It was added on 2 October 2007.
You'll find that the shops of RuneScape have received a significant makeover this week. Most notably, turning away empty-handed from a shop will be a thing of the past, with infinite stock available from almost every store.
Each shop's stock is now split into two tabbed sections - 'Main Stock' and 'Player Stock'. 'Main Stock' houses an infinite number of items available for you to buy, while the 'Player Stock' tab displays all of the items that have been sold to the shop by players.
Price differs between these two sections. The 'Main Stock' is more expensive, but generally guarantees a constant value and an infinite supply that you can rely on. 'Player Stock' offers items at a lower price than the shop stock, but stock levels are variable. It's always worth checking this tab for bargains!
These changes will mean that autoshoppers and bots can no longer make a profit from abusing the shop system. We are sure you'll find this to be a very good thing - after all, we want RuneScape to be fun and not frustrating.
On that note, we've made additional changes to shopping, in an attempt to make it more fun and less frustrating. A 'buy-x' option has been added so that you do not have to spam-click when buying large quantities of stock. Also, the 'Main Stock' cost of certain skill-based items has increased. This is so that you still have an incentive for making your items or buying them from players who have the levels to produce them, rather than just buying from a shop.
There is a page on the knowledge base explaining how to use the new shops and all the improvements in greater detail. We have also added information to some pages, explaining how to get those few items that are no longer obtainable from shops; to find out how to get battlestaves go here, and to find out how to get seaweed, go here.
Alternatively, go into game now to get some immediate retail therapy!