It was added on 28 March 2006.
As many adventurers know, life can't be all dragon-slaying and rescuing maidens in distress. For one, dragons are pretty fierce and most maidens tend to be able to look after themselves these days. So, to be a little useful and perhaps earn a crust, the wily adventurer knows how to turn their skills to many a trade, such as the ability to be a guide.
Since Burgh de Rott has had a recent face lift, and the general store has been filled up with supplies, some of the villagers feel ready to brave the trip to Paterdomus, the temple on the Salve. Of course, there are some trivial dangers to keep an eye out for, but nothing that a well-prepared adventurer couldn't deal with.
So stock up your companion with food (just in case), dust off your trusty map and set forth in the new minigame: Temple Trekking.
- 3 different routes to choose from with varying difficulty.
- 3 different levels of NPC followers to escort.
- Weaker NPCs are more taxing to protect but offer greater rewards if you can keep them alive.
- Rewards from the trip are made in skill related items and tomes of learning - novel ways to level your XP.
- Challenge enormous swamp snakes and protect your trek companion.
- Tackle giant swamp snails and tentacle monsters!
- Solve tricky puzzle encounters.
- Use the temple trekking as a fun, more interesting way to get back to Misthalin.
This minigame is designed to be a more fun and challenging way of making money and gaining xp than your normal RuneScape routine, and gives you something else to worry about while crossing the perilous swamps of Morytania.
Of course, every adventurer likes to feel important – so what better way than to help villagers escape the evil clutches of the vampyre horde? If you really miss the damsels in distress you can always go back to them... but have a wash first. Damsels hate swamps.
NOTE – Only players who have completed last week's quest (In Aid of the Myreque) will be able to attempt this minigame.