It was added on 13 March 2014.
Earn heaps of extra Agility XP with the silverhawk boots – this weekend’s prize on Treasure Hunter!
Open a chest now and you could win one of three boot pieces: silverhawk soles, silverhawk uppers, and silverhawk tongues. Win all three and combine them with 500 silverhawk feathers – also available from Treasure Hunter – and you’ll bag yourself a pair of silverhawk boots! Equip them and you’ll receive Agility XP:
- For every minute you spend running.
- Whenever you unleash an ultimate ability in combat.
- Occasionally while skilling.
When the silverhawk boots grant you XP, their charge will drain. That’s where the tradable silverhawk feathers come in – recharge your boots with up to 500 feathers. Any spare boot pieces you take away from Treasure Hunter can be converted into feathers too, so you have more ways to recharge your boots!
What’s more, you can perform a new emote while wearing silverhawk boots. The really lucky among you could even open a chest containing a fully assembled pair of boots!
Win silverhawk boots, boot pieces and feathers from Treasure Hunter between Friday 14th March 00:00 GMT and Monday 17th March 23:59 GMT. For help converting this to your local time, click here. Assembled boots and feathers will remain as prizes after these dates.
Everyone gets at least one key per day, and RuneScape members get two. You can earn more through gameplay – visit the wiki[help] to find out how, as well as for full details on the ins and outs of Treasure Hunter.
You can purchase keys here, redeem Bonds in-game, or click ‘Buy Keys’ in the Treasure Hunter interface.
The RuneScape Team