This official news post is copied verbatim from the RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex.
It was added on 5 July 2011.
It was added on 5 July 2011.
Excl’s first set of Top Tips focused on giving you the tools you need to make a great looking video. Whatever your budget, there’s a video editing option there for you.
In part two, Excl covers how to plan your video, how to film it, sorting out your voice acting and a key to any film since the invention of ‘talkies’ - sound.
Whether you’re looking to enter the Golden Gnome Video Awards or are just interested to know how much work goes into making a RuneScape film, take a look over on our YouTube channel.
For more details on the Golden Gnome Video Awards, check out and the official GGVA forum thread.
Mod Paul M
RuneFest team