It was added on 6 August 2010.
With two full weeks of competition left, now seems as good a time as any to have a recap of the rules, so if you’re still a little unsure what they are (or would just like to stare at Mod Mark G for two minutes), check out the latest Community Management video on our official RuneScape YouTube channel'.
Here’s a quick reminder of the prizes up for grabs:
- Big Tickets (all-expense-paid trips to the UK, during which you’ll visit Jagex Games Studio)
- A goody bag packed with RuneFest goodies (including autographed memorabilia)
- Lifetime RuneScape membership
- A coveted Golden Gnome Award (yes, a Golden Gnome that you can call your own)
Don’t forget, this video competition is open to everyone, not just those players coming to RuneFest! If you’re still hungry for more details, check out the Golden Gnomes Competition forum thread.
While visiting our YouTube channel], you might also want to check out machinima-guru-and-previous-competition-winner Excl’s own rundown of the competition. It’s an incredibly informative piece of work, not least because of Excl’s amazing use of socks.
If after those visual delights you’ve still got a question about the video competition, then you can catch our RuneScape channel masters – Community Management’s Mod Paul M and Mod MattyC [sic] – for a live Q&A session on Saturday evening at 9pm BST/forum time. It’ll be held simultaneously on the RuneScape forums and our YouTube channel, so take your pick! More information about this Q&A session can be found on the Video Competition Live Q&A forum thread.
Mod MattyC [sic]
Community Management