game is that we can add and expand not on Gielinor but also on to other worlds via such methods as the fairy rings, I don't think that we have seen the extent of the land mass in RuneScape yet!
Comment From Skrarr
Love the new black knights fortress i was almost stunned walking into it just by the new scale of it compared to the old one. good work!
Comment From jim
Baby blue says hallo from norway
Comment From Runic lord
If Saradomin needs to revive the centaurs with Elora's wand... why is he summoning centaurs at the Battle of Lumbridge?
Mod Stu: Runic lord,
The Saradominist champion at the Battle of Lumbridge is a single centaur - specifically Bree from the God Wars Dungeon, geared up with elite armour. Poor fellow. He gets killed over and over again at GWD too. :)
Comment From Sam Hooo
I would like to say that whoever did the combat adjudtments for higher lvls did a good job i loved this quest and that it had a good boss fight
Comment From Master Lord
How did you decide which mod who ascend to godhood and voice Saradomin?
Mod Ian: Hi Master Lord,
hahah well if a Mod DID voice Saradomin it would obviously be our own Mod Lord :)
Comment From knddnk2
I didn't think it would be possible for the world wakes to be beat but you guys blew it out of the water (in relation to other quests of it's level, tww was better than the other grandmaster but this one was absolutely a million times better than others of it's catagory) I look forward to the other quests and hope they all keep up this level of quality both in story and in oh wow moments!
Comment From Dinstruction
Since Saradomin is a quest NPC who will remain after the Battle of Lumbridge, does this confirm the losing god will not die?
Mod Stu: Dinstruction,
Absolutely not. The winner or loser of the Battle of Lumbridge will be determined by you. We'll update the Death of Chivalry to reflect the choice the players have made. :)
Comment From Zoli Ben
Hail Brassica Prime!
Comment From OOC_Acolyate
I love the Golden Cabbage, so much fun!
Comment From Nightgunner
Has Saradomin ressurected the centaurs already, or will that be part of a future quest?
Mod Stu: Nightgunner,
No, the centaurs haven't been resurrected yet. Sir Owen's "preparing" for that expedition at the moment, until the sequel is released. :)
Mod Phoenix: Hey guys, don't worry, your questions are coming through. They go through us first and then we publish them with an answer :)
Comment From Nightgunner
Is Owen's corruption permanent? I hope so, as it's a pretty interesting character trait!
Mod Stu: Nightgunner,
Certainly permanent at the moment. I'm hoping you'll determine his fate as the Sir Owen quest line continues.
Externalising his inner conflict does make him much more interesting, I'll agree. :)
Mod Adam R: Hello readers, I'm one of the audio folk. Hear me roar!
Comment From Yolo pvm
how I get lamp in quest ?
Mod Stu: Yolo pvm,
Finish the quest for the first couple. ;) For the rest, search around the crypt where you fought Lensig/Dawn.
Comment From Helmtorag1
Question, Did the rework of Black knight fortress include, The dungeon, and Elite black knight area
Alex Rouget: Unfortunately not, the update to the Fortress alone was so substantial that it left no time for any other graphical improvements before launch. But we will be reviewing all of the existing environments eventually, so you never know they might see an update soon. Hopefully you think the overhaul we did to the BKF was worth it :)
Comment From Nexil
Can we get a date for divination release, will it be before or after sgs/loyalty reworks
Mod Osborne: Sorry for cherrypicking answers, Fswe1. Hopefully it still satifies!
Q - When did the Kinshra obtain the holy book from Falador, as depicted on the ta[...]pestry? Siege of Falador? Covert spy operation?
A - This was during the Siege of Falador, in the midst of battle.
Q - How did the Abbey get this new sister (Esther) when Benita said the order would probably be disbanded after the Anna incident?
A - The abbey's still functioning at this point - you can see this when you visit the Abbey in the present day.
Q - Will Sir Owen ever be cured? Where did Fern take him?
A - Mod Stu will have a better notion of what he wants to do with Sir Owen, but you can guarantee that the infection is spreading and Sir Owen will be fighting every step of the way. With the wand gone, Fern is no longer forced to stay in this cavern. It's likely they've gone together to scope out the resting place of the centaurs.
Q - What happened to Lt. Graves if you didn't kill him?
A - He was crammed under the bed. Can't you see him? :)
Q - Will the god(s) you prayed to after Sir Owen's death affect future content?
A - This choice won't likely affect future content. Other choices in this content will, however.
Q - Me calling Saradomin Rasmus didn't make it into his top 100 insults - can you reveal some that did make it there? :P
A - Saradork.
Q - How will Brassica Prime look upon Saradomin scorching his followers at the monastery? (serious question)
A - He won't have liked it. At all. Be sure that this won't be forgotten.
Q - Can we tell the Varrock Museum about the story of the Wand of Resurrection?
A - That's a great idea. I'll pass it on to Mod Stu.
Comment From Demi Luperci
Will Owen be part of another future quest? I felt bad leaving him in a corrupted state, and not seeing him walking around anymore.
Mod Stu: Our intention was that The Death of Chivalry sets up the plot for what we want do with him and the centaurs in the future. His corruption will definitely be addressed. :)
Comment From IcthlarinRS
With the release of 'The Death of Chivalry', you have named it the 'First Sixth age' quest. However, the death of Guthix began the Sixth age. So, shouldn't 'Bringing Home the Bacon' be the first Sixth age quest?
Mod Giara: Bringing Home the Bacon was a fun quest that does not impact other story lines, by the first 6th Age quest it was implied that it was the first one that kicks off some of the longer story arcs
Vince Marsland: Hey everyone, your comments/questions are pre-filtered so there is a delay before they go live in the chat to keep it clear and on track :)
Comment From knddnk2
Awesome! SO is the Q&A lore or game mechanic focused? OR both? Are we getting a faq or is this in that's place? I always look forard tot eh faw
Mod Stu: Feel free to ask any questions, lore or mechanical, and we'll try to answer as best we can.
Comment From Saphhirra
What was the "elemental rune" mentioned in the rewards? no one I know ever got any.
Mod Giara: The elemental runes are hidden somewhere in the supplies within the tomb!
Comment From Godslayer
Is Saradomin evil or just short tempered?
Mod Osborne: Definitely short tempered! He's impulsive, and will do what he can to keep his people safe
Comment From Hello :)
Will there be quests in the future centring about the other Gods?
Mod Giara: Oh yes! The Edicts are broken and the gods are free to return
Comment From Aeroxmaster
Can we have voice-overs that are automatically set at a volume which is suitable for the volume that a player normally keeps their speakers at? Often when voice-overs are introduced, I have to increase the volume of my speakers and I feel like I shouldn’t have to i.e. voice-overs can seem to be too quiet for the normal volume that I like to keep my laptop speakers at…
Mod Ian: Hi Aeroxmaster, sorry about publishing a blank answer - that's my super chat skills in action!
Usually for voice overs we "normalise" the volumes of voices so they should (hopefully) be fairly consistent across each quest or piece of content.
We are doing more adjustments with volumes at the moment for RS3 - you may have seen some forum comments about music being too low for instance.
Ideally voice overs should be fairly loud so they are easy to hear.
Hopefully a future update will mean less tweaking your volumes and more getting into the story.
Thanks for your question :)
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
Hello there! I think the quest was great and I have some questions regarding the wand. First of all: is it an elder artefact? I know it's unlikely seeing it grew on Elora's head, but... who knows. Second: if we, by any means, get hold of the wand again, could we use it to revive Guthix, even if as a corrupted aberration like Owen? I know this is really, really unlikely to happen, but... hope's the last one to fade away, i guess.
Comment From Rubic
Mod Giara has a cool profile picture
Mod Osborne: The wand isn't an Elder Artefact - it was taken from the forehead of a centaur, so it won't have been created by the Elder Gods. I'm afraid that the death of a god is more complex than the death of a mortal - they explode and diffuse their energy - so they won't be resurrected. Still, I can imagine a time when the player has the wand.
BTW - Thank you so much for your compliments of the quest!
Comment From Malice Alice
Shoutout to the Graphics and Audio team for TDOC! It was lovely. What are somethings that you did for this quest that haven't been possible in the past?
Mod Adam R: You're welcome :)
For this quest it was the first time I attempted to get the guys wearing helmets to sound like they were actually wearing helmets.
Comment From Ballor
Hello jmods (apologies if this sent again!), After the events of The World Wakes and now Death of Chivalry, is Saradomin every going to forgive the World Guardian, or learn from his actions?
Comment From Skrarr
What is behind the frozen door near the portal in the saradominist tomb? Or will we eventually find out?
Alex Rouget: Well now that would be telling ;)
Lets just say the tomb is located under the frozen wastes, possibly somewhere very close to the God Wars Dungeon. So that sealed door might just lead to the surface... or maybe somewhere more interesting...
Mod Giara: Saradomins primary concern is that of the people and those who he protects. I don't think that Saradomin is angry at the World Guardian but Saradomin certainly wants to do things his way
Mod Osborne: Not exactly like this, but those of you who feel that Zamorak has been shortchanged in this quest can be sure that he will be a focus of future content. This isn't in production yet.
Comment From Nelfarion44
Will we get a quest like this about Zamorak?
Comment From DazNoob
Adamn R, brilliant audio work! All the music and voice overs were spot on!
Mod Adam R: Thanks a lot, we tried really hard to make the voices fit and spent extra time casting. We had some great voice talent on this project.
Comment From Joseph R Chown
I've heard a very strange rumour that Guthix a cat...if this is true, which it probably isn't, could this be bob the cat?
Mod Giara: Guthix is dead and Bob lives on!
Comment From Zoli Ben
Could you update the fortress original music, Knightmare or black of Knight? Its a shame neither were updated now. =(
Mod Ian: Hi Zoli Ben.
There are plans to rework many more pieces of music all across the game world. I'm not 100% sure about the existing songs though, we have tried to pick songs that are hopefully well regarded. If we see enough comments to rework a particular song there is a much better chance of it being reworked!
Mod Adam R: The music was very good as well :)
Comment From Nelfarion44
Will Zamorak feature in an upcoming quest?
Mod Osborne: Hell to the yeah! Not in production yet, but you can guarantee it. Plus I want to see the last of the Fremennik Sagas...
Mod Adam R: And I should have a profile picture now.
Comment From Runic lord
What god do chickens follow?
Mod Adam R: Grr
Mod Phoenix: Armadyl of course, all birds follow Armadyl!
Comment From Runic lord
When can we expect Missing Presumed Death?
Mod Osborne: Missing Presumed Death will be coming this year, well before Christmas. I can't say any more - so sorry!
Comment From Josh Tremblay
Since all the Black Knights were updated, will the White Knights getting a similar update soon? With an update of Falador maybe? :)
Mod Giara: It would be nice but I don't think it is on the immediate list of things to do
Comment From Stumpwein
how is everyone?
Mod Osborne: Full of muffins and something that might be tuna, or might be chicken.
Mod Adam R: AhHA!
Comment From Gohankuten
Can Brassica Prime feature in some more quests? I mean he is the god who will rule them all when Zaros puts him in charge.
Mod Osborne: He will feature in a quest this year. EXCLUSIVE!
Comment From Gohankuten
Why weren't we given the option to try and revive Sir Owen ourselves?
Mod Adam R: Because the first aid skill hasn't been released yet.
Comment From Miseryoflife
Is the wand the elder horn I mean Fern's memory could be flawed or have we still yet to see it?
Mod Giara: The horn is the wand for sure, Fern maybe be old but she is still sharp in both mind and her fighting style!
Comment From Guest
Mod Osborne, who was responsible for Black Zabbeth?
Mod Ian: Hi Guest (great name by the way heheheh)
I thought i'd answer you as i'm in the audio team...
Black Zabeth was written by Mod Bond, one of his more "unusual" creations :)
Comment From Guest
First of all congratulations on the great Quest. Q:. Is the storyline ahead the first 6th age already designed? Will there be place for a pratical use of the ressurection wand? Keep up the good work!!
Mod Osborne: Yes and no. We know where we want to eventually end up with the 6th Age, and we have so many things determined - the origin of each god, their aims, the kind of content they'll feature in - but ultimately you will decide on a lot of that content through democratic content like world events. It's exciting and a little scary from our perspective!
For uses of the wand, you 'll have to wait for the future Sir Owen quest!
Comment From Saphhirra
Can we get a Missing, Presumed Death update? Kind of looking forward to that quest and answering the one question that has been on many minds since The World Wakes: Is Sliske a god?
Mod Giara: Missing, Presumed Dead is in the works but has not got to QA yet! It'll be amazing when it is ready for sure!
Comment From Dinstruction
Will the signature heroes storylines crossover?
Mod Osborne: That's our intention. Particularly the core heroes and the support heroes (Raptor, Linza and Xenia). There is still a lofty goal of having them all in one quest.
Comment From Axel XIII
being corrupted when revived by saradomin would that not shake sir owen's faith in saradomin even a little
Mod Giara: Maybe, you'll have to wait for the follow-up!
Comment From Goldfish of Zaros
If Armadyl had lips instead of a beak, could he whistle?
Mod Phoenix: Why not :D
Comment From Cj Johnson
Can a Mahjarrat be resurrected by the wand?
Comment From Ian Sowden
Loved the music and voice acting, do you plan to keep doing quests voice acted? Also do you plan on reworking audio incliuding voice acting for old titles ?
Mod Giara: A Mahjarrat is not human, we only know that the wand works on centaur and humans so far, it might not have any effect on Mahjarrat at all
Mod Adam R: I'd love to eventually rework older quests to have voice over.
Issues arise when we need to make an edit and the actor has moved on or isn't available, so we have to be rather careful about that. That's not a reason not to do it though, we've had some amazing responses to the voiced quests and we shall keep doing them.
Any quests in particular you'd like to hear voiced? Or characters?
Comment From Nexil
Since the player was the one who was chosen to be virtuous why did owen and dawn take it, wont in their hands it be effectively useless?
Mod Osborne: You'll be needed. You're right - you are the one who can use it, so they are only doing preparatory work. When Mod Stu works on the sequel, you will be integral to it.
Comment From Guest
Mod Phoenix, you'll be missed
Mod Phoenix: I'll miss you guys too!
Comment From Balustan
Will the Centaur models in the Enchanted Valley be updated?
Alex Rouget: Since we've seen a Centaur re-design for this quest and the battle for Lumbridge, it's only a matter of time before their more dated cousins in the Enchated Vallet get a bit of TLC as well :)
Mod Giara: As this is an entry level quest new players may not be familiar about the system to activate over rides so it made more sense to add the captains outfit as a set of items.
Comment From Mewzard
Would it be fair to say that at least part of the reason why Saradomin wants the wand is to make up for his past failings, and give the Centaurs a second chance? Could it be possible to restore some of the fallen Naragi to amend such things?
Mod Osborne: You are exactly right. Saradomin's motivations here are almost entirely benevolent - he wants to make up for errors with the centaurs. But he was impulsive and emotional, and that's often been his failing. The naragi could be restored, but I wonder if they would be his first target.
Comment From Joseph R Chown
"all birds follow Armadyl!" Sorry to bring up this but, does that include the evil chicken?
Mod Giara: That evil chicken! Who knows what he thinks eh?
Comment From Dinstruction
Is Saradomin still considered one of the oldest of the younger gods? It was mentioned he was quite young during his time in the Naragi plane.
Mod Osborne: Yes, he is one of the oldest. At least two of the current canon are older than him, but he is older than Armadyl and Bandos, for example.
Comment From Rubic
Regarding the patch notes, the chat window is now resizable in cutscenes and other places. When will you allow the game dialogue box to be in its spot as customised by us as well?
Mod Adam R: I believe you can move the dialogue box around, though of resizing I'm not sure.
Comment From Joseph R Chown
I think we established that saradomin is stubborn. Do you think that he would do absolutely anything to get his way?
Mod Giara: Only if his way is the best decision for his followers and believers
Comment From Sasqe
After this quest i felt like kicking Saradomin's ass... i just told him i woudn't give him the wand, but he just stroke me and stole it from me, will we ever get the chance to engage a god in battle to teach them a lesson to show some respect?
Mod Giara: Even as the World Guardian I don't think the player would have the power to go toe to toe with a god.
Comment From Saphhirra
So during the quest I had a mental flashback to the end of One Piercing Note, with a sister from that abbey going insane and backstabbing, quite literally in Note. Then after reading the Journal, it made a lot more sense. But still, is there something with that particular abbey that causes the sisters to have problems? or is is pure coinicidence?
Mod Osborne: I would say coincidence. We're not making a statement about nuns being inherently evil! They've just had incredibly bad luck (even historically)
Comment From PURGE ALL
Is Brassica Prime angry at Saradomin for killing his poor followers in the Monestary?
Comment From Dulcin
So are you guys just picking the questions you only want to answer? I was hoping they all would as I was really curious as to what made you decide in making the Zammy a non-override cosmetic like the Sara reward.
Mod Adam R: They await an answer, then we post a response and they (should) go up together :) this allows us to moderate them but also gives a pool of questions to dip into.
As for the override, it's in the FAQ. Stu just gave me a great answer but my hands aren't fast enough to type it all.
Mod Giara: I'm angry at Saradomin as well, those cabbages were delicious!
Comment From Runic lord
What was Zaros's original race?
Comment From AttKarma
can't wait for the other quest, i loved this one.. great job
Mod Osborne: We know what he is! Let me just say that Zaros - in his own way - is unique. It's less about what he is, and more about where he came from. EXCLUSIVE!
Comment From Sam Hooo
When can we expect the next quest
Mod Osborne: We're aiming for a quest soon. There won't be any long waits again this year.
Comment From Divine Ralf
Death of Chivalry started a new 6th age quest series, and that's great, but when can we expect to hear more from the elves or Seren? I get the sad feeling that they're being neglected
Alex Rouget: As a matter of fact I've seen some new designs for the Elf city floating around the art department recently, but as far as I'm aware nothing has been signed off yet. So don't give up hope they will be back at some point.
Comment From PURGE ALL
Will the Quest after "Missing, Presumed Death" be about the background/return of Armadyl? If not, when can we see some more Armadyl content in game?
Mod Giara: Armadyl is itching to get some love, I for one am an Armadylian and can't wait for the time he gets some action
Comment From Zeus
Why did the xp from the creatures in the quest not scale with the hp? They had high LP, did no damage at all and gave barely even 100xp.
Mod Giara: The scaling is still new technology we are working on but I think that this experiment went really well!
Comment From Malice Alice
Can we expect more scaled combat in the future given the success of the recent quest?
Mod Osborne: It's not perfect, not yet - I think many players of high level still found the combat a little too easy. We're working out the best way of implementing it in the future, and whether it has been successful across all levels. To give you an insight, it's really sparked conversation within the team.
Comment From Zoli Ben
Now that Saradomin had his spotligt on a F2P quest, can Zamorak have his spotlight in the same manner?
Alex Rouget: Definitely! Followers of Zamorak can expect to see an update around their chosen god some time in the future.
Comment From Ziggy Coins
I didn't trust Saradomin throughout the quest, I warned him that no good can come of him using the wand, then we he took it off me by force and then caused Owens corruption, that confirmed to me that no-one deserves that power...
Mod Osborne: Then you were proved right! Saradomin is still redeemable - please don't give up on him yet,
Comment From Runic lord
@Mod Osbourne Could you explain the seven tiers of Godhood? You promised an explantion some time ago =P
Mod Osborne: Gosh, I know. I have been so bad at getting this live. It's on my To Do list, I promise, along with the Stone of Jas timeline. To give you insight: Tier 1 is Elder Gods, Tier 2 is Guthix, Zaros at full power and Seren at full power. That might surprise some...
Comment From Joseph R Chown
There's one thing that occurred to me during the quest. How is it possible that Saradomin was able to appear when he is also battling Zamorak at the same time? Did Zaros interfere with the classic Ice Barrage?
Mod Giara: There is some dialogue from Saradomin that explains that he what you see in the quest is just a projection or manifestation of his being, he was still locked in conflict with Zamorak
Comment From Guest
Mod Adam R: Hi!
Mod Adam R: Anyone can be killed.
Mod Adam R: Hmm, the comment didn't pop up.
Comment From Niht Scinnre
I seem to recall that the player's prayer to Armadyl refers to him as "the god of freedom and law." Presuming I remember that quote correctly... is Armadyl the god of Freedom as well as law?
Mod Giara: Yup!
Comment From Demi Luperci
We will ever be able to take signature heroes as companions outside their quests? I've seen Raptor slaying some creatures around the world.
Mod Osborne: Outside their quests? That would make them the first human non-quest followers, which is not something I imagine us doing. You'll work and fight with them in future quests, though.
Comment From AttKarma
why you're leaving us mod phoenix ): now we don't have any flamey bird anymore, sad.
Mod Phoenix: I'll set Mod Crow on fire before I go. What about that?
Comment From Zoli Ben
Will other quest reworks go into Sixth Age instead of Fifth Age?
Mod Osborne: If we rework 6th Age quests, they will stay as 6th Age quests. If we rework 5th Age quests, they will stay as 5th Age quests. Only very, very rare quests will change this rule.
Comment From Malice Alice
"Any quests in particular you'd like to hear voiced? Or characters?" LEGENDS QUEST!!
Comment From Patapolo
Will what is behind the frozen door be revealed in the second part of this quest?
Alex Rouget: That's a popular question. The Tomb is located under the Frozen Wastes, possibly quite close to the God Wars Dungeon, so it's entirely possible that more of this will be revealed in the future.
Comment From Elwood288
Will the sequel be F2P as well?
Mod Osborne: That's unlikely, I'm afraid. It will be similar to the Ozan and Ariane quests, with a members second quest.
Comment From Wahisietel
How did Saradomin manage to change the shape of an elder god artefact (His crown)?
Mod Ian: Saradomin managed to change his physical size and be present at the crater in Lumbridge as well as talk to the player during the quest, so changing the appearance of an object is not a difficult thing for him.
Comment From Piepend
I would like to have the elves characters voiced over
Comment From Saphhirra
What is the situation on Missing, Presumed Death? Its a quest I know a ton of lore fans are ready for, and I am not alone in wanting to know if Sliske is a God and how he got the Staff of Armadyl from the Dragonkin.
Mod Osborne: It'll be this year, and well before Christmas (we hope!). It will answer Sliske's god question, and how he got the staff - guaranteed.
Comment From sasqe
to Mod Adam R Q: "Any quests in particular you'd like to hear voiced? Or characters?" - I'd love to hear Lucien!
Mod Adam R: Lucien has a few words to utter in the Dominion tower, though has yet to find his True voice.
Comment From parveln
Now you have made two quests where your choiced doesn´t really matter. Tww guthix dies. And Death of Chivalry Sir Owen becomes corrupted. Will you ever make the player´s choice be affecting the outcome of the quest?
Mod Osborne: I understand the frustration that we haven't changed the outcome fully. We're well aware of this, and that's something I definitely want to change. A quest we have planned for this year will feature a choice that will end divergently.
Comment From Fswe1
First of all, amazing quest - truly one of the best in the game (but I've said that numerous times now ;)). To business! -- How is it possible Zamorak and Saradomin are summoning tens of thousands of White Knights, Kinshra and centaurs near Lumbridge? -- Who will succeed Dulcin/Dawn as captain of the fortress after their deaths? -- Saradomin asked me how I liked his new look - what is the story of this new look? And why is he no longer wearing the Crown Archival? Or did is he simply so powerful that he was able to change the appearance of this Elder Artefact? -- Could the CommOrb get an update, in time, of course, with some new reports and dossiers? Like this mission, but also Grayzag, Lucien, Dragonkin, Movario... -- When did the Kinshra obtain the holy book from Falador, as depicted on the tapestry? Siege of Falador? Covert spy operation? - Does Kardia have any relation to the Kinshra and/or Lensig or was is she a "freelance" witch who resurrected Iban out of personal interest? - How did the Abbey get this new sister (Esther) when Benita said the order would probably be disbanded after the Anna incident? - Is Dulcin the captain from Black Knights' Fortress (the one with the funky moustache)? - Will Sir Owen ever be cured? Where did Fern take him? - What happened to Lt. Graves if you didn't kill him? - Will the god(s) you prayed to after Sir Owen's death affect future content? - Is the Tomb of the Fallen connected to the Temple of Lost Ancients? - Me calling Saradomin Rasmus didn't make it into his top 100 insults - can you reveal some that did make it there? :P - How will Brassica Prime look upon Saradomin scorching his followers at the monastery? (serious question) - Where did Daquarius get his scar? Edgeville Incident? Battle of Burthorpe? - Why does Dulcin's skull only replay the cinematic cutscenes, and not the ones with dialogue? - Could we please put Dulcin's journal, the letter to Lensig, the letter from Dawn and the grimoire in our POH bookcases? - Could people like Sir Amik, Enchanted Valley centaurs, Lord Daquarius and Helda (provided she is still Lensig's cousin) get some post-quest dialogue to reflect on what happened? - Can we tell the Varrock Museum about the story of the Wand of Resurrection? - Robo Hobo asks: Will The Death of Chivalry have any ties to Missing Presumed, Death, with all the resurrection and death going on? Addendum from Fswe1: I assume Icthlarin and/or Harold Death Esq. will have heard of the wand.
Comment From Guest
Can be a Zamorakian or Bandosian and still be Virtious?
Mod Ian: I think that is possible. If you haven't already you should play the Ariane quests which show another side of the Zamorakians...
Mod Stu: Fswe1,
-- How is it possible Zamorak and Saradomin are summoning tens of thousands of White Knights, Kinshra and centaurs near Lumbridge?
I can't really comment on the Battle of Lumbridge as I've not worked on it, but I see it as a segregation of gameplay and story. Lore-wise, each side are recruiting their followers and sending them to the battlefield for an epic conflict. Mechanically speaking, the enemies need to spawn in volumes suitable for the number of players killing them.
-- Who will succeed Dulcin/Dawn as captain of the fortress after their deaths?
The power vacuum in the Black Knights' Fortress is something I'd definitely like to address in the conclusion of Sir Owen's questline. A player suggestion was that the player be able to choose between an honourable or ruthless new leader, and I really like that idea.
-- Saradomin asked me how I liked his new look - what is the story of this new look? And why is he no longer wearing the Crown Archival? Or did is he simply so powerful that he was able to change the appearance of this Elder Artefact?
Saradomin has had a makeover to celebrate his return to Gielinor. For better or worse, this is how he's going to look from now on.
I do miss his taller, greyer version, I must admit.
The Elder Artefacts shape themselves to suit their wielder. The Crown Archival wouldn't have been much use to Elder Gods if it was its current size.
-- Could the CommOrb get an update, in time, of course, with some new reports and dossiers? Like this mission, but also Grayzag, Lucien, Dragonkin, Movario...
It could, if the Powers That Be decide to do any more content in the Temple Knight series.
-- When did the Kinshra obtain the holy book from Falador, as depicted on the tapestry? Siege of Falador? Covert spy operation?
It's stated during the quest that they recovered the holy book which contained the encoded location of the wand's tomb during the Siege of Falador.
- Does Kardia have any relation to the Kinshra and/or Lensig or was is she a "freelance" witch who resurrected Iban out of personal interest?
Lensig and Kardia are not related, as far I'm aware. Good idea, though!
- How did the Abbey get this new sister (Esther) when Benita said the order would probably be disbanded after the Anna incident?
Emphasis on "probably". :)
- Is Dulcin the captain from Black Knights' Fortress (the one with the funky moustache)?
Definitely. He's a re-imagined version of the same character.
- Will Sir Owen ever be cured? Where did Fern take him?
Definitely questions I want to answer in his follow-up quests.
- What happened to Lt. Graves if you didn't kill him?
Like a lot of the decisions you make in this quest, I'm planning for this choice to affect you in the sequel(s).
- Will the god(s) you prayed to after Sir Owen's death affect future content?
It might. The choices you make are remembered, and we'll acknowledge them where appropriate.
- Is the Tomb of the Fallen connected to the Temple of Lost Ancients?
There's certainly an architectural similarity, and they're in close proximity to each other. More of a product of the same era than directly connected, though.
- Me calling Saradomin Rasmus didn't make it into his top 100 insults - can you reveal some that did make it there? :P
Not in a PG-rated Q&A, no. :D
- How will Brassica Prime look upon Saradomin scorching his followers at the monastery? (serious question)
He flutters his leaves in mournful horror. There shall be a reckoning, if the Emerald Glory has his way.
- Why does Dulcin's skull only replay the cinematic cutscenes, and not the ones with dialogue?
We have two kinds of cutscenes - "cinematic" cutscenes built by the artists in a special editor, which allows them to set up sweeping cameras, they'll make a lot of bespoke animations, and they're non-interactive. These are storyboarded and take a lot of resources to create.
Then there are scripted cutscenes, which are created by developers and tend to have simpler camera movement, supports dialogue, and you can break out of the chat at any time.
The skull includes the cinematic cutscenes, because due to the cost involved and the production value, I wanted to ensure you get maximum appreciation of them. Also, the dialogue cutscenes are loaded with dialogue choices, many but not all of which are saved for future use.
- Could we please put Dulcin's journal, the letter to Lensig, the letter from Dawn and the grimoire in our POH bookcases?
I implemented a fix for this today, actually, when I spotted this suggestion on the forums. Not the grimoire, though, as it's not a backstory object, technically.
- Could people like Sir Amik, Enchanted Valley centaurs, Lord Daquarius and Helda (provided she is still Lensig's cousin) get some post-quest dialogue to reflect on what happened?
They weren't involved in the quest, so no. Helda and Lensig are no longer related, I'm afraid (this was only mentioned by "Lensig classic", and they now bear no resemblance).
- Can we tell the Varrock Museum about the story of the Wand of Resurrection?
Hang out. The ending of this story has not yet been written. :)
- Robo Hobo asks: Will The Death of Chivalry have any ties to Missing Presumed, Death, with all the resurrection and death going on? Addendum from Fswe1: I assume Icthlarin and/or Harold Death Esq. will have heard of the wand.
There won't be cross-over with the "Missing: Presumed Death" quest, no. If it's any consolation, Saradomin won't use the wand (if he got it) in the meantime - he's proved that only corruption of his followers will arise from the attempt.
Hope this works. It's gi-normous! :)
Comment From Rubic
What is your profile picture Osborne?
Mod Osborne: Someone who stole my name and my appetite for bats.
Comment From Sam Hooo
juat where did Zaros come from?
Mod Giara: Zaros's story will come to light eventually, but the answer is amazing ;)
Comment From Jimmidy jimbob jones
My potato died, what do I do?
Mod Stu: Bury it, and say a prayer to your favourite god.
Comment From Helmtorag1
Are Both Temple knights and White knights going to be after Owen Solande?
Mod Adam R: Sir Owen Sonde is his full name, and he would probably hide for a while if he's wise.
Comment From Samvel
Any high level/grandmaster quests in the works?
Mod Giara: Birthright of the Dwarves is designed as a Grandmaster :)
Comment From Joseph R Chown
"The scaling is still new technology we are working on but I think that this experiment went really well!" Hey, I liked it. :)
Comment From Anonymous
Will the Penguins meet the gods?
Mod Osborne: I can't even begin to imagine what would happen! Armadyl would welcome them with open wings, but I wouldn't trust the other gods with the penguins.
Comment From Dulcin
What made you decide to make the Saradomin outfit a cosmetic override and the Black Knight captain outfit not?
Mod Stu: This will be / is answered in the FAQ. It's awesome to see what a positive reaction Captain Dulcin's armour has received, though. That scary Darth Vader mask is awesome!
Comment From Amascut
How many more quests do you guys plan on releasing this year? We know of Birthright of the Dwarves and Missing, Presumed Death, but that leaves two empty months... Got secret stuff in the works?
Mod Giara: There is always secret stuff in the works, always!
Comment From Nelfarion44
Will Zamorak feature in a quest coming in the future?
Mod Adam R: Never rule anything out.
Mod Giara: Birthright of the Dwarves is designed as a Grandmaster :)
Comment From FallyFiasco
Can the wand be used to revive Armadyl's Aviansie?
Mod Stu: A key plot-point that I want to explore in the future is that using the wand with even the best of intentions could be a really, really bad idea, and why.
Comment From knddnk2
Is the rework of falador still in the works? I remember reading about it in an article almost a year ago adn have been looking forward to it for a long time. Part of me was hoping we could destroy falador and that was the rework! Also: Armadly is amazing, Also also: Is a quest in the works/one the way for him? Also also also: Will he be on saradomins side or his own?
Alex Rouget: As a matter of fact I've been working on the update to Falador this afternoon (and it's looking pretty sweet), so I can say for sure that you will see a big change to it in the near future. As far as Armadyl is concerned I can't say for certain but I would think he will get his own quest before too long, not as an ally of Saradomin but all too himself.
Comment From Balustan
Jagex seem to fall into these stereotypes a lot. Zamorakians being massive villains, Saradominists all being vandals and liars (That Zarosian relic I cannot forgive them for it and "Saradomin Pwnz") can we break some stereotypes?
Mod Osborne: Balustan - always our greatest critic! It's such a shame that you feel we are conforming to stereotypes. I hope to change your mind soon with Missing Presumed Death and future world events.
Comment From Cj Johnson
Can the wand be used to revive Armadyl's Aviansie?
Mod Adam R: I suppose it all depends on who has the wand and what they want to do with it.
Comment From grawity
I see the point of scaling (and the combat was fun), but I'm not sure if it is wrong that "players of high level still found the combat a little too easy". Doesn't that defeat the whole point of being high-level?
Mod Giara: The scaling was very experimental at this stage, we have taken the players feedback on board at this stage and any scaling in the future will be improved based on this feedback
Comment From Balustan
The banner says faith and fate will collide. How is fate involved in this quest? Is this all the work of Zaros?
Mod Stu: I answered this one in the FAQ too. :)
Comment From simon shanks
mod giara where did you get your avaitor picture from?
Mod Giara: Google images :) Gildarts for the win!
Comment From Miseryoflife
Mod Adam R were is Lucien voiced in the dominion tower?
Mod Adam R: Blame Mod Ian if that's incorrect ;)
Comment From Bonzara
Will we get to do a quest where we work with Zamorak, just like we did with Saradomin in this one?
Alex Rouget: It wouldn't be right to do a whole quest devoted to Saradomin if we weren't going to do the same for Zamorak, expect news on this in the future.
Comment From simon shanks
looking forward to the dwarf grandmaster quest! when is its release date?
Mod Giara: Expect it soon!
Comment From Lisa Long
Hi guys, a question about the Wand - what is the extent of it's power? Is it limited to recently deceased mortals, or could it be used to revive anything which still has a body? Could we theoretically revive Guthix for example
Mod Stu: Guthix is definitely out of the question. His essence has been dispersed across the world, and the gods are greedily harvesting it. "Guthix - he dead. He very dead."
The nature of the wand and the extent of its power will be central to Sir Owen's quest line.
Comment From A Seven X Rs
Is Bandos the physically largest God or even Npc in the works? (as in 3D model) :)
Mod Giara: Bandos is one big sucker, as far as I know he is currently the largest character we have
Comment From Balustan
We did not get a chance to ask Saradomin why he tried to cover up the Zarosian existence and eliminate it's people. What was the reason this was not a dialogue option?
Mod Osborne: There are a huge number of questions that a player might want to ask Saradomin - about his crown, about his origins, about how he lost the SoJ. Unfortunately we couldn't allow you to answer all of these, since this would have made the chat options unwieldy. When these questions become pertinent, you'll be able to ask him. For the moment, we kept you to questions about the time on the Naragi homeworld.
Saradomin's relationship with Zaros, and the reasons for his retconning of Zaros in the annals of history will be mentioned in a future quest.
Comment From Helmtorag1
When will the D.O.C. F.AQ. come out.
Mod Phoenix: Very soon! Most likely tomorrow :)
Comment From Mz HellFire
will you guys be able to create different voices for us to choose from so our characters can talk during quest and interacting with other NPC's instead of hearing nothing. this would really make the game awesome!
Mod Ian: Hi Mz HellFire,
Well this is something that's been considered in the past but personally I think it might spoil the experience to be given any voice. If the voices available were like the one I imagine myself to sound like then great, otherwise I wouldn't be happy about it :)
Comment From ePiKnightSC
Who is Alex Rouget? O_o
Alex Rouget: That would be me :)
I was the environment artist on DoC
Comment From PURGE ALL
"Anyone can be killed" EVEN BRASSICA PRIME!?!?!?!?! NOT THE CABBAGE LORD!!
Mod Ian: Perhaps braised, with some cream and pine nuts, mmmmm :)
Comment From Skrarr
Mod Giara vs Gildarts. Who would win?
Mod Giara: The real question should be Earth Magic vs Crash Magic? I'm SS class don't you know!
Mod Giara: @Jack Slayter - I'm Armadylian!
Comment From Jack Slayter
To All Mods On Live Chat! Which Runescape god do you follow?
Mod Ian: Hi Jack,
I follow Zaros... but I have a personal interest as I was the original developer of the digsite quest when he was first revealed.
Comment From simon shanks
will the player ever get procession of a elder artifact?
Mod Giara: There are still a selection of Elder Artifacts that we don't know about, who knows if the player will get hold of one, never say never
Comment From Contrust
Will upcoming World events still force the player to take sides with a god?
Mod Adam R: Gods are definitely involved, so it's unlikely you'll be able to avoid them. You could always play the part of an observer, watching... waiting... hunting...
Comment From Mewzard
How is Saradomin and Armadyl's relationship going these days? Are things going good or not? And is there room for that to change (for the better or worse)?
Mod Giara: Saradomin and Armadyl are still at odds, they may reconcile they may not. Armadyl has to return to Gielinor first
Comment From Guest
Does the wand belong to the player? In a sense that they are the ones worthy of it in some endings? I believe that since I paid my own blood and the barrier even lowered to me showing that I am virtuous enough to posses it and by also having the permission of the Wands guardian, Fern? Will the wand be a future reward? I love that we could openly say who we follow, will there be more options like that in the next Sir Owen or even next sixth age quest? And in the next Owen quest, will we get the chance to prod Saradomin some more if we don't follow him?
Mod Stu: Either you or Sir Owen has passed the ward of blood. I hope we'll see in the future what that means. Definitely I want that choice to be acknowledged.
It's really encouraging to see how the couple of choices that involve your god emissary were so positively received. Definitely something I want to do more with in the future.
Comment From Heybuddeh
Hey, Mod Giara, I'm concerned that the black knights get shunned in their own base during this quest. Did you ever consider that this is essentially one big Grand Master Base Shun?
Comment From Guest
What made you decide to make the Saradomin a cosmetic override and the Zamorak not?
Mod Stu: This will be answered in the FAQ.
Mod Giara: I'm not sure what you mean!
Comment From E U H God X
If Sliske fixed the elder staff, why can't we or someone else of power fix the elder sword in guthix's cave?
Mod Adam R: You could probably have a go. It's beyond me to be hones!
Mod Phoenix: You asked for it! :P
Here it is: The Death of Chivalry FAQ:,16,351,65118571
Comment From Austy
How much fun could Sliske have with this new wand?
Mod Giara: Sliske can have endless fun all on his own, he's one mischievous character, with the wand... well I dare not think about it!
Comment From Balustan
Thanks for the FAQ :D
Comment From Dinstruction
Who would win in a lore trivia contest? Mod Osborne or Mod Mark?
Mod Phoenix: Oh god! It would be like a cricket game - it would go for ever!!!
Comment From Runic lord
Is an elder artifact essential to ascending to godhood?
Mod Giara: I don't know if it's essential but it certainly helps to tap into the power of the Elder Gods
Comment From Guest
First off I would like to say what an amazing quest this was, I am a lore fantatic and holder of the quest cape and I was truly amazed at how awesome it was. Good job and kudos to everyone who was involved, as a devout Zamorakian I was truly impressed by the Kinshra and the fortress. That being said I have a few questions! 1.) Is lord Zamorak currently aware of this wand? If so what does he think of my involvement in this quest and the fact that Saradomin now has it despite my best efforts? 2.) As a Zamorakian I am besieged on all fronts, both in game and on the forums by those who see Zamorak as the epitome of evil (apparently they have forgotten about our friend Bandos!) will there be a quest such as this in the near future that will feature my lord, and allow me to interact with him as the Saradominists have done? We have for some time been painted in a negative light, Gielinor must know the true glory of Zamorak! I desperately need guidance as it seems the world is against us, may Zamorak guide me! 3.) Lastly I was hoping you could put this issue to rest Sir Osborne! Is postbag #40 considered canon? There are those who accuse my lord of genocide against the Aviantese, I have argued that it was a tragic result of perpetual warfare during the 3rd age and not a deliberate action to hunt them down as a species! We Zamorakians appreciate any insight into this! Thank you for your time! Sincerely a devout Zamorakian seeking wisdom in the name of the most high. All hail the transcendent Zamorak!
Mod Osborne: 1. Zamorak will find out, if he doesn't know already. If you attempted to stop Saradomin, Zamorak will note this.
2. Tell them Zamorak isn't evil! This is an oversimplification, and they don't acknowledge his aspiration for greatness in the world. Zamorak will get a similar quest - if things work in his favour - and a more balanced viewpoint.
3. I can't recall that postbag off by heart, sorry. In terms of Zamorak vs the Aviansie, he massacred them when he used the Stone in Forinthry, but they were collateral damage for a larger goal.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments about the quest.
Comment From simon shanks
would the landscape of lumbridge be different or returned to normal after bol?
Mod Ian: I don't think it would ever be exactly the same - think about what happened to the wilderness...
Comment From Hasaan5
Shout out to the Audio team, I love you guys! Now get to work reworking the other old tracks! :P
Comment From Balustan
Mod Ian you are now my hero. "Tremble mortal, before the altar of our dread lord Zaros!"
Comment From Gohankuten
Giara you're an armadillo?
Mod Giara: Cool
Comment From Runic lord
Why does Saradomin need to resurrect the centaurs if he is summoning loads of them at the Battle of Lumbridge
Mod Osborne: The source of the centaurs is finite, and they are dying in their hundreds. This will make it as pertinent as ever to bring them back to life.
Comment From Helmtorag1
What is your favorite questline in rs and why?
Alex Rouget: For me it's the Pirate quest line, the Clockwork Syringe quest was one of the most memorable I've worked on (partially because of the rediculously strict dev time), how can you not love dressing up like a Barrelchest. I was disappointed that they didn't win the player vote :(
Mod Stu: "will there be a quest such as this in the near future that will feature my lord [Zamorak], and allow me to interact with him as the Saradominists have done?"
Whether Zamorak gets an equivalent quest is not up to me to decide, but certainly I would like in the sequel to give Zamorakians an equally sympathetic treatment. Dulcin and Dawn certainly don't adequately reflect Zamorak's philosophy.
Comment From Miseryoflife
In a future Quest will we get to keep the wand?
Mod Stu: Probably not. There will be good reasons for that.
Comment From Cavi
What is Brassica Prime the god of? (besides cabbages).
Mod Giara: Deliciousness!
Comment From Guest
I attempted to choose a godless way thru the Chivarly quest, but the wand still ended up in the hands of Saradomin.
Mod Adam R: Saradomin is pretty powerful, do you think you could resist a god?
Comment From Zoli Ben
Mod Ian! Could you replace ingame Dominion Tower tracks wih the version that is avalibe to download from website? (Like you did with Citharede Requiem this week.)
Mod Ian: Hi Zoli Ben, we are slowly working our way through the mountain of music and making changes and improvements. We try to work on music updates when other audio content isn't needed straight away.
At the moment we are busy with the Birthright of the Dwarves and the next world event, so perhaps after then :)
Comment From Fswe1
When can we see this session transcribed? =o
Mod Phoenix: You'll be able to replay it after the event ends. Just go back to the forum thread and hit replay :)
Comment From algon 33
Hello Mods,could you please tell us what the next few quests will be about, and when we'll get them?
Mod Osborne: The next quests will be about a) cannons, b) masks, c) feathers and d) crystals
Comment From Gohankuten
Is the time travel key from meeting/making history an elder artifact?
Mod Giara: That's a great question actually, I don't have a clear answer but time travel is obviously very powerful and desirable
Comment From RevTheWiz
Hi :D I managed to make it for a few minutes!
Comment From Echned Zekin
We've now had several opportunities to see a different side of Saradomin both in person and though the eyes of another god, so my question is: Will we be getting any quests this year that allow us to get a more up-close and personal look at Zamorak's views?
Mod Osborne: This year? No. In the future? We're hungry to do it, but there is nothing being developed right now.
Comment From Fswe1
What is your stance on SLiske
Mod Giara: He may not be my favourite but you can't say he doesn't have fun
Comment From ePiKnightSC
I'd love to see the penguin quests voice acted.. make it happen!
Mod Ian: Yeah that would be superb! Actually I really wanted to hear them in the "some like it cold" quest but alas it was not to be.
I am sure we will be voicing lots of other characters as well as humans in teh future though!
Comment From Echned Zekin
What happened to the dwarf graphical update? I remember a dev blog mentioning them being worked on years ago, but they were delayed (not counting the chat heads and a few random updated dwarves in certain areas) in favor of the gnomes. Now that the gnomes have been updated (twice), will they be updated in time for the last dwarf quest?
Mod Giara: I've had a sneak peek at the new dwarves in preperation for the new quest and they are amazingly awesome :D
Comment From Contrust
Adam R: That sounds like the Godless faction won't be a faction at all, but just a bunch of folks who can't do quests?
Mod Adam R: Well that's not quite what I said. There's a path for everyone in Gielinor.
Comment From Wahisietel
If you ate Brassica Prime, would you ascend to godhood?
Mod Osborne: Absolutely! Or - wait a minute - could you actually digest a god? Or would Brassica Prime re-enact a rather famous scene from Alien?
Comment From Mewzard
First question I wanna ask is perhaps the least relevant, but I've been wanting to ask this since 2006. To whoever can answer...will this questline possibly lead to us getting to rank up in the Temple Knights? Proselyte was a long time ago.
Mod Stu: I've certainly seen a lot of requests for additional ranks and Temple Knight armour, since only a couple of the earlier Temple Knight quests.
It's definitely something I'm going to keep in mind for rewards if it'll fit. Due to this quest line needing to not require the Temple Knight quests, though, it'd have to be something unlocked as an additional reward if you'd done Temple Knight quests.
That means not everyone would be able to access it, so additional rewards are needed, so the development cost increases, and that limited "budget" means less resource to spend the quest itself. It's a tricky balancing act.
Comment From Fleks
Will we ever be able to restore the cabbage patch by the monastery or make a memorial site for the poor, burned cabbages?
Mod Adam R: That is a lovely idea.
Comment From Zoli Ben
Please, could you update the graphics of Black Knight Titan? He is the *only* unupdated Black Knight in the game and he has the ugliest graphics in the game right now. :(
Comment From Miseryoflife
Will there be an update so we can ask Sara about the Naragi homeworld even after we finished the quest cuz I missed it when i did the quest?
Alex Rouget: Oh I don't know, the Gorillas on Ape Atoll are looking a little rough these days ;)
Unfortunately due to time restraints we were only able to update the human Black Knights as we already had the player kit armour to work with, and the Titan definitely doesn't fall into that category. But we have a running list of all the oldest models in the game so hopefully we will get a chance to improve him soon.
Mod Stu: Yep, I implemented a fix for that this week. Just awaiting upload.
Comment From RevTheWiz
A quick question for the quest, it may be silly but who came up with the quest?
Mod Giara: The quest is the brain child of Mod Osbourne, Mod Stu and Mod Mark as far as I am aware
Comment From Ziggy Coins
I really like the Templar Armour override you can get post-quest, a nice deep shade of blue and gold :D Even though I lean towards Zammorak/Zaros, I like it a lot
Comment From Kervate
What would Zaros think about me helping Saradomin obtain the wand?
Mod Osborne: I think Zaros would see the quest as a merry little diversion, but ultimately something that won't change his plans.
Comment From Runic lord
What race did Seren belong to?
Mod Osborne: That would be telling! I can say that Seren, at no point, was an elf.
Comment From Aseh
Good evening and thanks for your time and answers. It is really appreciated by all of us. :)
Mod Adam R: It's always nice to be appreciated :)
Comment From Bonzara
Is it theoretically possible for a tier 2 god to ascend to tier 1 (making him/her equal to the Elder Gods)?
Mod Osborne: Theoretically someone could gain powers equivalent to an Elder God, but not become an Elder God (in terms of their physiology)
Comment From Runic lord
When can we expect another Vampyre quest?
Alex Rouget: I know mod Ana has plans in her head for where she would like to take the story of the Vampyres, and I for one would love to update Castle Drakan. But I don't think it will be very soon I'm afraid.
Comment From Parazard
Don't you think releasing a pro-Saradomin quest during the Battle of Lumbridge and not releasing or even having plans to make a Zamorak quest is a bit biased?
Mod Osborne: That's if you believe that Saradomin comes across well in the quest. It may hurt him just as much as it promotes him. To answer your question properly, we would ideally have a Saradomin and Zamorak quest out during the Battle. That hasn't been possible in the timeframe, but I hope that you will feel satisfied with future story content.
Comment From Fswe1
Time for me to head off now. I'll read up on the remaining questions tomorrow!
Mod Phoenix: Cool. Thanks for joining in! ;)
Comment From Sam Hooo
How many gods have returned to runescape so far? we know of Saradomin and Zamorak but you mentioned armydyl isn't back yet? will their be some sort of event or notice for each gods return?
Comment From Wahisietel
Fun Fact: This quests dialogue has a comparable amount of characters to that of While Guthix Sleeps.
Mod Adam R: I wonder if you mean characters as in 'letters', or NPC characters?
There aren't many actual NPCs in comparison with WGS, but yes, there was a lot of dialogue. We even had dialogue for stuff you probably didn't do, but had to write in case you did anything we didn't want you to!
Mod Giara: At the moment is it only Saradomin and Zamorak we won't just sneak a god in they will make quite the entrance
Comment From simon shanks
Will the players ever acsend to godhood?
Mod Osborne: The player is the World Guardian, given powers by Guthix to nullify the magic of gods. That means the player is the only one on the world who could NOT be a god.
Comment From Mida4
How come Saradomin got a haircut before the fight with Zamorak? His hair was longer during the world wakes.
Mod Adam R: He's had plenty of time to get a trim.
Comment From Nelfarion44
Why did Zamorak betray Zaros?
Mod Giara: Power!
Comment From Ro Xanne
Hello there JAGEX people *waves frantically*, First of all, thanks for a great quest and thanks for answering our questions! I have a few questions myself: 1. We were promised Brassica Prime content a little while ago. Is the gilded cabbage the only Brassica Prime content you were planning to release, or is there more to come? 2. Did Altra Sonde ever get free from her Kinshra captors, or was she sacrificed? If she did get free, where did she go to? 3. Why doesn’t Sir Tiffy Cashien offer any dialogue about the Death of Chivalry, when one of his most important knights came back as a semi-undead? 4. When speaking about the Naragi homeworld, Saradomin never names the world, which I find odd. Does this world have a name, and if so, what is that name? 5. Where did Sir Owen disappear to? He is gone from the Legends’ Guild. Will we see him again before the sequel to Death of Chivalry is released? Thanks again! Ro Xanne
Comment From Sasqe
Mod Osborne, i baked a cake for you, where is my player mod stat? :o p.s. you said bake a cake for you, i baked, but then i ate it for you also
Mod Phoenix: There's your problem! Duh!
Mod Stu: 1. I'd be interested to know where this "promise" came from. Mod Osborne seemed desperately keen to not acknowledge his existence until I pioneered for his presence in this quest.
2. This is something I want to answer in the sequel(s). It's definitely something I seeded. The quest I want to make and the quest I actually get told to make could wind up changing a lot along the way, though.
3. Sir Tiffy has yet to encounter Sir Owen after his quest. He's avoiding the Temple Knights due to his condition. As Saradomin said in at least one of the endings, Sir Owen will have to go into hiding for a time.
4. I did ask Mod Osborne and Mod Ana, and they hadn't decided yet, so I decided to follow suit rather than bury the answer in an obscure dialogue. :)
5. He's in hiding and preparing for the expedition to purify Fern's corrupted herd. If it's up to me, you won't see Sir Owen again until his sequel quest. Who knows, though? RuneScape is a collaborative effort.
Comment From Cody
I was on my way to chop some Magic trees, the spot where there's only three, north of the sorcerers tower, east the rnaging guild. And I saw a group of imps all around right before I hit the 3 magic trees. And then there was this lvl 200 big red demon thing called something the Blazing?? Where did they come from!? lol.
Mod Ian: Ah that will be the Demon Flashmob... they turn up randomly to wreak havoc around Gielinor.
Mod Giara: And they're tough!
Comment From Parazard
Can Zamorak use his wings for flight or are they just for show?
Mod Osborne: Oh, he can use them for flight. Very much so.
Comment From Runic lord
When can we expect Godless content?
Mod Giara: You can, they are pretty new as a faction though, give them some time to find their feet
Comment From Cavi
Will the Divination skill bring more lore about he Elder Gods since it's all about restoring the Anima Mundi?
Mod Osborne: Not really, I'm afraid. Divination explores more about Guthix and the anima mundi than the Elder Gods. Still, the Elder Gods are a hot topic and will feature in other content.
Comment From Inyu
Will we be able to team up with Guthix's guardians again, such as death, in a future quest? Perhaps as a plot against the gods?
Mod Osborne: Yes, yes, yes! And soon!
Comment From Xbladez
so with the removal of black knight's fortress will there be any way for us, besides making a new p2p account, to see the changes to the 5th age timeline caused by it's removal?
Mod Stu: Unfortunately, no. The changes are exceedingly minor, though. Mainly just some dialogue tweaks and removal of requirements to accommodate the quest's move into the 6th age. I think a lot of the dialogue can still be accessed after you complete the quests, though (most of it was on Sir Tiffy, as I recall).
Comment From Balustan
There are only another 163 6th age quests? Short age.
Comment From Voya100
How and why did Saradomin get centaurs to fight in the Battle of Lumbridge? They are almost extinct!
Comment From Cavi
Will other god factions try to get the Wand of Resurrection too in the next quests? Or is it going to involve only Saradomin and Zamorak?
Mod Giara: The other gods might want the power of the wand at some point it is immensly powerful
Mod Osborne: I'm not sure I understand your point, Balustan. 163 quests is quite a few, and there are (hopefully) many more to come.
Mod Stu: Poor Bree. In GWD and on the Lumbridge battlefield, his existence is a cycle of suffering and torment.
Comment From Josh Tremblay
Since the Wand seems to reunite a Soul and a Body... Could the Wand be used to reunite Zaros's spirit to his former Body if we find it?
Mod Stu: We have entirely different Plans for Zaros.
Comment From Joseph R Chown
What do you think Sliske is doing as we speak?
Mod Giara: Plotting, planning and scheming!
Comment From Avm
Will we be able to witness the first days/weeks of Sliske as a god?
Mod Osborne: If he is a god, yes.
Comment From James Florit
In the quest it says that our choices will have consequences. Will it be reflected in future content if we stay loyal to our faction, but still try to be reasonable when dealing with the others?
Mod Stu: Assuming it's a significant enough response and there's an opportunity to reflect it, yes.
Comment From Sasqe
Mod Phoeeeenix, i have not ate the cake i baked for you yet
Mod Phoenix: I hope so! :P
Comment From Cronus
what are Zaros' plans?
Mod Osborne: They're where he keeps his best ideas.
Mod Giara: Mmm cake! Sealed
Comment From Zoli Ben
Why is Lord Daquarius so willing to kill Captain Dulcin? He cares about his men very much as shown in Wanted! and The Void Stares Back. Its quite out of his character, in my opinion.
Mod Stu: It's precisely because of his compassion for his men - and women, notably; the Kinshra are much more of an equal opportunity employer than in the old days - that Daquarius has had to eliminate Dulcin.
Mod Adam R: Ok, since I'm no good at any of the lore questions that are coming in, I'm going to share some interesting stuff about the quest audio:
We record at a studio in London called OMUK, and have some fantastic actors.
Here's a list of the actors involved and some other projects they've been involved in:
Ben Crowe (Owen) The Book of Unwritten Tales (2011 – he played Zloff) – aside from that he has worked in a lot of smaller productions and he’s also a trained acting coach.
Charlie Norfolk (Dawn) She was in the Book of Unwritten Tales (2011)
Dan Mersh (Zamorak) He was in the Thick of It (TV Series 2012), Fresh Meat (2011), My Family (2010)
Jonathan Coote (Marius) He’s been in multiple theatre productions
Keith Wickham (Various) He was in The Night of the Rabbit (2013), supplies various voices for Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, Fable II (2008), Medieval Total War (2006)
Stanley Townsend (Saradomin) – He was in Mad Dogs TV series (2013), Fresh Meat TV series (2013), Call the Midwife TV Series (2013), Cars 2 Film (2011 – he played Ivan the Tow Truck, Victor Hugo and Vladimir Trunkov), Worldshift (2008), The Witcher (2007 – he played Azar Javed/Dwarven Merchents/Fat Townspeoples), Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005 – he played Mad-Eye Moody), Spartan Total Warrior (2005)
Steve Furst (Knight) – He was in The Night of the Rabbit (2013), St Trinians (2007), The Legend of Dick and Dom TV Series (2009-2011), EyeToy Play 2 (2004)
Victoria Kruger (Fern) She was in Dragon Age II (2011), Trine 2 (2011), Mass Effect 3 (2012) and Silent Witness (2007)
Comment From Miseryoflife
Was the fact that even though Sir Owen was corrupted he was still able to fight it imply that Saradomin is mostly virtuous?
Mod Stu: If anything, I would say that this is a tribute to Sir Owen's virtue, or at least his determination and faith.
Comment From Guest
Will the Death of Chivalry play a part in the upcoming 6th age quests?
Mod Osborne: It will have sequel(s), and your choice in the quest will change future content. Does that answer your question?
Comment From simon shanks
like the picture of sir owen
Mod Adam R: You can throw your praise/comments/suggestions towards @omuk_london on twitter as well :)
Comment From Skrarr
i remember mod osborne saying on a stream he done a while back that the players would never be able to keep the wand for themselves as it was too powerful. but by the look of things its only the players who would be able to use it without incurring any side effects. Are their any plans to find a wielder who will be able to use it for great good while also not corrupting anyone they use it on? NPC or otherwise?
Mod Osborne: That's for the developer of the second quest! I wonder if Armadyl would be able to use it...
Comment From Belpoi
Will Zamorak ever become a Mahjarrat like before ?
Mod Giara: I don't think you can reverse such a drastic change
Comment From Zeus
Will we ever see what's behind the blocked frozen door underground?
Comment From THOKS FISTS
is brissca the god of all veg or just cabbages?
Alex Rouget: I certainly hope so, I built that sealed entrance in the hope that it would be used in future content. The tomb is under the Frozen Wastes, near the God Wars Dungeon, so maybe we'll see the two connected one day.
Mod Adam R: Cabbages!
Comment From Blizzardy
What is Slike's favourite food?
Mod Giara: Mischief with a side of spaghetti!
Comment From Guest
Is Saradomin ever going to forgive the World Guardian after we attempted to break the wand>
Mod Stu: Oh, I don't think he'll hold it against you. Much.
Mod Adam R: And probably fights the other vegetables occasionally.
Comment From Anonymous
Will any more gods be Added?
Mod Osborne: When you say Added, do you mean new gods? I want to keep new gods to a minimum. I don't want you feeling that there are hundreds of gods waiting in the wings for a good story. A god should be rare, and we should be using the ones from existing lore, so that players don't feel cheated,
Comment From Joseph R Chown
Is the godless faction basically following what Guthix believed, or is it different?
Mod Giara: It's different, the Godless will be expanded upon in the future when you can learn more about them
Comment From Helmtorag1
Where does The Crypt entrance lead in Troll Country.
Mod Stu: The buried frozen door west of the campsite is the entrance to the tomb (note how it leads upwards). It leads to the surface of the buried tomb, in the frozen north near the Temple of Lost Ancients.
Comment From Leonard
Will we ever be able to replay quests? I'd love to do The World Wakes again!
Mod Adam R: Great idea. It'd be very involved to implement it retrospectively, but never rule it out.
Comment From Cronus
What can you tell us about Zaros? I understand it's exclusive for future things but he seems to be a complete mystery.
Mod Osborne: You want new info on Zaros. Hmmm, what can I reveal? He has no urge for revenge against Zamorak.
Comment From Saphhirra
Will we see the Stone of Jas again before the year is over?
Mod Osborne: I don't think we've seen the end of the SoJ. If it is brought back, we would do it for good reason.
Comment From Niht Scinnre
I've heard some people say Zaros is the god of ambition as well as control. Is this canon or just fans making stuff up?
Mod Giara: You have to be pretty ambitious to want to control everything but I wouldn't say that he was the "god of ambition"
Comment From DazNoob
What happened at BoL when Saradomin was with us in person during the quest? Was Saradomin really gone from the battlefield or?
Mod Stu: No, Saradomin remained on the Lumbridge battlefield. High-tier gods are able to manifest a tangible but weak proxy of themselves, to communicate with their followers.
Comment From Guest
Will we see all of the major gods gathered together in one location? I know this is probably months or even years ahead but they haven't been together since the God Wars and I think a reunion would make for interesting talk.
Mod Adam R: Sounds dangerous.
Comment From Dinstruction
Is Zaros a dragonkin?
Comment From Lethalintent
is Zaros 100% returning?...Don't let down our faction! we've been waiting for so long, don't ruin it all.
Mod Giara: He'll be back!
Comment From Divine Idea
When will we see the Gods of the desert in content? They're the most mysterious, and intriguing to me.
Mod Adam R: We saw some in Stolen Hearts and Diamond in the Rough, and they will likely reappear.
Comment From Fleks
Is Lensig completely dead(Like Guthix dead)?
Mod Stu: I don't have any plans to resurrect Lensig. I think she's served her purpose. Wonderful character, though. I loved writing for her. Both "personalities".
If I get my way, I have *lots* of plans for her coven, however...
Comment From Mz HellFire
Will the wand recovered during the quest play a role in bringing back Zaros?
Mod Stu: Nope. Probably.
Comment From Isaak Newton
Is the Stone of Jas a reference to the Java Application Server?
Mod Adam R: It was probably a designer monkeying about.
Mod Osborne: The free quests tend to be the oldest and the most played, so they often come up as targets for rework. You can be sure that there will be more free quests reworked in the future.
Comment From Skyzah
I thought the quest was awesome, do you plan to remake all the F2P quests?
Comment From Miseryoflife
Question why does Sir Owen need to avoid the temple knights when Saradomin is the leader of the temple knights?
Mod Giara: His arm is corrupted now, he was afraid that they would attempt to kill him Saradomin can not watch over his shoulder all the time
Comment From Echned Zekin
We've now had several opportunities to see Saradomin's views in a different light, through both the memories of another god and with our own eyes, so my question is: Will we get a quest where we get a chance to see Zamorak up close and in person to potentially gain a new perspective on his views as well this year?
Mod Stu: Can't say one or the other, that's up to Mod Mark, etc, to decide. An equivalent Zamorak quest isn't on the schedule for this year, though.
Comment From Lord Aryzth
Is Xenia a Zarosian?
Mod Osborne: I'm intrigued - what makes you say that?
Comment From Anamona
Why is Saradomin such a noob? If he didn't steal that wand from me, this wouldn't have happened to Sir Owen!
Mod Adam R: You're totally right, you should tell him!
Comment From Runic lord
When can we expect more of Kara-Mier
Mod Giara: After the Battle of Lumbridge, she and The Godless will be up to all sorts!
Mod Osborne: Look! A wand!
Comment From TheWeirdCatMan
Mod Stu, have you added any little content which will lead us on a huge hunt like the hunt for the Ga'al?
Mod Stu: I can categorically state, with absolute certainty, that I did not implement a Ga'al-esque Easter egg in this hunt.
Mod Stu: *quest
Mod Osborne: Look! A puzzle room!
Mod Adam R: ooOOOOooo
Mod Adam R: Listen, some music!
Comment From simon shanks
loved that puzzle
Mod Giara: Have some concept arts!
Comment From Guest
the other is why were we not allowed to heal owen ourselves right away?
Mod Stu: There is a why to try, by using the wand on Sir Owen.
Comment From Ajente02
Mod Stu: *way to try
Comment From Eridyn
can you post more concept art on the website?
Comment From Balustan
I have my suspicions that each Signature hero will follow a different god. Owen is Saradomin, Ariane godless, Xenia Zaros, Linza Armadyl cause of the Aviantese smiths, Raptor possibly Zamorak, Bandos or Skargaroth and Ozan the desert pantheon. Am I on the right lines?
Mod Osborne: Not quite. To many of the sig heroes, alignment's simply not important.
Comment From Wahisietel
Why did Saradomin turn blue when he ascended to godhood?
Mod Giara: Why are smurfs blue?
Comment From Nightgunner
How about reworking Eagle's Peak as an Armadyl quest?
Alex Rouget: I'm not sure if it will be associated with an Armadyl quest in any way, but there are definitely designs for an Eagle's Peal rework floating around the graphics department. But as far as I know nothing has been signed off.
Comment From Helmtorag1
Mods, what was your favorite music in the quest.
Mod Stu: Hands down, "Fighting for Light Part II" from the boss fight. I played it over and over. Loved those guitars.
Comment From A Seven X Rs
Nice concept art :)
Mod Osborne: Sweet armour!
Comment From Nightgunner
Music question: There has been some talk from Jagex about Sixth Age music. What makes Sixth Age music different from other music?
Mod Ian: Sixth Age music really encompasses all the changes and new songs we released with RS3. The quality and way we produce music from now on will improve and allow us to do more with our soundtrack.
Obviously the events in Lumbridge meant we needed new music to suit the atmosphere so Mod Mik has been busy producing these pieces.
Comment From Balustan
On one of the podcasts Mod John A hinted at Xenia being a bit of a manipulator and sort of hinted towards Zaros with her. I wouldn't definitely call her Zarosian yet but it would fit into her backstory with the WOM refusing to join her in founding the legends guild because she is Zarosian :O
Comment From Joseph R Chown
Will we be able to see cutscenes from other quests? Like RFD (really wanted to see the random events, they made me lol).
Mod Giara: We would love to go back and redo a way to watch cutscenes from all the quests, however it is a lot of dev time that would be better spent on other work
Mod Osborne: Mod Stu is still fielding questions, but I have to leave now for a stag do. Wish me luck!
Comment From knddnk2
Does saradomin really feel bad about what he did to the Naragi? Or was he just saying that to get the player to help him?
Mod Stu: I intended for him to be earnest in his response, and genuinely regret the actions of his past. Whether you believe him or not is up to you...
Mod Osborne: (Lovely talking to you all, BTW)
Comment From Guest
I would have liked to have seen zombie Owen, try to kill Saradomin.
Mod Ian: Well its time for me to go home too, thanks for your questions and comments, have fun!
Comment From Runic lord
Can we get a Zaros concept art? PLEEEASE?
Alex Rouget: Concept art for Zaros DOES exist, but only as early designs. Nothing has been officially signed off so it hasn't been released to the public. The last thing we want is to get your hopes up only to upset you by changing his design in the future :)
Comment From simon shanks
If you could own a elder artifact what one and why?
Mod Giara: The Sword for sure!
Mod Giara: I'm also off to the land of home! Thanks for all your questions and comments we hope it was a blast!
Comment From E U H God X
Why did Saradomin keep his newer look as opposed to the look we saw in TWW and RoTM? Is the elder crown also shapeshifting, or is only one of those graphical choices the real elder crown?
Mod Stu: This is Saradomin's new look for the 6th age. It's all part of his campaign to appeal to the cyan demographic. The Elder Artefacts adapt to the size and shape of their wearer/wielder.
Comment From Gohankuten
So is the Q&A over now?
Mod Phoenix: Nooo, Mod Stu is still here!!!
Comment From Lethalintent
Has everyone left o.o?
Mod Phoenix: Me and Stu are still here :)
Mod Stu: Yep, I'm still here. Mod Adam R too. Going to keep going 'til I drop. I'd only be home grinding divine tears. :D Going to go grab some food from the canteen, though, and be right back.
Comment From Mz HellFire
will one of you please turn yourself into a big chocolate cake about the size of the kbd and walk around the grand exchange saying this is easy as pie? lol
Mod Adam R: No, sorry. I don't know how I could even start to think about doing that! You can't make me!
Mod Phoenix: Meanwhile - how about a quick poll?
How did you like The Death of Chivalry quest?
Loved it!
( 91% )
( 6% )
Didn't like it.
( 3% )
Comment From Ro Xanne
Poll away!
Comment From Anamona
Yes, poll.
Mod Adam R: I'll sick around until I've eaten this chicken salad :)
Comment From Joseph R Chown
Easy question really
Comment From Anamona
You'll sick around? Check that the salad isn't spoiled...
Comment From Ancientm8ge
Saradomin has his own chant during the battle of Lumbridge. Where is our heavy metal/hardcore Zamorak chant complete with pyro?
Mod Adam R: I'm sure Mod Bond (mastermind behind Black Zabeth) would love a chance to rise the the challenge.
Comment From Sam Hooo
WOWZers cool concept art!
Mod Adam R: Haha, yeah, the 'T' isn't so great on this keyboard.
Comment From Guest
Why are we planning to resurrect the centaur race, if they died so long ago - "their spirits left their bodies", as Saradomin was afraid with that happening with Owen?
Mod Stu: From Saradomin's perspective, he needs allies for the battles that lie ahead. From Fern's perspective, she's desperate to make amends for her terrible mistake so she can move onto the next world. And Sir Owen needs to wrestle with his corruption, and either find a way to overcome it, before it consumes him. And I think we have we have some interesting stories to tell about the centaurs as a race. I have some ideas to make them uniquely RuneScape.
Comment From Runic lord
When can we expect a DoC sequel?
Mod Stu: I wish I could move onto it straight away and sustain the momentum of your enthusiasm. A sequel's not on the release schedule for this year, though, that's as much as I know.
Comment From TheWeirdCatMan
Mod Osborne, I'm loving the picture :D. To any mod, will we ever get to see saradomin in future content with his appearance from The World Wakes & Ritual of the Mahjarrat?
Mod Stu: I don't expect so, no. This seems to be Saradomin's new look for the 6th age.
Comment From Quinn
Do the cabbages at Draynor Manor worship Brassica?
Mod Adam R: Only the non chaotic ones.
Mod Adam R: They're still searching for an answer.
Comment From Avm
Will the Empty Lord return soon?
Mod Stu: I am sworn to secrecy.
Comment From Joseph R Chown
Love most quests. This one is obviously an exception because I adore it!
Comment From Sam Hooo
How many god quests will be released over the next year
Comment From Zoli Ben
Adam R, surely it would be easy to replace in game Dominion Tower soundtracks with the version that is on website. Clearly, you just did the same thing with Citharede Requiem with this week1s update. I love website version Dominion Tower music, I downloaded them just today.
Mod Adam R: Lovely to hear that. We'll certainly be pushing the music quality in as much of the game as we can. Sometimes music is too good to sit on and wait for a release :)
Mod Stu: Mod Mark released a BTS earlier in the year that defined how many god quests were working on. Some may bleed into next year, though.
Comment From Joseph R Chown
Congratulations on over 200!
Mod Phoenix: Thank you! We love Q&A sessions so really glad to see so many of you!
Mod Adam R: Chaos!
Comment From Cavi
Congratulations on the 200+ readers, this Q&A went really well.
Daezhun: Big thumbs up. ;)
Comment From Guest
please please please can we have a zombie guthix?
Mod Stu: Nope. The Ascension dungeon's probably the closest you'll get.
Comment From treemanforever
I have a question: What is Tumeken's tier?
Mod Adam R: Off the top of our heads we can't remember, but the desert gods aren't all that high up in the roster.
Comment From marcel
Can anyone answer when we are expected to get a sequel to the death of chivalry
Mod Stu: Not as soon as I'd like. :( But that's only because other stories are being told, that have been waiting in line for much longer.
Comment From IxAurora
Who came up with the ideas for the quest? What where the things that you wanted to achieve and do you feel you have done it?
Mod Stu: That's an involved question! I'm hoping to do a twitch "directory's commentary" of the quest in the future. Hopefully I'll get explore that question in detail there.
Comment From Fleks
Is the podcast starting in 40 mins?
Mod Phoenix: Yes!!!!
Comment From Blizzardy
If a God could ride a Dinosaur, which one would make ride the Dinosaur?
Mod Adam R: Ah, cutting to the core of the issue, finally!
Zamorak certainly looks the most dinosaur-ey to my untrained eye, but Bandos probably has a bit of lizard about him. Dinosaurs are supposed to have evolved into birds (I'm possibly triggering the alarm on QI) so Armadyl is probably a distant relative of the poor extinct fools. Realistically though, Saradomin would probably be the first to give it a go just to be seen riding a massive dinosaur so everyone would think he was really cool. It'd just be a PR stunt though, and it'd be cardboard.
Mod Adam R: Have I started a meme I wonder...
Comment From Axel993
do you think being corrupted when revived by saradomin would that not shake sir owen's faith in saradomin even a little?
Mod Stu: That's the intriguing thing about Sir Owen. He's deeply pragmatic. He can see the reason why Saradomin did what he did; he's alive again, in whatever capacity, and can continue to fight the good fight.
The very early concept for the quest was actually that Sir Owen would have a crisis of faith and turn away from Saradomin. We discovered that's just not in his nature. It's his faith in Saradomin, but that he shares Saradomin's determination to complete his mission and protect those that cannot protect themselves, and will make any sacrifice and use any method to achieve that end.
Comment From Miseryoflife
If the elder horn is the wand why did Mod Osborne say it wasn't an elder artifact?
Mod Stu: Mod Osborne is right. The Wand of Resurrection isn't an Elder artefact.
Comment From Balustan
You forgot that Zaros would seek a reptilian race to control the dinosaurs and tame them just like he did with Dragons.
Mod Adam R: Ah, good point!
Comment From Mz HellFire
do the gods feel love? i think they need someone so spend their lives with other wise it would be really lonely!
Mod Adam R: That's sweet. They'd probably be really bad boy/girl/it-friends though. All obsessed with power and stuff. Or perhaps I'm generalising.
Comment From Mewzard
Given how friendly Sara is to you despite alligiance and how he spoke of Zamorak not needlessly destroying without Saradomin more reasonable/tolerant than some of his followers believe he is? Would he accept a demon follower if he/she was truly committed to following him? And what does Sara think of his fellow gods? Is he truly "kick all gods out!", are there exceptions, or is that wrong overall?
Mod Stu: I think Saradomin is more reasonable and tolerant than either faction has been led to believe. The ends justify the means. I don't think he would condemn a demon who was committed to his ideals.
Saradomin fights to protect the world from outsiders. If the gods bring violence, then he will return it in kind.
Comment From Ajente02
And Jas, who eslaved Dragonkins, surely do want to have dinosaurs with him!
Mod Adam R: Jas, but he's an elder god. He'd squash a dinosaur, surely!
Comment From zack3
can we find Owen after the quest? I have yet to see him
Mod Stu: No, he's in hiding after the quest.
Comment From Lord William
What's the knight name pun in Sir Owen Sonde?
Mod Adam R: If you read it in an Irish accent the answer may surround you.
Comment From Samvel
Why did Saradomin insist he use the wand? It was obvious the adventurer should have revived Sir Owen.
Mod Stu: You have an option to try. It doesn't work, and Saradomin has a reason why.
Comment From Zoli Ben
Will the choice we did regarding the wand going to effect future contents?
Mod Stu: In future Sir Owen quests, most definitely.
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
shame on you, Daezhun!
Comment From simon shanks
Go after mod daszhun and get it back
Mod Phoenix: He'll pay for this! :D
Comment From ThorlahRemanis
So when they keep saying Sir Owen is "corrupted", what exactly does that mean for him? I think he may become a zombie, but aside from that, I'm not too sure.
Mod Adam R: A knight zombie, king of the zombies? The undead legions rallying behind him?! Yeah, that would be kind of interesting. They could infest somewhere!
Comment From Blizzardy
Could we ride a Centaur?
Mod Adam R: They probably wouldn't like that, and besides they're endangered!
Comment From Guest
Does Brassica have human followers, who are currently attempting to spread his teachings of vitality, sobriety and peace?
Mod Adam R: Sounds like he has at least one.
Comment From doom
will the sequel be a novice quest or master?
Mod Stu: That really depends on the core aims of the project when it gets passed down to me. I would expect that it would be novice or perhaps intermediate, and a direct follow-up, but that's just initial speculation. Also depends on how many sequels I get to do. (I have an arc worked out that would work really well as a trilogy.)
Comment From Lethalintent
Will Zaros' voice be singular or sound like many at once?
Mod Adam R: If it were several voices, which actors would you cast?
Comment From Voya100
What is the connection between Saradomin, unicorns and owls?
Mod Adam R: They all have an O in their name.
And they're both animals associated with Saradomin, due to aspects of his nature.
Comment From Samvel
What piece of content thats in development are you looking forward to most? (that isn't not divination, too obvious!)
Mod Adam R: I can't wait for another excuse to get Raven to record more Brassica lines! So whatever involves that!
Comment From Taiyoukouen
Adam, are you Godless by chance?
Mod Adam R: I haven't decided yet.
Comment From Blizzardy
Sir owen becoming a Zombie, Halloween is coming right :D
Comment From Anamona
Hey, Harry Potter rode a centaur, why couldn't we?!
Mod Adam R: He obviously doesn't carry as many weapons as you do.
Comment From knddnk2
I found an armadyl action figure
Mod Phoenix: Lol, that's awesome.
Comment From simon shanks
sorry if i am asking too many questions
Mod Phoenix: That's fine, we are trying to answer as many as possible ;)
Comment From treemanforever
You guys Should've had Sir Christopher Lee voice Saradomin :P.
Comment From Jim Martin
Alan Rickman for Zaros' voice!
Comment From Fleks
Morgan Freeman for Zaros!
Mod Adam R: I'll get on the phone.
Comment From Helmtorag1
How long did D.O.C. take to make?
Mod Stu: Pre-production started in February. It was originally scheduled to release in May, which honestly felt a bit tight, particularly with the degree of choice and voicing it all. I worked dutifully hard to hit my milestones, but we had to make some sacrifices along the way.
Fortunately, it was dependent on RS3 and the Battle of Lumbridge being released, so when their schedule slipped a bit, I was afforded an unprecedented opportunity to refine and polish the content, and make it everything I wanted to be. I think the extra care and attention shows in the end result.
Comment From simon shanks
what is your preferred attack styles
Mod Adam R: I like to lure my enemy into a false sense of security, then trip them up!
Mod Adam R: And have a jolly good laugh at their expense.
Comment From Bally!
Wow this stream's still on? I only just came. :p
Comment From Kervate
I genuinely think that if there was a world event between Brassica Prime and any of the other gods, Brassica would win if it was up to the players :P
Comment From Guest
Is this still going on? Great!
Mod Phoenix: Yup!
Comment From doom
Comment From Atestarossa
Samuel L. Jackson as Bandos!
Comment From Lord William
Whoever played Saruman in LotR for Zaros.
Comment From simon shanks
what time would this end?
Mod Phoenix: Never gonna give it up, never gonna let you go...
Comment From Mz HellFire
me for zaros voice!
Mod Adam R: You didn't!!!?!!
Comment From Miseryoflife
Has the player discovered all of the powers that Guthix gave him or will the player discover new powers because if these are the limits of the players power how will he be able to defend the world from the Gods?
Mod Stu: Fundamentally, your role as World Guardian is to stand between the gods and those that are not protected by Guthix's power like you are, and able to face up to them and engage with them. I don't believe we're planning to bestow more power through Guthix than that.
Comment From Mz HellFire
i have a question. my friend wanted to join zaros before the god return now that they have the guy who was recruiting for zaros is gone how can they follow zaros still?
Mod Adam R: The Zaros recruiter was on holiday for a bit. We have to allow a statutory 20 days per year.
Comment From Dragula
This quest makes me think there's a Rob Zombie fan among the mods...
Comment From THOKS FISTS
does zaros have a wife/girlfriend it seemed to be implayed in firemakers curse lore ?
Mod Stu: Missus Zaros? Interesting idea.
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
please make it possible to build a little altar in rememberance of the poor cabbages that got toasted during DoC! that would be an amazing excuse to get more Brassica lines!
Comment From Divine Idea
Ian McDiarmid for Zamorak's voice!!
Comment From knddnk2
Alright I got it. Give Zaros a multiple personality issue, due to him having to occupy a few bodies. ANd just have zaros speak through a chorus of people made up of Morgan Freeman, Samual L Jackson, Daniel Day Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Sandra Bullock, and yeah that'd be good. Just blow the prifindas budget on voices for zaros
Comment From Skrarr
How do you plan on making players choices matter while also not poking huge holes in the lore? or will major decisions be left to events similar to the BoL?
Mod Stu: As I understand it, global decisions will be made through world events, and player-specific decisions will be made through quests.
Comment From Fleks
Did I just get Rick Rolled?:O
Comment From Ancientm8ge
I want mod Moltare to voice Zamorak!
Comment From Gnome
I can't see my own questions. :p
Mod Adam R: They await our answers, then pop through together :)
Comment From Gohankuten
Adam that makes you sound like you follow Sliske
Mod Adam R: Couldn't possibly comment.
Comment From simon shanks
Mod stu do you like the star wars?
Mod Stu: Hells yeah. Mod Osborne pointed out in the Death of Chivalry video that infiltrating the enemy base in disguise with your companion as your prisoner is a deliberate nod to Luke and Chewbacca, and I'll shamelessly admit that Captain Dulcin is inspired by Darth Vader.
Comment From PantsuOnHead
Luring is against the rules, Adam. Shame on you. Shame. On. You.
Mod Adam R: I'm doing nothing of the sort!
Comment From treemanforever
Christopher Lee? As Zaros? No. His voice is much better for Saradomin.
Comment From Matt
yesterday a player by the name of "ash forte" kicked a gilded cabbage from falador to oo'glog on live stream. Any way you could reward him with an "of brassica prime" title?
Comment From Ajente02
Mark Gerhad for Zamorak's voice!!!
Mod Stu: No, but both Brassica Prime and I admire his persistence. :)
Comment From Guest
Will our discussion whether or not to give sara the wand affect future material?
Mod Stu: That's the plan.
Comment From Lord William
So: Saradomin, Tuska, and Brassica Prime walked into a bar...
Mod Adam R: (can't wait to hear how that one ends)
Comment From Guest
Care to tell us how many quests are in the works;)
Mod Stu: A few. Now that RS3's out of the way, it's looking to be a fantastic year.
Comment From Atestarossa
Will this campfire still go on when the podcast starts, or will it extinguish?
Mod Phoenix: Mod Stu seems to be determined to answer your questions about DOC so we might go on :)
Comment From Divine Idea
Mod Adam R: That would imply that they're both 'Evil' gods though!
Comment From Kervate
Would it be considered a spoiler if Sean Bean voiced somebody? His characters don't usually last long.
Mod Adam R: Hahaha, well perhaps. But he was great as Sharpe. I'd love to work with him.
Comment From Helmtorag1
Mod Stu, how many quests will be in Owen questline?
Mod Stu: Not decided or discussed yet. Ideally two, maybe just one would be my initial guess.
Comment From Shark
6 minutes until podcast...
Comment From QueenArasene
Aren't all the gods evil though? In some way, at least.
Mod Adam R: The gods all have their own agenda. None are purely evil, they are people, with flaws and ambitions. They are just able to turn these into reality, for good and bad.
Comment From Helmtorag1
How did Brassica, make the golden cabbage, we find, and it seems Brassica is on Gielinor already?
Mod Stu: Brassica Prime was on Gielinor even while the Edicts of Guthix were intact. I'd guess Guthix thought favourably of him, or he didn't foresee he'd represent a threat.
Comment From V.Slayer
who is stronger a MOD or a God?
Mod Phoenix: Chuck Norris.
Mod Adam R: Well he only ever gives people cabbages, so I can't see why anyone would see him as a threat!
Comment From IcthlarinRS
If we ever get our hands back on the Wand of Resurrection, could we use it to revive Elora and ask her what we should do with it?
Mod Stu: Perhaps. We'll just have to wait and see.
Comment From Ancientm8ge
The cutscenes in this quest were great, thank you guys for letting us replay them! Knight of the living dead is my fav!
Comment From doom
haha chuck norris
Comment From Shark
NO! Thok is strongest!!!!!!
Comment From doom
i bet the the evil chicken
Comment From Ancientm8ge
LOL phoenix!
Comment From IcthlarinRS
How many Death Lotus assassins does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Mod Adam R: The real question is, why did they unscrew it in the first place... oh dear
Comment From Ro Xanne
Seeing as Saradomin failed to use the wand completely correctly, does that mean we (the Adventurer) are better (in a moral way) than Saradomin, who was originally the god of good?
Mod Stu: Saradomin certainly has blood on his hands. He's had to make some difficult choices in his centuries-long existence as a god, and as we've seen, he's far from a pinnacle of virtue.
Then again, who is?
Comment From PURGE ALL
How is Alan Rickman ahead of Christopher Lee in that list?!
Comment From knddnk2
What are some of armadyl's flaws? Besides having to clean out his feathers.
Mod Phoenix: The perch and s...t on stuff from above?
Comment From PURGE ALL
If Bree is the Saradominist champion, which Demon is the Zamorakian Champion?
Mod Adam R: I imagine it'd be one of the demons, though would need to check that.
Comment From Airs
Could the wand bring back mahjarrat that have been sacrificed in a ritual? Or one of the hero's slain by Lucien?
Mod Stu: It'd be interesting to try. But I don't think you'll like the end result...
Mod Adam R: It's supposed to be lucky if a bird poos on you.
Comment From Guest
Armadyl can't be evil! He's just an idealistic romantic! Poor guy.
Comment From Divine Idea
Podcast is live.
Comment From Samvel
Who put the wand in the crypt and behind the barriers in the first place?
Mod Stu: I have an answer to that, but you'll have to wait for the quest to find out.
Comment From Ajente02 A fanart from a Spanish player. ;)
Comment From Ellen Anita Fantin
Ok, serious question here. Did Lucien have "relations" with a woman to have Moia?
Mod Adam R: Well she does state that he's her father, but I'd shudder to imagine...
Comment From Saviur1
In a fight tournament between Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood and Bandos, who would come out on top?
Mod Adam R: Bandos is probably the tallest.
Comment From Smith5000123
This quest shows some of the less admirable sides of Saradomin. Do you think there could be content in the future showing some good things about Zamorak?
Mod Stu: I certainly hope so.
Comment From Shark
So many amazing artists who play Runescape.. I love the player galleries
Comment From CD_Paladin_C
saradomin better watch where he parks his car
Mod Adam R: If he parked it badly here he'd get a fine.
Comment From PURGE ALL
What if Armdayl pooed on me?
Mod Adam R: Wouldn't that be EXTREMELY lucky?
Comment From FearSouvenir
Death of Chilvalry was an awesome quest guys, really enjoyed the storyline and incredible graphics. Wanted to ask though, how long does it usually take to plan and construct a quest like this for the game?
Mod Adam R: We started Pre-production in February :)
Comment From Leonard
Will our choices in a quest ever affect anything other than dialogue? Getting a different reward for example.
Mod Stu: Probably not. It's an odd dichotomy. Players seem to respond well to making meaningful decisions, but we also get a lot of negative feedback if those decisions actually limit rewards or kill off important characters.
That's why you unlock all four titles and we only suggest one to activate based on the choices you've made, for example. Harmless but noticeable choices seem to be the best accepted.
Comment From simon shanks
lobe the new music from death of chivaly got three on a playlist
Mod Adam R: Thanks :)
Mod Adam R: Some of our other music is available here:
And the soundcloud of course:
Comment From Jim Martin
Braaaaaaaasiiicaaa Priiiiime... Greatest voice ever.
Comment From Sam Hooo
Can you List for us the Different sections for the gods or how you would define them on a scale of good to neutral to bad in more detail if that makes sense...
Mod Stu: Nope. It's up to you to decide how you perceive the gods. I hope players have come away from The Death of Chivalry with a revised perception of Saradomin for example.
Comment From simon shanks
saradomin for the win!
Comment From treemanforever
Guys: Let Christopher Lee voice Saradomin.
Comment From simon shanks
Will we be able to speak to saradomin agin anytime soon?
Mod Stu: Gods are central to the 6th Age storyline, so I imagine you will, yes.
Comment From V.Slayer
Saradomins beard vs Zamoraks moustache LET THE BATTLE OF THE FACIAL HAIR BEGIN!!!
Mod Phoenix: I go with Zammy's whiskers :P
Comment From Nelfarion
Can a mod please go further into Zamorak's philosophy? Why is he the Father of Invention?
Mod Stu: I think the god book for Zamorak from the god emissaries is a really good illustration of Zamorak's philosophy, and how chaos factors into it.
Comment From Ancientm8ge
Zamorak wins....flawless victory!!!
Comment From Auroran Rage
Red Armadyleans ftw! ;)
Comment From Ajente02
Zamorak doens't have mustache!!!
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
pringles whiskers ftw
Mod Adam R: I'm going to call it a night everybody. Thanks for the chatter.
Comment From doom
ernest the chicken follows saradomin?because his colour is blue and white
Mod Stu: Your logic is indisputable.
Comment From FearSouvenir
Goodnight Mod Adam
Mod Adam R: Night :)
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
good night, Adam!
Comment From Ajente02
Deam with Zamorak n' stuff, Adam. ;)
Comment From ThorlahRemanis
Good night Adam!
Comment From simon shanks
good night adam
Mod Adam R: Stu's still going. He's a trooper.
Comment From simon shanks
how many readers still here?
Mod Phoenix: 160 live readers atm.
Comment From Aseh
I still am a little confused about how the game will play out for players invidually. Some speculate the game wil be fundamentally different for player A compared to player B. Take the wand for example: there are two possible scenarios for it at the moment: player A has with Owen, player B has it with Saradomin. Will this stay in the end and will this make "the game" for player A different compared to that from player B or will, for example, a future quest bring the wand to the same NPC, but by a different way? This also applies to certain choices regarding dialogue made in the quest.
Mod Stu: Branching storylines are something we're wanting to do in sixth age quests. It can get really very quickly if not carefully managed, but giving you meaningful and interesting moral choices, acknowledging them and feeding them into your path down a quest line is the sort of direction we're looking to move in.
Comment From ThorlahRemanis
High five for Stu!
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
Way to go, Stu! :D
Comment From Ancientm8ge
Stu for the win, he will be Zamorakian yet!
Comment From Mz HellFire
adam you owe me a cookie dont forget!
Comment From Icaric
oh my im too late, i was hopping of the forums to read the transcripts and here its still going
Mod Stu: *it can get expensive really quickly (in terms of development time)
Comment From Jack Slayter
What gave you guys the idea to make player choice options?
Mod Stu: It cam down from Mod Mark and Mod Osborne, and they communicated the vision to the rest of the team.
Comment From Cavi
Are there any plans to release a Divination quest this year?
Mod Stu: Let's get Divination out first, shall we? :)
Comment From Mewzard
Does the corruption only being up to one arm mean that Saradomin is like 80% virtuous or so? Is there a ratio of corrupted return to virtue of user, or is it 99% still ends up the same amount of corruption?
Comment From Balustan
Live Q&A and a Haggis Supper tonight is a good night.
Mod Stu: It's not a reflection of the proportion of Saradomin's purity, no. And I don't intend for this to be end of Sir Owen's transformation.
Comment From Ziggy Coins
If you used the Wand at the same time as the Stone of Jas, would it supercharge its powers?
Mod Stu: Quite the opposite, I expect.
Comment From Auroran Rage
Since we can call Saradomin a snow imp, does this mean the land of snow is considered canon? Could we possibly see it again in the future? Ice sprites are my favourite race, so I feel someone needs to tell them about Guthix's death :(
Mod Stu: It was more of a reference to the Christmas 2012 holiday event. The first time I saw the new Saradomin, I was reminded of a blue imp dressed up with a fake Santa beard. :)
Who do you support in the Battle of Lumbridge?
( 42% )
( 58% )
Comment From Mat2113
Why not make the Black Knight Ceremonial armour cosmetic too, at least after the quest?
Mod Stu: It's already cosmetic, in the sense that it's not stats. As to why it's not a cosmetic override, the answer for that's in the FAQ.
Comment From Shark
Comment From Ajente02
Zamorak FTW!!!
Comment From Lord William
Saradomin, because I'm Zarosian.
Comment From Divine Idea
Saradomin. I follow Zaros, and it'd just be a slap in his face to follow Zamorak after what he did to him.
Comment From Ancientm8ge
Hail the great lord Zamorak!
Comment From simon shanks
go sara
Comment From Apentaart
I refuse to vote for any God that destroys such a beautiful town.
Comment From Souler
William, that's not a case, my friend is devoted Zarosian and follows Zamorak, he just sees bigger picture.
Comment From Aseh
My question is regarding the "time" in RuneScape. The Death of Chivalry is one of the first quests to take place in the Sixth Age. Before TWW, we were in the year 169 of the Fifth Age for twelve "real life years". Are we going to stay in year 1 of the Sixth Age for another twelve years? Obviously some in-game time has passed since TWW: the Tribute to Guthix, the growing portal in Lumbridge, the Battle of Lumbridge itself... We do have a calender according to Postbag 21 (is this one canon?) which counts 365 days. What is your opinion on this? I personally don't feel like staying in the year 1 of the Sixth Age for another twelve years feels "right". Again thanks for your time! :)
Mod Stu: I believe the plan is to remain in the current year, unless there's a reason to advance forwards.
Comment From Mewzard
Saradominist for nearly 10 years. Go Saradomin!
Comment From PURGE ALL
Red Armadylian here :)
Comment From Lord William
Actually, a correction: I'm allied to Zaros. I also prefer Saraodmin's ideology over Zamorak's (Zamorak's ideology is a dead end), especially after DoC.
What was your favourite part of the quest?
Scalable Combat
( 2% )
Tough Choices
( 11% )
( 2% )
( 3% )
( 80% )
( 2% )
Comment From Guest
How many reworks have you planned for the future
Mod Stu: There are no other quest reworks in development that I know of.
I find it interesting that the notion of reworks seem to get such a negative response. I see this as a new story, and also an expanded one, the opportunity to rework something older while we we're at it.
Comment From FearSouvenir
Just all of it was my favourite!
Comment From Shark
I would like to click all of them but I can't :(
Comment From simon shanks
cant wait for the sequel to doc
Comment From Fusswell
A poll just as I am leaving! Definitely storyline, though graphics and audio were awesome. I don't care much for rewards (Dulcin's skull ftw though) and I dislike heavily choice-based content. This quest was just about perfect in terms of choices!
Comment From Ancientm8ge
I think the re-works have been epic!
Comment From Mewzard
I've wanted to know this for ages: He's had the Elder Crown that can track any artifact for over 12,000 years...does Saradomin have more than one artifact? No specifics needed, yes or no would work.
Mod Stu: Saradomin doesn't have other Elder artefacts that I know of. I'm pretty sure that the crown is also how he acquired his godly power, but don't quote me on that.
Comment From knddnk2
You guys are awesome for going on and on! Will we see rewards through the customization interface in the future? I absolutely loved that as part of the quest seeing as you guys couldn't hav realy made that paladin armor a worthwhile armor due to the difficulty level (low/new players) of the quest. So for me having nice armor that isn't taking up bankspace is an awesome feature. I'd have liked if the captain outfit was cosmetic but I understand why it couldn't have been. So will we see customization interface rewards in the future?
Mod Stu: I hope we'll be able to have more override rewards in the future. Cosmetic overrides are an awesome system, and they're really convenient for players of all levels, and I'm doing my best to ensure Solomon doesn't get to have all the fun with it.
I'm really pleased that the Captain Dulcin armour has received such a positive reaction. Definitely something to learn from this.
Comment From A Seven X Rs
By the way guys, I just want to say I love your quests so much - got 343 quest points now :)
Comment From PURGE ALL
this thing is still going even after the podcast is over!? Nice to see Mod Stu doing this for so long!!
Comment From E U H God X
Potcast has now ended.
Mod Phoenix: Did you like it?
Comment From Sam Bourton
Podcast was good.
Comment From Mike_T4
Comment From Ancientm8ge
Pod cast was awesome, going to miss hearing your voice Phoenix!
Comment From Divine Idea
The Podcast was excellent.
Comment From E U H God X
Hard to hear some of it but it was good.
Comment From Mewzard
Good cast, but my question just missed the cast
Mod Phoenix: maybe next time
Comment From Mewzard
Do respect the hard work podcasters do since I've been one for about 3-4 years now
Comment From Balustan
I need to listen to last weeks podcast never mind this weeks.
Mod Phoenix: You can, just go to
Comment From Divine Idea
Darn these chats. They're too enticing. I keep forgetting that I have laundry to switch out.
Mod Phoenix: LOL!
Comment From A Seven X Rs
Is it uploaded to Podbean?
Mod Phoenix: Will be tomorrow ;) You can listen to the previous ones for now.
Comment From Etheral Bond
At the end of The Death of Chivalry, there was obviously a sequel planned in mind--probably already in development. Why did you decide to release this as a standalone quest rather than as a double bill like with Ozan and Ariane quests?
Mod Stu: I don't have an answer for that. Hopefully Mod Osborne will shed some light on that in the futureThe decision to only release one quest was made at a core aims level, so it was pre-decided as part of the scope of the project before I started work on it.
Honestly, though, I'm really glad that I got to tell one big coherent story that has an internal resolution but sets the scene for future sequels, and make it available to free players. I think it's a better deal for everyone.
Mod Phoenix: Oooh skeletons :)
Comment From Divine Idea
Will the Tomb of the Fallen serve another purpose aside from the Death of Chivalry quest in future content? I know it might be used in part, perhaps, for another sequel, but it'd be cool to have another reason to return to the dungeon. It's aesthetically appealing.
Comment From doom
those red eyes
Mod Stu: Awesome screenshot, that!
It's a very cool environment kit, yes. If it's suitable I'd certainly like to get more use out of it for spooky interiors in the future.
With regards to reasons to return to the tomb (after getting all the rewards), there is a way to replay the boss fight. Though admittedly the only real reward is XP that's balanced for a novice player.
By the way, I've acknowledged that the skeleton adds are a bit wimpy. I submitted a fix to QA today to scale them to the player's level like other
Comment From Ancientm8ge
The artwork that went into that tomb is amazing! Makes me want to go back in time to the 3rd age!
Mod Stu: Apologies if some of my words are getting cut off by the way. The live chat console seems to be getting extremely laggy, presumably from the sheer amount of text we've accumulated. :)
Comment From Apentaart
Aren't you afraid the Gods are becoming too human, in both form and personality (yes I realize Saradomin was a man once)? Why should I worship somebody that makes worse decisions than I do?
Mod Stu: I think that showing a human side to the gods is how we can make them appealing. If they're flawed characters with identifiable motivations, we can relate to them better, and rally around them. The gods are no better than us, after all; the only difference is that they have taken power from the Elder Gods.
Comment From simon shanks
what happened to the centaurs?
Mod Stu: In short, the God Wars happened. :)
Comment From Gohankuten
Mod Stu which god do you follow?
Mod Stu: I'm with Saradomin at the Battle of Lumbridge. Emissary-wise, I'm Godless. I think there's an anti-god, anti-war undercurrent running under The Death of Chivalry, if you know where to look. :) A warning that if we continue on our current course, there'll be a new God Wars in the 6th Age.
Comment From Mod HellFire
i want to be a jagex mod some day!
Mod Stu: It's the best job I've ever had. It's hard work, there's a lot of pressure, especially the expectations from our community, but to be able to tell a story, see it grow from an idea to a reality, and put it out there where lots of people can enjoy it is the best thing ever.
I think my passion is Mod Phoenix's bane, though. She was meant to go home two hours ago. :S
Comment From Idroy
Are there other races 'returning' to gielinor?
Mod Stu: I'm sure there will be. All the gods are marshalling their forces.
Comment From Wolfstar176
You guys and your talk make me want to be a game developer one day!
Comment From Kervate
What can be revealed about the afterlife in Runescape? What happens to the souls of those who die? Does it depend on the god?
Mod Stu: If all goes according to plan, that'll all be made clear soon.
Comment From Chemystical
Mod Stu, can you tell us anything about your next project?
Mod Stu: I'm meant to be working on the next world event as soon as I finish up post-release fixes for The Death of Chivalry.
Right now I'm enjoying being able to step out of the darkness and talk about a project that's been terribly secret for so long.
Things can change fast, though, so who knows!
Comment From Eridyn
do you plan to wrap up any of the old story line quests like Myreque, Pirates, etc. Before any more Sixth age content, or will you work on them simultaneously?
Mod Stu: It's meant to be a simultaneous effort. The Dwarf finale is in the works by Mod John A, one of our best and most pedigree'd quest developers at the moment, and other god quests are on the way too.
Mod Phoenix: hey guys, I'll be going now but I'm leaving you in good hands - Mod Stu will be here a bit longer to answer more of your questions ;)
Comment From simon shanks
night phoenix
Comment From A Seven X Rs
Byeeee Phoenix :)
Comment From Mjaltek
We'll miss you.
Comment From Parazard
- pulls Stu's sleeve for attention*
Comment From Eridyn
goodbye Phoenix! My favourite type of bird. :D
Comment From PURGE ALL
LOL!!! :D
Comment From E U H God X
That implies t-rexes were on fire
Mod Stu: Thank you so much for looking ater us, Mod Phoenix. Sweet dreams!
Comment From Lord William
Goodbye Phoenix! I wish you well in your future ventures.
Mod Phoenix: Thank you everyone! Good night ;)
Mod Stu: I've still got about an eighth of your questions to go, folks, and I'm getting long periods of inactivity from the client, which is slowing me down a bit. So please don't be offended if I don't reply as I go, I'll be putting all of my attention into burning through the questions we have left before physical exhaustion sets in. :)
Comment From Ancientm8ge
You did awesome in this quest Mod Stu, I was worried at first because I thought I was going to be forced to go against my alignment, as Lensig and Dulcin were extremists I cut them down in Zamorak's name! Thanks for an awesome quest, the Zamorakians support you!
Mod Stu: Thank you, I was worried too. I knew that a Saradomin-focused quest wasn't going to fairly represent the opposition as I had to give him and Sir Owen the most time in the spotlight. Especially when it was intended to release alongside a battle between him and Zamorak.
Mod Stu: Wonderful to see that the storyline was the standout favourite part of the quest for most of you according to the poll. As a self-confessed storyteller, that fills with me joy. :)
Mod Stu: *fills me with joy (not so much joy for the client delay)
Comment From Slug Queen
Stu, what's your opinion on the Salt in the Wound quest? Be honest, or else I'll drop a pillar on you.
Mod Stu: I could see what the developer was trying to achieve - the latter gameplay was a succession of escalating multi-character puzzles. I anticipated the conclusion would follow that format, and my expectations were met. I guess I didn't expect a boss fight, and so wasn't disappointed by the pillar.
Honestly, I don't think it deserved as much ire as it received. There are some lore issues, sure - but I'm not going to judge them for that, as I've made some of my own along the way. Parallel development of multiple projects can be like hitting a moving target - occasionally you miss, no matter how careful your aim.
Mod Stu: Also, the reveal when Mother Mallum released her host at the end? Truly chilling. Massive kudos there.
Comment From Eridyn
will we have a choice to restore Sir Owen's arm, or leave it the way it is in the next quest, or future Owen Quests?
Mod Stu: I certainly want that, and persistent choice of that nature, to be a focus of Sir Owen's questline.
Mod Stu: Just had a long chat with Mod Seven, plotting and planning.
Would you be interested in a 'director's commentary' for The Death of Chivalry? Mod Osborne and/or me, maybe together, maybe separate?
Similar sort of idea to Mod Moltare's Let's Play twitch, but with a lot more detail, anecdotes, and insider info on the development of the quest, and what were trying to achieve along the way.
Interested? Let us know.
Back to your questions!
Comment From Wahisietel
Are you happy with how the quest turned out and how it's been recieved, and are there any things you would have changed?
Mod Stu: I'm awed and humbled by how this quest has been received. The reaction has been so much more positive than I could ever have anticipated.
There's a few things I would have done differently. Each project is a learning experience.
I'm really excited about this director's commentary idea now. :) I think I'd rather wait for that to discuss the specifics.
My greatest regret having played the quest on my personal account is that I wasn't able to retain scaling for basic attacks. At the skill level I played it, nothing but special attacks could harm me, so I never felt a sense of danger or threat until the boss fight. I also realised that one-hitting crowds of minions weren't the fun change of pace i'd hoped, and I've recently addressed that.
On the other hand, it's balanced just right for a novice (and actually getting hit by their abilities adds a lot to the combat encounters), and players that can't afford the appropriate gear for their level are still going to be able to finish the quest and enjoy the story without frustration, so I think it was the right call for our first attempt at quest combat scaling.
Comment From V.Slayer
I'm really confused is the wand of resurrection the elder horn?
Mod Stu: Nope. I knew people would confuse it with the Elder Horn since it's so highly anticipated, but I'm going to keep answering this question until the rumour goes away. :)
Comment From Auroran Rage
If that's the case with the wand, can you make it so that we can explain to sara we din't chose to give him the wand out of spite, but rather we knew he would mess it up? :)
Mod Stu: Yeah, I've seen that request on the forums, and I've added it to my sequel notes. I'll try to ensure that nuanced response is included for those that don't want to be seen as offending Saradomin. :)
Comment From Guest
Could we get the wand from the quest as a cosmetic? :D
Mod Stu: Hehe, no. Its story has not yet run its course.
Comment From Bronoras
Will you put the combat level scaling system from DOC into other future quests?
Mod Stu: Where appropriate to the project, yes. It's a tool in the box to apply where it enriches the experience. We'll want to refine the technology somewhat first, and make some calls about how and where to apply it.
Comment From Saviur1
Earlier it was said our decisions were remembered in D.O.C.. In the case of which prayer we said for Sir Owen, if we said two prayers, will it remember which order we said the prayers in? Personally, I said one to Zaros first, then one to Saradomin to honour Sir Owen's faith :)
Mod Stu: I honestly can't remember - might be fatigue setting in - I think it remembers the last prayer you used.
It's one of only a few places where I used your god emissary decision, and it's drawn a lot of attention.
I'll certainly be aiming to incorporate more references to the emissary as a definiton of your preferred god allegiance in the future.
That said, I try to not lock you into decisions due to your god allegiance, since you have the freedom to change it, and there shouldn't be a penalty for switching emissaries as you discover new things about the gods.
Comment From Balustan
Don't we have blood on our hands. We are criminals. We stole stuff from museums, helped assassinate priests, have murdered countless lives and have no regard for the law. Nobody seems to care either...
Mod Stu: Yes. Yes, you do, and yes you are. You're a bad person, Balustan.
See, I care. :p
Comment From Jim Martin
I am determined that Brassica Prime is the love child of Guthix and Seren... S/he is a nature god. :D
Mod Stu: I'm trying to fathom the anatomical implications of that...
Just as well I'm still here so late. I won't be risking a jaunt to the land of dreams tonight.
Comment From Ballor
can we see some more concept are please?
Mod Stu: Absolutely! I've lost track of which images have sent to you so far, so I'll just do them all again. Enjoy!
Mod Stu: That's everything that Mod Phoenix uploaded.
There's a couple that I gave her that aren't in the list, though.
Bug her later if you want to see more screenshots and concepts. I'm sure she wont mind. :p
Comment From Souler
During quest, you get few choices, like killing the Black Knight, who might intervene in mission. I decided to kill him, yet wand found me worthy of opening gate, and, probably, wielding wand. Is it result of being World Guardian, or hero is justified for whatever he/she does?
Mod Stu: Nah, it's not quite as simple as that. I see it being a big plot point, so don't want to reveal the answer until you get the sequel, though.
Comment From pallygr
Will your decisions in DoC change the BoL?
Mod Stu: No. Categorically no.
There is a disclaimer at the beginning of the quest stating as such.
Comment From Anamona
Is it possible that we will have our characters voiced for future quests as well? We haven't had the characters voiced since that Tutorial thing with the Dragon.
Mod Stu: This has come up a few times, so I'll be pretty much repeat the answer you usually get.
Your player avatar is the character you want him/her to be. We'll never be able to get a voice that best matches the voice in your own head. (Trust me, the voices in my head told me so.)
Even if we gave you an assortment of voices to choose from, I don't think it would be enough to satisfy that need.
Then there's the practicality of dragging in those same actors for each project to voice all the player lines. Especially with this new focus on decision making, varied responses, conditional chat topics, branching dialogue trees.
I can't see us ever voicing the player character, and I think it's better that way.
Comment From DopGutta
The thing I loved with the Ozan quests was how they used a already existing villain (Amascut), instead of a completely new like in DoC and the Adriane quests. Wouldn't it have been better using someone like Zemourgal in this quest?
Mod Stu: In the case of DoC, I had a couple of established characters that were under-developed, and I wanted to build up from those foundations and make them compelling.
There's a recent shift in the 6th Age, alongside the meaningful choice mandate, toward telling accessible stories that more players can enjoy, instead of hiding our best content at the end of complex quest chains.
There's a place for established characters, absolutely, but they're often tied up in existing quest lines which can be difficult to decouple, and those characters are usually introduced in those stories and intricately tied into them - luckily, Amascut was accessible enough through Ozan's quests' position in the desert series to incorporate her, and his quests are definitely much stronger for it.
Comment From Pietro Falco Garcia
this thing about branching storylines reminded me to ask you... is there any chance the gnome quest series and the elven quest series will merge? they kinda involve seren, so... who knows?
Mod Stu: They might do. The production values of quests are extremely high, and they come with a considerable development cost and investment over several months (which limits how many we can have in production at any one time).
As such, it's often more cost-effective to combine multiple objectives where feasible, and where it fits the project.
The Death of Chivalry is a triple whammy, for example. It's the first signature hero quest for Sir Owen, it's a quest that elaborates the personality, motivations and backstory of Saradomin, and it's a rework of one of our oldest quests.
Quintuple whammy, actually, since it also reworks the Black Knights' Fortress. And sets up a storyline for the centaur race, whom have been barely acknowledged so far.
Comment From V.Slayer
So are mark and Osborne to elder mods?
Mod Stu: Haha, I'm totally going to start calling them that!
Comment From Chemystical
If the choices we made lead to an undesirable "result" at the end of the next quest, will we be able to change it, The Void Stares Back-style?
Mod Stu: I'm hoping that if I do this right, your decisions will be sufficiently telegraphed that the choices you make will be those that you struggled over and wanted to make, and that you won't perceive the results as undesirable.
Comment From Bonzara
Will Sir Owen's storyline intersect with those of the other Signature Heroes? Like, will we have Sir Owen and Ozan teaming up against Zamorak and Amascut?
Mod Stu: It's certainly possible! It all depends on what stories the design and executive teams want to be told, and when.
Comment From simon shanks
what was your favorite part of death of chivaly?
Mod Stu: That's a fantastic question!
The part that I found most touching was Fern's story, of what happened to her sister, the genesis of the corruption, and how Fern became the guardian of Elora's horn.
It's a shockingly long, linear tale, and when I first wrote it I was certain Mod Osborne was going to tell me to edit it down, or that we might split off her backstory from the plot and tell it through a lore story posted on the website.
On the contrary, he loved it, and didn't want to change a thing. Then we had it voiced, and the actor just nailed the tragic, ethereal, sorrowful reading I had in my head when the words flowed out of me.
Add in the haunting piano melody and unsettling throbbing of the ambient music, and it's honestly a scene that brought tears to my eyes.
Mod Stu: I think the sheer enormity of that last post just broke the chat console, folks. :) Looks like there were only a few questions left, but the compilation list has given up the ghost, and it's nearly Friday, so I'm going to have to end it there.
Mod Stu: Thanks for joining us. I hope you've enjoyed this Live Q&A, and that some of the answers were helpful to you.
Goodnight, and see you again soon, hopefully at RuneFest!