It was added on 15 November 2012.
Greetings, adventurer.
I present to you my latest assortment of animations: Explosive Skills!
Why merely light a fire when you can combust one into existence? Why fish with a rod when a depth charge is just as effective? Alchemy is an impressive feat in itself, yet that much more remarkable when it’s explosively unstable.
Indeed, those looking to transform their regular skill animations into explosive alternatives need look no further than these latest ones released from my store!
Explosive variants for Fishing, Firemaking, Alchemy, Mining and Woodcutting are all available right now, and exclusively from my store. Should you have any queries regarding my distinguished boutique, I’m confident you’ll find an answer in the comprehensive FAQ, found here.
If you’ve yet to visit my establishment, why not drop in and receive 200 RuneCoins absolutely free? Remember that if you wish to purchase additional RuneCoins, you can do so here or by clicking ‘Buy RuneCoins’ inside my store. Don’t forget that I offer a 10% discount to all members.
Until next time.
Solomon – Proprietor
Solomon’s General Store
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