It was added on 20 August 2013.
Greetings, adventurer.
With the Battle of Lumbridge in full flow, I have two incredible new legendary pets to assist you in your efforts. Representing Zamorak and Saradomin, I present to you the warborn behemoth and prototype colossus: siege pets!
Like other legendary pets, the two new additions grow through three stages, changing their appearance and learning impressive tricks along the way. Each stage of growth has two emotes to go along with it.
However, these two new pets can interact with each other in an amazing, unique manner: when your pet reaches its adult form, activate its first emote in the vicinity of the opposing siege pet. Your pet will attack the other, and - depending on whether Zamorak or Saradomin is winning or has won the battle - the other will stagger or shrug off the attack.
Both the warborn behemoth and prototype colossus – and indeed, many other pets – are available from my store now, so please do drop in at your earliest convenience. If you wish to purchase additional runecoins, you can do so here or by clicking 'Buy Runecoins' inside my store.
Until next time.
The free item for members is currently the Kalphite Greathelm.
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