It was added on 4 January 2007.
Ava's lab work has triumphed once more as her chicken knowledge expands. Users of the rewards from the Animal Magnetism quest will now notice that their devices now aid automatically in the recovery of fired missiles. This functionality operates for all arrow types commonly in use. Effects cannot, however, be guaranteed where obstacles lie between the wearer of the device and the fired arrows. All existing devices have had this enhancement fitted automatically; just equip your backpack, and your chicken will be ready to serve.
(In other words, the chicken will now retrieve most of the ammunition that would have otherwise dropped on the ground while you're ranging, but it can't do this if there's something in the way.)
It should also be noted that stocks of convenient scavenging materials in RuneScape are rather depleted. As a result, the arrow generation function of these devices has slowed considerably. Users should not be alarmed by this change which is due to natural effects beyond Ava's control.
In other news...
The games necklace has been updated to teleport players to the Barbarian Outpost as well as the Burthorpe Games Room.
Convenient right-click options have been added to the Magic Carpets and Gnome Gliders.
A bug has been fixed that was allowing players to cast Lunar spells on friends in non-multiway-combat areas of the Wilderness.
Now that the Christmas festivities have passed, the Gublinch cave has been sealed, the Karamjan snow has melted and Shantay Claws has sailed away to a distant land to learn more sea shanties; apparently the normal Karamjan climate doesn't suit werewolves. Players who'd rescued the childernapped childerkins (don't ask) and claimed their reward hat and tree will still have those items. Replacements may be obtained at any time from Diango in Draynor Village.