It was added on 15 November 2013.
Since the Well of Goodwill went live, the response from the RuneScape community has been staggering. Almost 10,000 of you have contributed so far, to a total of 240 billion in-game gold and over 4700 Bonds - that's more than $46,000 for charity already!
Huge thanks to everyone who's contributed so far! There are still 15 days to go, though, so if you haven't already, get involved! Drop your spare gold, items and Bonds into the Well of Goodwill just south of the Grand Exchange - and encourage your friends to do the same!
Today, we're adding to the list of charities that will benefit from November's donations: the Disaster Emergency Committee's Philippines Typhoon Appeal, and HART:
Philippines Typhoon Appeal
Typhoon Haiyan was 300 miles across when it struck the Philippines on the 8th of November and one of the most intense tropical storms to ever make landfall anywhere in the world. There are millions of people who have been affected, including hundreds of thousands who have been forced from their homes. Those who have survived now need urgent help including emergency shelter, clean water and food.
HART is 'not just another aid organisation'. It is distinctive in that it combines aid with advocacy, working for people suffering from oppression, exploitation and persecution who are generally not served by major aid organisations, and are off the radar screen of international media.
For full details on the charities benefitting from your donations, visit the Well of Goodwill page.
Remember - for any in-game items, gold or Bonds that you deposit into the Well of Goodwill before the end of November, we'll contribute money to charity. We'll give $1 for every 10 million in-game gold (or items of equivalent value) that are donated, and $4.70 for every Bond. It's a great way to give without denting your wallet, and it helps the RuneScape economy too. As a bonus, there are three in-game titles to earn:
- The Wishful: Any donation.
- The Generous: 10,000,000 total gold value donated.
- The Charitable: 1,000,000,000 total gold value donated.
Once again, huge thanks for your generosity so far. Keep on giving!
The RuneScape Team
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