It was added on 30 July 2009.
The previous RuneScape Q&A proved to be both popular and successful, so we thought it was about time for another one.
We will be opening up a "Questions for Jagex" thread in the News & Announcements forum tomorrow for anyone who wants to post questions to us. This thread shall remain open until the morning of Monday 3rd August, after which we will compile questions and pass them on to the people at Jagex best suited to answer them.
Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard (Mod MMG) will be providing the first batch of answers, which will be posted on the forums next Thursday (6th August). In addition to posting his answers, we will also be hosting a live Q&A session on the forums with him on the same day, starting at 8pm (GMT), and running for a couple of hours or so.
Each Thursday from then on, we will post another batch of answers and host another live Q&A session for those questions relevant to the other teams here at Jagex. Those directly relevant to RuneScape are as follows:
- Thursday 6th August – Mark Gerhard
- Thursday 20th August – Player Support
- Thursday 3rd September – Andrew
- Thursday 10th September – RuneScape Content
- Thursday 17th September – Community Management
- Thursday 24th September – Translation
For more information about these Q&A sessions, and for where, when and how to submit questions, please read this forum thread. We are also holding Q&A sessions for our other products. Details of these can also be found on this forum thread.
Mod Kelvin
Head of Community Management