It was added on 9 October 2014.
This weekend you can hunt your way to the top by winning traps that last longer and earn you extra XP[help] whilst you’re catching a range of beasts.
Open Treasure Hunter chests between Friday 10th October at 01:00 UK time and Tuesday 14th October at 00:59 UK time to win Protean Traps that will help you to catch all manner of creatures to become an expert hunter!
The traps are 10% more likely to capture any creature that can be caught using a bird snare, box trap or marasamaw plant, and they last 50% longer too! If your trap catches something you’ll ensnare 125% of the Hunter XP you’d get using a normal trap and even if your trap is tripped you’ll still get 50% of the XP you’d usually get from catching something!
Plus, there’s no need to check your traps, my friends. They come equipped with a handy mechanic that catapults them into the air if they catch something or if they are tripped.
As well as the introduction of protean traps our previous protean delights are making a comeback! Open chests and you could win the whole protean range; traps, bars, and planks!
Everyone gets at least one Key per day, and if you’re a RuneScape member you get two! You can also get your hands on more through gameplay – just visit the wiki[help] to find out how, and learn a little more about Treasure Hunter at the same time.
You can also buy more Keys via the website, redeem Bonds in-game, or just select ‘Buy Keys’ when you’re in the Treasure Hunter.
The RuneScape Team