It was added on 17 August 2011.
Protect travellers journeying through Mort Myre in our Temple Trekking revamp, with a range of new rewards, finer control over the route through the swamp and a new, diverse set of companions who grow in experience and skill as they travel.
The pilgrims are an eclectic bunch, including mad wizards, militia members and elderly men, and have bucked up their ideas following their previous trips through the swamps. As such, they will now be able to aid in fending off any enemies that decide to cut your trip short, instead of sitting back and making you do all the hard work! In turn, you can trade them food to help them survive the arduous journey through the murky morass.
Each time you help the locals embark on this perilous journey, you’ll be rewarded handsomely in resources and XP tomes. By continuously travelling with them, you will help them to level up, unlocking new skills and items to make subsequent journeys through the swamps that little bit more interesting. The mage Pazuzu, for example, will gain the ability to secure enemies in place with Bind, weaken their defences with Vulnerability and, eventually, to destroy them with Fire Wave and a Staff of Light.
Rather than selecting an easy or hard route for the trek as a whole, you will be taken to a hub after each encounter, where you will be able to continue down an easy, moderate or difficult route. Persistently escorting and developing a particular person will build their trust in you, and will allow them to foresee the dangers that lie down the branching paths ahead; great news if you’re low on food and need a safer route home, if you’re looking for a particular piece of gear, or if you just really hate vampyres.
The rewards have also been given an overhaul and a multitude of new items have been added, including a new outfit[help] that everyone levelling Construction will find invaluable. On top of this, it is now much easier to obtain the full set of lumberjack clothes[help], which are a great help while levelling Woodcutting. These are just some of the great rewards[help] up for grabs by the tenacious temple trekker.
How to start:
- Check the noticeboard in Burgh de Rott (requires In Aid of the Myreque[help]).
- Check the noticeboard outside of Paterdomus (requires Legacy of Seergaze[help]).
Mod Chris L
In other news...
Along with the revamp of the Temple Trekking minigame, Morytania and many of its inhabitants, from the supernatural to the slimy, have received some major graphical updates.
The trees around the major cities of Lumbridge, Falador and Varrock have been made taller and more detailed than ever before in the latest of our visual improvements.
Finally, familiars no longer need to be dismissed when entering the Grand Exchange. Instead, they will be hidden until you leave the area. The familiar’s timer will also pause while you’re in the area.
RuneScape Wiki note: The links no longer work.