It was added on 26 October 2004.
Extra Clues and Clue Rewards
We have introduced more clues into the mix of random clues. Those who know most of the answers will now have new challenges. Due to the bigger variety of clues, we have also added some new treasure trail rewards for people to find.
Happy treasure hunting!
The Flamtaer Hammer
We have introduced a new hammer into the game which should help you with your temple building in Mort'ton. This can be bought from Razmire for 10,000 coins. You'll need slightly less people to build your temples if you have the hammer. You will still need a team, and that team can still be smaller if you have a higher crafting level, but the numbers of people you need at lower levels will be less.
This we hope will address problems we may have in the future, when the update isn't so new and less people will be in the area because they are trying out other new updates. We have also changed the rewards you get from the chests in this area. Amongst other things there has been a small increase in the chance of getting cloth.
Music Looping
We now have an extra button on the music interface. Click the loop button, and the tune you are listening to will start again when it ends.
Potion Emptying
Potions now have a right click "empty" option on them, so if you need the vials you don't have to spend a long time drinking potions to empty them.