It was added on 26 November 2008.
Gobble, gobble, gobble; it’s a turkey invasion! For the first time ever, turkeys are seeking refuge in RuneScape to escape their holiday blues. They may have underestimated their safety here, though. This Thanksgiving weekend, we give you the opportunity to get your own turkey dinner: through combat or your keen turkey-spotting skills.
Attackable turkeys are roaming around near the major cities of RuneScape on both members’ and free worlds. Kill one and you’ll get some tasty turkey meat, but you may also be lucky enough to unlock a new Thanksgiving emote.
If killing isn’t your style, there are other turkeys lurking around in clever disguises. Find one and you’ll get a clue to the location of another. If you get a bit stuck looking for the turkeys, speak to the Cook’s brother in Lumbridge Castle and he’ll give you a book to help you keep track. Find all ten and you’ll unlock the new Thanksgiving emote.
To sweeten the deal, we’ve added a new object to the game: the cornucopia. Being a ‘horn of plenty’, the cornucopia is useful for storing food and taking up fewer inventory spaces. You can store up to 14 Hitpoints' worth of food inside, and one click will replenish your health by the amount you’ve stored. While the turkeys are visiting RuneScape, they’ll be readily available, but after the holiday you’ll have to look a bit harder for them when you kill certain birds.
This update will only last till Monday (GMT), so enjoy it while you can!
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Mod Nancy
RuneScape Developer