It was added on 19 November 2013.
After trawling the forums, fan sites and the great wide internet for requests from the community, we've put together a package of improvements, many of which focus on improving the social side of RuneScape. The updates listed below will help you to interact with your friends, adventure alongside them and show off your accomplishments - your way.
Social Updates
- Beams of light now highlight drops worth 1 million or more, as well as certain rare untradeable drops such as clue scrolls and effigies. The more valuable the drop, the more awe-inspiring the beam looks!
- You'll now find a 'notes' function in your Friends and Ignore lists, helping you to keep track of who's who.
- We've added a new animation for your character, displayed when you log in.
- Many of the older emote animations have been improved.
- Members can now wear Loyalty Programme outfits on free-to-play worlds.
- Max and Completionist capes are no longer unequipped when you log onto a free-to-play world.
- A greater variety of drops and accomplishments are now announced on your Adventurer's Log, and in friends and global announcements.
- There's a new 'broadcast' filter in the main chat tab. This will allow you to see server broadcasts (such as 99 skill announcements) even if your game messaging is filtered or switched off entirely.
- Fireworks are now displayed for every 10 million XP you earn in a skill after reaching level 99.
- There are now 'hide' options for every equipment slot in the Wardrobe interface.
- There's a new 'Trade and Assistance' chat tab.
- You can now enter sinkholes while wearing the ring of kinship or the Daemonheim aura. Note that you can't teleport out of a sinkhole by using these.
We've also included a bumper batch of your most sought-after usability updates:
Usability Updates
- You can now drag and drop items onto each other to use them together, rather than having to right-click, select 'use' and then click the other.
- Food burned while cooking in Daemonheim now stacks.
- It's now possible to toggle off the quick inventory slots.
- Removing all items that you're wearing via the icon in your bank will no longer remove active auras.
- Bonus XP is now shown in the tooltip displayed when you hover over an XP progress circle, and beneath your XP total.
- Key binds (the 1-3 keys) have been added to the conversion interface used while training Divination.
- The text displayed on successful wasteless smithing is now orange.
- Familiar options will be shown in banks, even when they're toggled off.
- You can now right-click the Daemonheim smuggler and click 'collect' to receive runes. Also, if you've bound a potion, you'll get it on entering a dungeon.
- There's a new 'fill' option on the gem bag.
Please note: the Coinshare update mentioned in Mod Mark's most recent Behind the Scenes article is coming next week. We've held it back for technical reasons, to ensure it's ready for release.
Your Feedback
Each of the above is something that we've seen requested frequently, and we've delivered them with the aim of making RuneScape the game that you want to play. We'll be releasing more batches like this in the future, and we need to know your thoughts. Do you like these feedback-focused update weeks? If so, what improvements - or kind of improvements - would you like to see in the future? Mod Ryan has made a thread for you to put forward your ideas, so visit the forums now to have your say.
The RuneScape Team
Behind the Scenes Video
To meet some of the helpful ninjas behind today's update, watch our latest Behind the Scenes video:
In Other News
Bedeck yourself in bird-bothering finery with four splendid sets of wings, available from today in Solomon's General Store!
Take a look at the patch notes for other updates released today.
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