It was added on 29 June 2011.
Ladies, gentleman, trolls and violent types, today we offer you and four friends the opportunity to be recognised as the best clan team in Jagex history, to win VIP trips to RuneFest 2011 and to test your mettle against the Jagex Pro Clan Wars team with the final goal of receiving the adulation of a baying crowd, live on stage at Runefest 2011.
We present the great RuneScape 5 v 5 tournament!
The Jagex Pro Team are the finest PvP combatants in all of Jagex. These are J-mods who eat Clan Wars for breakfast, lunch and dinner and wash it down with a cold cup of pwnage. They’re confident, dedicated and will do whatever it takes to beat you.
To win this ultimate challenge of PvP skill, your five person team must first make it through the 5 v 5 leagues before claiming victory in the ruthless knock out phase of the tournament. Only by reigning supreme here will we find the five players with the nerve and skill needed to challenge the Jagex Pro Clan Wars team.
Like the gladiatorial heroes of old, your final days will be magnificent. We’ll pay your team’s travel expenses, provide lodging in a hotel in the heart of London and award VIP RuneFest 2011 tickets to you and your team.
You’ll live like kings at RuneFest 2011 and will enjoy all of the event’s VIP benefits before taking to the main stage for the battle of your lives.
Assemble your team and sign up for the tournament soon as the first battle commences on 16th July. The tournament is limited to 2000 teams so choose your team wisely, but choose your team soon.
To find out more, learn the rules of combat, check out official 5v5 forum thread. Once you know the rules and you have your team, sign them up here.
The very best of luck!
The RuneFest Team