It was added on 11 November 2011.
We were looking forward to RuneFest for such a long time but all too soon, the weekend’s come to an end. The props are back in Gielinor, the actors are back in their box for another year and the dwarves are busy learning their lines ready to appear in a festive pantomime near you!
We’re not quite done yet, though, as we’d like to say a few words of thanks and announce RuneFest 2011’s competition winners.
Although the word is bandied around a lot, ‘epic’ does seem like a very appropriate word to use when describing the weekend. Whether you were there in person, there in spirit or in game as part of one of the many events, we have you to thank for making the weekend as awesome as it was. The commitment made by you all throughout the event really blew us away and contributed massively to making it an amazing and humbling experience for us all here at Jagex. Whether those efforts involved saving your hard earned cash for your tickets, blagging days off work to give you more time to create your RuneFest costume, travelling half way around the world to get to London or taking the time to enter one of the many competitions we held, we hugely appreciate your commitment and thank you for it.
We’d also like to thank you for all the kind words you’ve sent us since RuneFest, for the video links you’ve sent us and for the photos you took and then shared with us. They really mean a lot and serve as a wonderful reminder that you’re not just players on the other end of a computer but in many cases, are people that we are now pleased to count among our friends.
Now, we held a number of competitions throughout RuneFest and so without further ado, here’s who won what. Congratulations to all of you and a huge thanks to everyone who entered.
Golden Gnome Video Awards 2011
Best Use of Effects – Nozferatu
Best Use of Sound – Dale of Hope
Funniest Video – BumBum007
Best Story Telling – Prezleek
Best Voice Acting – Evil Yakuza
Best Animation – Jeffrey Son
Best Video 2011 – BumBum007
Costume Competition
C Strife 16 – Saturday winner
The Alex B – Saturday winner
Demolitione – Saturday winner
Maddad – Sunday winner
Rodeo WN – Sunday winner
Castle Wars – Sunday winner
Gallery Competition
f0st3rch1ld – Turtlefemm - Cape Licker - Cherrycake4 – Apricotius - Gun Shotz – Zycon – Tripsis - Groovy Gal62 – IDraxy - Shipy Nine – Eryene – Teezkut – Winona – Bellack - Warrior Nz - Ms Ghia – Leonive - H Llewelyn - Ria Velatina - Fugaz Star - Northern Pie – Jalanar - Gold Rathian
Plus, congratulations to Platinumrays, Talanyth and Angelsafcat who were our GameStop draw winners in attendance!
Thanks again everyone and we really hope we can see you again next year for RuneFest 2012!
Mod SJ, Mod Mr T, Mod Paul M and the rest of the RuneFest team.